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[PRP] Sparks at the boarder (Inari/Utako)

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Fairy Snails

Battle-ready Bloodsucker

PostPosted: Fri May 01, 2015 7:05 pm
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Utako had an interest in the pride Myrsky Syntynyt. During his travels he had heard stories of the savage pride. There were different stories depending on who spoke about the pride. Some called the pride one of blood lust while others said the pride was filled with noble warriors. Utako didn’t particularly care what they were like one way or another. He was much more interested in being around them, to see if the pride was as interesting as the stories made they out to be.

He had traveled to the pride in his god form, flying high above the ground. Once he was near the border of the pride, he landed. It was still bright outside, about midday. With no one around, he shrunk down to his mortal lion form. In his mortal form he was still a rather large lion.

“Now let’s see what this pride is all about.” He said with a mischievous smirk. For the time being he planned to just stay near the border. He was sure there would be plenty for him to check out. The god began to sprint, looking forward to see what he would find.  
PostPosted: Sat May 02, 2015 8:44 am
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Inari was in a fiery mood! So far this morning she'd met up with her daughter, yelled at her thrall, did some training, and now… For the first time, she was headed to the border of the pride. The lioness was of smaller stature- not as tall as most. However, she was bulky, nearly pure muscle, and she packed powerful punches in her tiny package. She often had the advantage as she had this morning, being underestimated by her opponents and having the element of surprise through a battle at how big her blows could be. She reminisced on it as her paws took her to patrol for rogues, either foolish enough to stumble upon the place, or to challenge their way in as she once had.

She had not gotten too far outside the border before she was met with what she had been expecting- someone charging towards the pride. The brown figure was quite large, but Inari was undeterred. She was a reaver now, she had always had a fierce attitude and now her confidence was even further bolstered. She said nothing yet, but lifted her lip slightly and took a posture that enabled her to switch to attack instantly- she would warn him to turn around if he continued this way.

R4gn0r0k IV

Light Atago

Lupine Loiterer

Fairy Snails

Battle-ready Bloodsucker

PostPosted: Sat May 02, 2015 6:56 pm
It was such a nice feeling for Utako being able to stretch his legs. Flying was his main way of traveling, since it was far faster than running. However days that were nice like this were great for running. It gave him some time to really admire the scenery the ways mortals had to see it. His attention faltered when he saw the figure in the distance. He looked her way with a huge grin on his face. ‘I wonder if she is a stormborn,’ he thought. There was only one way to find out. He started heading in her direction.

The first thing he noticed about her was how intimidating she was. He was certain a mortal would turn tail upon seeing her. However his interest spiked the closer he got to her. As he got closer, he slowed down coming to a stop in front of her. He looked at her playfully, trying to look as innocent as he could. “Hello there friend!” He greeted as he looked her up and down. “I am a stranger in these parts. Am I anywhere near Myrsky Syntynyt?”

Light Atago
PostPosted: Sat May 02, 2015 7:14 pm
The lioness' lip curled even just a bit more. A cocky rogue or a lost one? Certainly not lost- he wouldn't be asking directions if he was. Was he here for a joining challenge then? It would be her first one, against a rather large figure. He was impressive, she would not be able to take him lightly. However, she was not afraid. Quite the contrary, the new reaver was full of herself, hopefully not too much. The thought of her own arrogance, though, was not one that even flitted onto her brain- she saw it as well-earned confidence. In a lot of ways, it was indeed the latter.

"I have very few friends, stranger, you aren't one of them." She said flatly and succinctly, her face half-way between a snarl and a grimace. "But you are very near the border of the Myrsky Syntynyt Pride. I am Inari, a Stormborn Reaver. Have you intentions of joining?" She asked loudly, projecting her voice. She didn't know if most rogues would have heard that they needed to fight to join. She had, but just because she had caught wind of the requirement didn't mean anyone else did.

If she knew to whom she had just said these things, she would've beat herself- fortunately for the lioness, she did not yet know his identity- ignorance is bliss.

R4gn0r0k IV

Light Atago

Lupine Loiterer

Fairy Snails

Battle-ready Bloodsucker

PostPosted: Sat May 02, 2015 8:28 pm
“Not friends yet, but I will see about changing that,” Utako said, enjoying the company so far. He was used to be an irritation. “It is a great pleasure to meet you Inari. My name is Utako. I have traveled a long ways in order to see your pride. I have heard great stories of Myrsky Syntynyt. I wanted to see what the pride was like for myself.”

He looked at her with as much charm as he could muster. “However I have no interest in joining the pride. The stories spoke of how the lionesses in this pride were as beautiful as they were fierce and how they could steal the heart of any traveler. As true as that face is, I am afraid that I am not meant to stay put.” The god spoke with a lively tone.

“If it isn’t too much of a burden, I was wondering if you would do me the honor of giving me a tour of your pride? I assume if I tried to go into the pride by myself I would encounter some trouble. I would hate to cause a disturbance.” His playful look shifted to a much more smug expression as he spoke.

Light Atago
PostPosted: Sat May 02, 2015 9:09 pm
All of the charm in the world was less useless than the relentless pounding of the waves on the cliffs of their lands, that still stood strong against the storms that frequented the lands. Inari did not budge from her location, though she did change her expression from a snarl to a more irritated look. Not yet friends? Try her. The lioness didn't make friends easily- only really with those who were her blood (who even then, sometimes didn't make her cut,) or those who she found worthy in battle- respectable enough souls to have some mint with. As he had no plans to fight her, she could not see how they would mystically become friends.

"There are many who wish they could see the lands without earning the right to do so," she responded in less of a projecting voice than a "I see where you're coming from, there's nothing more to discuss" kind of voice.

"I'm afraid you'll have to take just a memory of my pretty face with you, Utako. The only ones permitted to see our pride's lands are members, rogues who prove themselves worthy to become and stay members, fresh-caught thralls, or the gods themselves." The lioness' face was still stony, though it softened as she continued, "So unless you'd like to become a permanent participant, or can suddenly sprout wings, I'm afraid I can't let you advance any further." The last possibility was spoken with a hint of a chuckle in it- the very idea. Not necessarily that this lion in particular would be odd to turn out to be a god, but that any god would be resistant to showing himself or herself here… An amusing notion to her.

"Any attempts at a forced entrance would encounter quite a bit of resistance from me. If you managed to make it in past me, the pride would be happy to have another thrall," she said, laughter-like quality from her voice gone once more.

R4gn0r0k IV
((I am already laughing in my head at what's going to happen to her. XDD ))

Light Atago

Lupine Loiterer

Fairy Snails

Battle-ready Bloodsucker

PostPosted: Sat May 02, 2015 10:06 pm
Utako had to contain the impulse to change into his god form. Instead he gave Inari a pained look. “All I want is to look at your beautiful pride, but I guess I am not worthy of your pride or your time,” He turned away and took a couple steps away from her. “Though I have never been one to give up that easily. What kind of god would I be if I let a mortal dictate where I could or couldn’t go? “

He glanced back at Inari, giving her a playful wink. His body started to transform, wings sprouting from his shoulder blades, his horns curling out from behind his ears. He stretched his wings out as far as he could. “My wings always feel so tense after I transform.” He gave two powerful flaps of his wings before folding his wings back up.

“Inari, I think we got off on the wrong paw. Let me kindly re-introduce myself. My name is Utako, god of labyrinths.” His smirk couldn’t be any bigger. “I would like to give you the honor of being my escort. Would you be interested or should I find a more willing mortal?”

Light Atago
I had to laugh. xD
PostPosted: Sat May 02, 2015 11:10 pm
Inari was quite pleased with herself as the lion turned away. She didn't really feel any regret or remorse- allowing a rogue to come in without just keeping it as a thrall was unheard of. He was right to be denied entry, even lucky that that's all he left with.

But then he stopped. And something strange and unreal started to happen. Inari had never seen a god with her own two eyes, let alone one changing from a mortal form to an immortal one right before her eyes. Her hard expression began melting away the instant he had started to change, and frankly, her eyes didn't know which part of him to settle on. Between the wings and the horns, she'd never seen anything like it, she just drank in the sight. Her mouth hung wide open. As he flapped his wings, her slack-jaw turned into a smile. He had gotten her good- no denying that.

She had been so disrespectful! It was her natural way, and she didn't really have a choice, but… She had said such things to a god! He did not seem to care- Utako was still fairly content with himself, moreso after watchign her face, she was sure.

Inari's demeanor changed too- from standoffish to much more accommodating, perhaps one she would actually use with a friend. "No, no! I would be honored to escort you through the pride," she said, for the first time budging from her spot standing guard and approaching him. "Labyrinths… You know, you're the first god I've ever seen myself?" She would not ask him, but she wanted so bad to examine his wings- the most prominent feature of many gods. Wings she'd seen on birds, but never anything like this!

R4gn0r0k IV

Light Atago

Lupine Loiterer

Fairy Snails

Battle-ready Bloodsucker

PostPosted: Tue May 05, 2015 11:15 pm
Utako was absolutely pleased with himself. Her reaction was better than he could have hoped for. It was always interesting to see how a mortal would react to his transformation, but there was something about a lioness that seemed so cold to him have such a quick change of heart. He couldn’t help but show his pleasure on his smug face.

“That is good to hear. It would have been such a nuisance to have to find another lioness that could show me around. I would have been in a foul mood no doubt.” He said with a joking tone. “Though I do feel lucky that I did find you and you are willing to show me your pride.”

Her first lion eh? It was obvious that her pride acknowledged the gods. He wondered if they had caught word of the pride and wanted to investigate themselves. “Am I everything you imagined a god would be? I would hate to be a disappointment.”

Light Atago
PostPosted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 9:57 am
Inari pulled herself together fully before responding to him. She had a real opportunity here, how lucky had she been to be in the right place at the right time? She could have been out Viking, but today she was doing the "mundane" guard duty. Wait until she bragged to everyone she knew. Though, some would undoubtedly spot her as they went forward, so the bragging might not necessarily be necessary.

She was sure that there would be more time to check out his wings closely as she took him through the pride. Seriously, who ever saw wings that size?!

"And more," she responded to him. "I always imagined that the gods were… well. Smaller. I mean," she continued quickly, "I knew they were larger than us, but not this much larger." Even if she had wanted to keep him out, she would have found herself perfectly incapable. She wondered if even the warlord could do that. Not that they would.

Now how should they proceed? Should he come in wings-out, or should he disguise himself again? A jealous streak ran through her, she might rather he come in disguised so she could hog his attention to herself. But was it right to try to trick a god into doing what she preferred? She decided not to push that luck- best not to make one mad. And Utako, in particular, had a good amiable personality to her. "We're a rough-and-tumble group. Honestly I'm not sure whether you want to go in disguised or not. Each option is easier in different ways. There's a chance someone will want to spar with you or test your mettle." She wouldn't mind testing him, honestly, but didn't expect herself to win.

"But I'll show you all the things to see. And I'll run you by my daughter's also, she makes the best mint." She grinned toothily at the idea of how mint would affect a god, or if it even would. "Shall we?" She asked, gesturing to cross into the Pride's lands.

R4gn0r0k IV

Light Atago

Lupine Loiterer

Fairy Snails

Battle-ready Bloodsucker

PostPosted: Sun Oct 18, 2015 10:22 pm
Utako let out a laugh. “What would be the point of being a god if we weren't the grandest creatures in the land.” He said. “Though all gods do vary in size. Some are as large as me, others are barely larger than a mortal lion. It just depends on the god.” He preferred being huge, it was more impressive to him.

“I think I ought to disguise myself. As much fun as it is looking like this, I would prefer to keep the attention away from us. It will give us a little bit more alone time. It would be a shame if mortals kept coming up to us, asking me question after question or wanting to fight, not realizing that all I want to do is spend time with a gorgeous warrior lioness.” Utako said with a wink.

“Mint? I have never tried that before.” He said, trying to recall the name, wondering if it was a rare delicacy in the area. Regardless he would try some. If it tasted horrible at least he would know for future reference, he thought.

He stretched his wings out one more time before transforming into his mortal form. Going back and forth between transformations was tiring. He let out a audible yawn. “We shall.” He said with a wide grin, allowing Inari to lead the way.

Light Atago
=D Shall we start up another rp?
[IC] Rogue Lands [IC]

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