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Reply [IC] Elimisha'sombea Lands [IC]
[PRP] You said WHAT (Ua, Xiu, Ai)

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Velveteen Angel

PostPosted: Fri May 15, 2015 10:16 pm
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The pale figure was lying in the longer grass, nosing through the blades in an effort to find the low growing herb that she needed. It wasn't urgent, but she was cautious about running out of herbs for the colony. Her tail flicked behind her as she hummed gently.

Her leg ached in the current position, her permanent limp would be a bit more noticeable today once she rose but that was ok. She didn't see it as a bad disfigurement. She was still alive, and her scars had all but completely faded away. She was almost normal now, her attack so many months ago now.

PostPosted: Fri May 15, 2015 10:32 pm
Velveteen Angel

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Xiu had stewed on what had happened for long enough. This was the second day she had spent wasted energy fuming over a situation she could easily remedy, and that was exactly what she intended to do.

The striped female moved about the long grasses, though without the subtle graces of a healer in search of herbs. While she was careful not to damage the plant life, Xiu did pick up speed until she was nearly upon the flowered female.

"Medic Ua," Xiu took a deep breath, trying to make herself seem as calm as possible. She had nothing against the female; just her a** of a brother. "I need to talk to you about Ai. Do you have a moment to spare?"

Painted Moose

Dapper Codger

Velveteen Angel

PostPosted: Fri May 15, 2015 10:39 pm

Ua glanced up at the arrival of the fellow medic and a bright smile covered her face. "Ah Medic Xiu! How lovely to see you," she said and pushed herself up into a sitting position. She winced slightly as her back leg protested at the move but she ignored it quickly.

However Xiu's words made her frown, her smile slipping away. "Ai? What's the matter? Is he hurt?" Her expression had changed to panic quickly.

Painted Moose
PostPosted: Fri May 15, 2015 10:50 pm
Velveteen Angel

She couldn't help, but to smile in return. Ua had an aura of love and comfort that just put Xiu at ease, no matter how little time she had actually spent with the female. It made her envious; she would never be that at ease.

On response she moved forward as soon as Ua winced, then caught herself, and shook her head. "He's alright; there's no worry there," Xiu put in dryly. "Actually, it's about what he said that has me concerned. When I approached him about cleaning his eye and his wraps he...well, he was very rude."

It felt somehow wrong to rat him out, but on the other paw...the jerk had it coming. "After calling me stranger multiple times instead of acknowledging my title, he proceeded to 'spare my womanly dreams' for Chiyo's future, which came after I went out of my way to tell him your sister was safe and happy, might I add, with a male. As soon as he found out her lover wasn't a warrior Chiyo's choices were dismissed entirely." Taking a deep breath, Xiu proceeded to recount the events to Ua, embellishing when needed, just to drive home the point. She was the proper mix of hurt, and pissed off, which didn't need any embellishment at all.

"So, after he told me my usefulness was over, I left. I was hoping you could have a talk with him, and at least explain to your brother that as a Medic my only wish is to see him well."

Painted Moose

Dapper Codger

Velveteen Angel

PostPosted: Fri May 15, 2015 10:58 pm

Ua smiled when Xiu informed her that her brother was well but the smile faded again as Xiu began to recount the story to her. Ooooh, what? There was no way Ai would ever do something like that.


He would.

Immediately after thinking that Xiu was lying, Ua realised her brother would have definitely said all of that to the female before her. Ua felt horrible immediately, and her expression became sorrowful. Her brother was in a lot of pain, not from his unseeing eye but from everything around him. It was like the entire world pained him.

But that was no excuse.

As Xiu continued her story, Ua found herself getting frustrated. Not at the female, but at her brother.

"He said all of that did he?" She said, her voice scarily calm. Her eyes held a glint that was not there before.

"I am so sorry that he was so rude to you, he owes you an apology." Her tone was sorrowful and apologetic to Xiu, and she offered her a very small smile of her own apology. "It is completely unacceptable what he said to you."

It was rather fortunate (or unfortunate, depending on who you asked) that a familiar glint of pelt caught Ua's eye at that moment.

"AI!" She bellowed, her usually quiet tone booming much like her adopted father's. "COME DOWN HERE RIGHT THIS INSTANT."

The Law-Speaker, though 100% adult now, froze in the tree branches in which he perched. He had been passing through, thinking to call on his big sister and see if she needed help collecting herbs, but after spotting the stranger with her, had decided to come see her later. His sister's tone, however, was terrifying.

Painted Moose
PostPosted: Fri May 15, 2015 11:08 pm
Velveteen Angel

"I can't say I was provoked in saying some snappy things in return, but his tone was infectious." Xiu frowned. There was something...creepy about Ua now. That comforting aura? Totally gone. It was fairly frightening.

"Oh no, that's not necessary." He better grovel. It made her wonder if he talked to everyone in the pride like that, or just her. Xiu couldn't make eye contact with Ua for a full moment as she steeled herself up for the eventual confrontation. Now that it was upon her she didn't want it; she just wanted to put it behind her like everything else.

Ua was scary enough for Xiu's ears to fall back, and a look of uneasiness to pass across her maw. He deserves it...he deserves it...what if he comes after me later? No, that wouldn't happen here. Not here!

"Ua, please, this isn't necessary. It's fine."

Painted Moose

Dapper Codger

Velveteen Angel

PostPosted: Fri May 15, 2015 11:20 pm
Ua smiled at Xiu. "Don't worry, dear, it's nothing to worry about," she comforted her, her tone warm. The warm and comforting tone was back in her voice, but it dropped away when her brother did not immediately come down from the tree.

"AI!" she bellowed, her face falling into a scowl. She walked towards the tree her brother was sitting in, her limp quite prominent and slowing her pace. Her back leg appeared to be seized up, the muscles contracted and making each step painful.

Ai hesitated in the tree, and knew that he was only delaying the inevitable by remaining in the tree. Ua couldn't climb well at the moment, especially when her back leg was aching which it clearly was today. He firmed his resolve and leaped down from the tree, landing gracefully on the ground and meeting his big sister half way, so she did not have to walk quite as far on her pained leg.

"Yes sister?" He asked, his tone cold but cautious.

"I have heard from Medic Xiu that you were very disrespectful to her," Ua said firmly, her tone chilled and her eyes narrowed. "You owe her an apology."

Ai snarled. "Very mature," he spat at Xiu over Ua's head.

"AI!" Ua barked, her tone frigid now. "I was there when you were born, I have seen you from your first breath, and I have never been more disappointed than I am in you right now." She locked gazes with her brother. "Apologize to Medic Xiu. She is you equal in this pride, not an enemy."

"Why should I apologise?" Ai snarled, his teeth bared in obvious anger. Ua was right in his face now, standing almost toe to toe with a male who was almost double her size. She met his gaze straight on.

"Because that is the male you are," Ua said sharply. She could remember a sweet boy, someone who would cuddle with their sisters when they were scared at night, especially in the storms. The little boy who would shadow their father everywhere, but still fought to keep his eyes awake at night to sit with their mother. He was so sweet, until the battle. "Ai, she doesn't deserve your anger," she said softly, placing a paw over his.

Ai hated Ua in that moment. For yelling at him, for disrespecting him in front of a strange, and most of all, for being right. He huffed, but the anger in his posture had faded.

"I apologize, Medic Xiu, for my earlier comments and my misplaced anger," he said stiffly, not meeting Xiu's eyes or really looking at her at all.

Ua beamed, and affectionately nuzzled her brother's chin. "Good boy!"

Painted Moose
PostPosted: Fri May 15, 2015 11:34 pm
Velveteen Angel

Every pained step Ua made towards that damn tree put another nail in Xiu's guilt. He needed to be spoken to, honestly, but maybe she should have gone to their father instead? Though, she had yet to meet him, and there was no way she was getting near his mother. She had a dead stare that chilled her to the bone.

Walking behind her, Xiu made sure to keep enough distance so as not to get involved in the talk down than she had to be. Though, at this point, she wanted to be. "That's rich, coming from you," she snarled in return. A lesson on maturity? From him? Puh-lease.

Honestly, she didn't feel like she was his equal. Xiu had been crawling her way into a decent position from the moment she entered this colony. She had built a no nonsense reputation with a good work ethic to back it up.

And this a*****e was ruining everything.

When Ai's anger seemed to get the better of him, Xiu immediately shrunk back. For all of her blustering she hated confrontation. The very moment she saw his fangs the female hunkered down out of instinct, his defensive eyes shifting to that of practiced submission.

She averted her eyes; looking anywhere but at him. "It's fine. Really, it's fine." Every so often she would flick her eyes at him and then look away, subtly backing away from both of them with her tail tucked firmly between her legs. "I shouldn't have pushed you. I'll just...I'm just going to go now."

Painted Moose

Dapper Codger

Velveteen Angel

PostPosted: Fri May 15, 2015 11:41 pm

Ua could hear Xiu backtracking and she spun around, a look of concern on her face. "Oh dear, are you ok?" She felt horrible, maybe she should have talked to Ai without her present, she seemed so afraid.

Ai watched her, his eye cold, but curious. Why was she so afraid? Yes he was bigger than both of the females, but despite his anger, he would never hurt a female. Not his sister, nor medic Xiu. She was irritating and pushy, but he wouldn't hurt her.

"It's fine," Ai said coldly. "I will be the one to leave," he turned around to go back up the tree.

"No!" Ua huffed. "Ai you owe her a better apology than that. Seriously, he is not a bad guy, he's just being a moody buttface," she assured Xiu, ignoring Ai's noise of indignation at the name.

Painted Moose
PostPosted: Fri May 15, 2015 11:50 pm
Velveteen Angel

"I'm fine, it's fine." Xiu couldn't stop shaking. Even while trying to make herself stand a little straighter she still exuded an air of nervousness. She had to keep reminding herself that Ai was an orange, not red; that damnable red.

"Just stop!" The leopardess couldn't take it anymore. She looked between the two of them, and took a deep breath. "Sorry, I shouldn't have raised my voice, but...Yes, he is a moody butt face, but this isn't his fault." Xiu motioned to herself in a vague, hurried gesture. Who was she fooling? Maybe she just wasn't cut out to live around others. No matter where she went bad things still happened. A curse was a curse, no matter the place.

"Ua, look after his eye. The fluids his eye is producing to counteract irritants seems to have caused the covering to stiffen, and I'm afraid it will stick. Just...do something with it."

Turning away from both of them, Xiu walk off with no particular destination in mind; just anywhere to gather her thoughts.

Painted Moose

Dapper Codger

Velveteen Angel

PostPosted: Fri May 15, 2015 11:57 pm

Ua watched the female carefully, watching the shaking and feeling simply horrible. At her medical directions, she glanced back at her brother and squinted. She could see the cause for concern and she kicked herself for not noticing it sooner.

"Thank you Medic Xiu!" she called after the female who was walking away before turning back to her brother.

"What was that about?" Ai grumped.

"It's called 'you are horrible at talking to girls', Baby Brother," Ua huffed at him. "You are lucky I don't go find Scheherazade and tell her about this." Both of them knew she wouldn't do that. Not because it wasn't serious enough, but because Scheherazade was fighting her own demons. She didn't need to fight Ai's too.

"Now bend down so I can reach your face and let me look at your wound," she demanded, feeling awfully short compared to her younger brother. "Damn tall genes," she grumbled and began to fuss over the covering, noticing with amusement that Ai's good eye was directed in the direction which Medic Xiu disappeared.

"Males," she grumbled.


Painted Moose
[IC] Elimisha'sombea Lands [IC]

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