Do you think we should be able to list more than 5 couples? |
Yes |
41% |
[ 26 ] |
No |
43% |
[ 27 ] |
Never given it much thought |
14% |
[ 9 ] |
Total Votes : 62 |
Posted: Sat May 16, 2015 8:41 am
Personally I don't know how much the MCCL is looked at by colourists, but I use it a lot personally to reference my breeding forms, instead of saving the formats in my teepee. But I really don't see why it needs to be a 5 couple max for each person, and I would love to be able to add all my couples to my post giving them all fair chance at being CCed.
Posted: Sat May 16, 2015 9:45 am
I like this idea of having more than 5 couples up in MCCL personally.
Maybe not have all couples but maybe upping the amount. 10 couples? Or 8 couples?
Posted: Sat May 16, 2015 10:29 am
Why have a max number of couples at all though?
Personally I have 16 couples and I've never won a breeding raffle. I've got one Soq from '09 though honestly I was never an active member until '12 but in 2/3 years never to have won a raffle I would like to think I could list my couples on the MCCL as two of my couples have been CCed...
Posted: Sat May 16, 2015 12:58 pm
Technically you can have more than five couples if another person you have a breeding with posts that couple instead.
I think possibly the reason they might have cut it down to five pairs per post would to keep it easier on those with slower internet for loading pages.
Posted: Sat May 16, 2015 3:19 pm
If load in time is the reason for the limit. that can be fixed now. At the time the list was indoctrinated we did not have spoiler bars. Since these so easily hide images you do not want immediately loading in, the answer is right there.
Also, most of us have computers and net that can handle the heavy image load. I personally think it's something us B/Cers just get used to needing eventually. We all realize our hobby can be taxing on a computer or internet connection that can't handle it. Having the proper tools makes what we do much more enjoyable.
Posted: Sat May 16, 2015 3:47 pm
Would like to know the opinion of those voting no on the poll.
Spoilers are a way to stop image heavy page loading so I do not see that as a problem anymore.
Also yes, I can ask my breeding partner to list the couple however one of those couples are and they don't update the month all that often, in fact it was last year, though they are still active on Gaia. Also I have another two couples where the other partners post is full also, so that isn't possible or would mean a lot of altering/shifting about.
Posted: Sat May 16, 2015 5:20 pm
I am unsure how it works in the forums, but in the guilds, at least, everything under a spoiler still loads once the user goes to the page, regardless of whether or not it is open.
(This is not a for or against; just clarifying since it was brought up twice now.)
Posted: Sat May 16, 2015 8:01 pm
I'm one of the No votes, and part of that is because I think having no limit might cause the MCCL to get even LESS use than it already does.
As it is, assuming every person with a post in the MCCL has five couples in their post, that makes a whopping 75 couples per page. The likelihood of that happening isn't exactly stellar, since some pages have deleted posts and it's not exactly a given everyone has five couples, but the possibility of it happening is still out there.
At some point, fishing through all those couples is going to become more of a strain on the colorists than just doing a good old-fashioned breeding raffle. Colorists may not want to pull up the MCCL at all, because if they do they have to wait for everything to load and then once it has, there is a ridiculous amount of scrolling to do to find even one or two pairs they might like to color kids for.
Five couples per person is fairly generous, and even if you don't want to host your forms in your teepee, it isn't that difficult to find other places for them. Before hosting mine in my teepee, I kept them in notepad documents on my laptop. In another shop, I keep all my breeding forms in a thread in my personal guild. For a request thread, I have a thread in the test forum that I keep some profiles in.
All of these are easy options available, and some of them are still easily accessible if you're on mobile!
In addition, there are people in the B/C who still have slow connections due to where they live. I have a close friend who lives out in the middle of nowhere and has a monthly bandwidth limit. While her internet speed isn't exactly bad, the bandwidth limit means loading pages with lots of images can eat through what she has available, and could render her without internet for a few days if she goes over. :T
Posted: Sat May 16, 2015 9:12 pm
I voted no simply because I feel that if there was unlimited entries allowed, it would be daunting/overwhelming. I personally look at the MCCL like I do with raffles; you enter who's priority.
I don't think the reasoning behind the rule is bandwidth related, it's probably to keep the list under control / fair / benefit of the colorists. I'm sure when the list was created the staff talked about it and agreed to the limit.
Posted: Sat May 16, 2015 9:23 pm
Honestly, I'm on my cell phone most of the time. If I had to scroll through ten posts with 20+ couples, or my phone had to even load those posts? Lolnope. I'd end up being one of the unfortunate people who wouldn't update their post and would get deleted.
Also, there definitely are people who have 20+ couples, and people who don't. I'm not saying that having more couples necessarily makes you more likely to get CCed, but it means you have more variety and more to choose from. So in a way, the numbers game comes in with fairness. If I entered all 23 of my couples, including flings, it may seem a little discouraging to the person who only has one couple to enter.
Even if they did change the rule, I don't think I'd go over five. I feel like your MCCL is for couples you have on the top of your priority list, or at least that's how I use it. If I entered all of my couples it'd be like just desperately groping for ANY breeding I can get, even of it isn't one that has been waiting for a while/trying in raffles.
Posted: Sat May 16, 2015 9:48 pm
It's already a pretty hefty number of images per page, honestly. 8'D That's a lot to take in, not even counting on internet usage--it's just kinda visually overloading, y'know? Plus, having to wade through even more couples than are currently there would be...sort of a cluster, really. :c Honestly, it'd be hard for me to actually go through it if there were more than the five right now. And...really, five's kinda. plenty. Entering a whole bunch of them at once doesn't do anything for your chances, it just. makes it harder to go through the list, imo. The current number is a pretty solid amount in terms of feasibility, and it's also just easier on folks who're doing things on mobiles like how I do sometimes. I can barely load the MCCL on that thing as it is. 8'>
that and there's visual fatigue to take into account when it comes to colorists browsing through it. I know I wouldn't be able to go through ~15 posts of 20+ pairs. 8'I That's a shitton of pones.
So yeah. voted no. v':
Posted: Sat May 16, 2015 11:40 pm
Personally I don't do anything on my phone that is image heavy/text heavy simply because I myself can't handle working on a smaller screen and scrolling through it all so when I have to update my MCCL post I do it at home on my laptop.
I suppose I am use to having a connection/laptop that'll load each page within 5 seconds so I don't think about that.
I don't know if it'd help but if a new MCCL thread was started people still interested would post again, even with deleted posts there are a lot of posts which have not been updated since last year and that would help reduce the number of Soquili for colourists to look through, though would of course make page loading harder as they would then be condensed down.
Could the limit be increased to 10 perhaps? Also I don't think listing all my breedings is like 'groping for ANY breeding' I have couples I change all the time in raffles simply because of colourists or unedited slots, I change flings in and out because I have other things lined up after and I don't like to think I was holding other people up because of it, including those with plots. I move LM's in and out because they are some of my most beloved characters...Also I am in two minds to take down from the MCCL one of my couples which are nearly LL simply because they may have more chance getting a LL slot on a raffle and all that time given to LL status used better than getting CCed from the MCCL when I could list a 'younger' couple instead, so priority changes for that reason also.
Posted: Sun May 17, 2015 5:57 am
I've never had an issue with the 5 pair limit, it seems a good number. Yes it can take some juggling for priorities but so do regular breeding slots. Those with more Soquili and those that RP/plot more than others are going to have more pairs and a bit more difficulty with that balance. I wouldn't mind a couple extra spots for some of my newer pairings, it would help keep me from forgetting the poor dears too. sweatdrop
If the limit is increased I think maybe a couple more slots, but 10 seems like a lot.
I do like the idea of restarting the thread. It has been around for a while now and 20 something pages is a lot to wade through.
Posted: Sun May 17, 2015 1:23 pm
I'll start with, I'm one of the people who hasn't updated since last year. I currently don't have a computer so I'm moble only and getting in to update is daunting. And it isn't just image loads, it's huge forms and a curser that jumps with the slightest touch and sometimes randomly pastes in the middle of my work, or trying to copy big sections or put generation links in. I haven't updated my teepee or really RPed either for the same reasons. I'm here, I love Soq, and I don't want to miss out. But I'm limited. Half the time i barely manage to enter for stuff now. That doesn't mean I think others should have to be held back due to my limitations, but don't discount that there are people who love this shop and can't afford 'the proper tools'.
Posted: Sun May 17, 2015 6:08 pm
The current limit is because some of our colorists have slower graphics and cannot scroll through image intense pages such as the MCCL if too many ponies are on a single post. Thus, the limit of Five being a nice flat rate for most things to prevent things from crashing on those who will actually be using it. What you're looking for is a "Breeding Tracker", and that is often personally done: you can make one in the plot pages, or even in a guild you own yourself. I personally have one you can see here as an example! biggrin http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=24284233If there were more... Not only would even fewer colorists look at it due to crashing, but it'd be harder for those of us who CAN Do image intensive pages because there'd just be far too much for us to dig for. In honesty, it might get more use IF we reduced the limit to Two or Three as it would take much less time to flip through and see if a pair we like is on an actually active and updated post.