Please review the information below, as they are the rules we abide by here in this guild. If you have any issues with these rules, please speak with the captain or crew member so they may better explain them to you and why they are necessary.

- Activity is key, and detrimental to this guild. Without it, your fellow guildees lose interest, and with lost interest things die out. And we don't want that, nor desire that. We want things fun, interesting, and flowing to the point you want and desire more. If you are unable to role play for any length of time, please contact a member of the crew and or captain to inform them why...Also tell them approximately when you will be returning. Try to be as specific as possible, as generalizations only tend to hold others back and it isn't fair to them that you may be involved with. .

- You are to respect one another out side of any role playing areas. If you feel you are not being respected, or having issues with another player. Please hash it out through PM and not blast them on the boards. Keep the drama out. If you can't hash things out, then please by all means contact the captain and or crew to help you resolve the issue.

- Please understand that some underage children may be present in the guild. I am not saying they are knowingly here, but people tend to lie about their age to enjoy a game. With that in mind, when role playing...Though language is not really a concern at this present time...Sexual content is. Though this guild theme does have some heavy sexual content, please be mindful not to give a full on detailed play by play. Some times scenes may get heated, but we possibly could have some minors present so please be mindful of it and time lapse if you think it will get to graphic.

- All characters are welcome here, so long as they are one of the following... Vampire, Half breed(you need permission first for these as they are extremely rare), human, and or lesser. Please start out with only one character...Should you think you can handle more then one, then you create more, with the limit of 3 each member once you have established an active tread with in the guild. If you fail to maintain them properly and leave one or more hanging for too long...You will be asked to retire your characters, and pick only one to play until it is seen you can remain active on a fairly regular basis. You are not allow to role play for anyone, until your character has been approved. You can create an original work, and or piece from the Book Character list provided by the guild captain. All character apps must be completly filled out, and in their own separate thread with in the character creation sub-forum. Do not move, speak for, nor do anything to another character without out that character's player's permission.

- Absolutely no god moding what so ever. It kills the mood and interest faster then inactivity. Everyone has weakness, and hence you need to play off on those weakness of yours. Everyone has strengths but there is no superman and or incredible hulks. Everyone can be killed at some point. Learn to take hits, and play off injuries...It gives you more to work with in the long run. Everyone makes mistakes and no one...I mean no one is perfect. And don't think you can always land every hit either.

- If you have questions about what this guild is about. Contact the captain, as he will explain everything to you. Enjoy!