User Imagenessiaing: Krem was soaring through the sky. Tabt had given him the day off so the cream coloured bird was taking advantage of it. The updraft was amazing today so he was spreading hi wings and letting the wind carry him up.

Krem was techincally a slave but he couldn't have asked for a better owner. Tabt had won him so it had been completely by chance that he ended up with her, but she treated him like a friend.

hibi-tea: Chopoa spent most of her days lately hanging around with Orchidee, doting on one of the lion cubs she helped raised since its birth. Ment was too busy trying to help whatever her name was adjusting to her pregnant self and all those cubs that would soon show up and interrupt their lives some more. She was still rather bitter at Ment for allowing her to tag along with them and pulling them away from their usual trading circuit to help her get to the place she wanted to go. Bitter enough that she was now grooming a sleeping Orchidee instead of him.

nessiaing: As Krem drifted up and down whereever the wind took him he spotted another bird. She seemed to be with a lioness. He hesitated wondering if perhaps he should swoop down on have a visit. Krem was pretty comfortable around lions as he the pride he lived in was manly lions.

Decided it would be nice to meet a new face he went into a free fall and came down towards the duo. He let out a little chirp so that they would know he was coming down towards them.

hibi-tea: Chopoa heard the chirping, and cast her eyes to the sky, tufts of purple fur in her mouth as she cleaned out some dirt and bugs from Orchidee's head. She dropped the bright purple fur, chirping back quite actively both in curiosity and in warning. After all, Parv probably still wanted bird on the menu and since this one was of no relation to them, he could easily become a meal for her fat self.

"Hello! It's not safe here, there is a fat, grumpy lioness who wants birds for dinner. It might be best to stay away," Chopoa warned, forgetting for a moment that she was sitting on what would constitute a lioness, although she was no fat or grumpy. "Uh... It is not this one though, this one is a sweet child. It's the blue one."

nessiaing: Krem haulted his dive when he heard the other birds warning. Instead of coming right down to land by the duo he decided to settle himself in a tree branch, one that was quite far from the ground. He scanned the area looking for the lioness that the navy coloured female warned him of.

"I don't see her anywhere, surely its safe if I come only for a short visit." He was fairly confident that a pregnant fat grumpy lioness would not be able to move all that fast.

"That is if you both promise not to eat me." he siad a small chuckle in his voice, though he was dead serious about his question.

hibi-tea: Chopoa looked around to see if Parv was indeed nowhere around, and it was fact. Plucking at one of her own feathers for a moment, she looked back up to the bird and let out a small chirp, "I suppose you will be safe for a short visit. I certainly will not eat you, and she is a sweet child. She would never harm you."

Chopoa plucked at Orchidee's bright purple fur once again, picking a bug from it to snack on. Orchidee's ear twitched a moment and she shifted, resettling herself and mumbling something about how birds were family, not food.

"See? Sweet child. My child," She repeated, nuzzling Orchidee's fur for a moment before climbing down the lionesses side and plopping herself onto the ground.

She looked up to Krem with interest, and tilted her head slightly. Most birds we weary of lions and didn't notice her among the grouping so they never visited. She figured he must also live with lions if he is so bold as to come down and ask to visit. Also, it was a bit odd he asked as most birds would simply force their presence on her instead of being so polite about it.

"Where are you from? You are not Rogue, you are much too trusting," Chopoa said, picking at a feather of her puffy little chest.

nessiaing: Krem chirrped happily and hopped down in the branches getting closer and closer to the ground. Finally he ran out of branches and he lept from the finally brand and allowed himself to land neatly beside the purple lioness and the bird companion.

"I am not rogue that is true. I am member of a pride called Suka'Fumo." he told her with a nod. "To be honest I am technically a slave there, but my 'owner' doesn't treat me that way we are just friends."

"You are rogue though? But you live with lions?" She had mentioned another lioness and there was the pruple one here. "She is your sweet girl?" Krem questioned.

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hibi-tea: Chopoa clicked her beak at the idea of being labeled as a slave. Many had assumed that of her, and she was none too happy about it. She was family to these lions, and certainly no slave. They helped each other, and because of that help they were able to survive relatively well as a family unit.

"I am sorry to hear they call you slave. That's not right, but I am glad you're owner treats you well? " She commented, although she was not entirely sure if her comment was complimentary or what. She was not owned by Ment or the family. She just was and would always be apart of things.

"I am rogue, yes. Well. I was not always. We lived in a pride too, by the ocean. Then it got bigger and took our lands," Chopoa chirped with annoyance. She didn't think the water was alive before that, but when the big wave came and washed away their lands she was certain that it was alive. "I have lived with lions for a very long time now. I met my friend, Ment, when he needed my help. And he said he would protect me. And now we have this family."

She pointed over to the sleeping Orchidee, puffing up with pride at the purple girl, "She is my child. I helped raise her since she was a cub and dropped off by her birther to us. There is another cub, too. She is with Ment right now. We are family."

nessiaing: Krem smiled, it sounded like a beautiful idea. Pehaps one day Tabt would have babies and Krem would be able to hep her raise them. Krem looked forward to being around cubs, they were always such fun. It may happen sooner than he thought Tabt had been spending ore time around that silver spotted lion.

"Your family sounds amazing." He noticed that the female burd had failed to mentio the fat grumpy pregnant lioness as a member of the family, he wondered what the story there was, Before he had a chance to ask though he spotted the lioness in question starting towards them.

"Errr I think visit time is over." he said gesturing with his beak in the direction that the lioness was coming from. "My name is Krem by the way it was amazing to meet you I do hope our paths cross again soon." he told her before drifting up into the sky above the trees and back towards the SukaFumo.

hibi-tea:"I am very happy to have them," Chopoa chirped happily, her puffy self proud of how her family had turned out and the big role she had in shaping them to be the sweet lions they were.

Chopoa looked over in the direction Krem had signaled, and she did indeed see the blue of Parv's coat, being followed closely by Maua and Ment behind her, dragging something for everyone to eat from. She sighed, and turned back to Krem as he introduced himself and began to drift back into the air.

"It was nice to meet you as well, Krem! I'm Chopoa!" She called, chirping a goodbye after him. She hoped they would cross paths again soon. He seemed nice, and he understood what it was like to have lions as family and friends. It'd been awhile since she met someone who understood her situation.