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-Character Information-

Full Name: Wrath Son Of Wrath

N i c k n a m e s: Wrath, The Blind King

T i t l e s: King, Leader Of The Black Dagger Brotherhood

A g e: 350yrs

G e n d e r: Male

H e i g h t: 6'9"

Physical Description: Standing at six feet nine inches tall, Wrath is nothing to sneeze at. He is a well muscled individual, that is intimidating as hell. He has long dark hair, and palest of green eyes as he is for the most part blind. But don't let that disability fool you. He is one hell of a deadly fighting machine as he uses his other senses to assist him where his vision fails. He has his royal lineage tattoo down his arms in the old language. He looks like the king he was by birthright and the solider he’d become by destiny.

r a c e: Vampire (Last Purebred Vampire.)

-Combat Information-

S t r e n g t hes: (With in reason) Extremely skilled and vicious fighter, even outside the racial abilities he has inherited through his species. He is well respected and revered by his people. Wrath is the perfect leader: strong, brutal when necessary, possessing both logic and passion in his pursuit to preserve his race.

We a k n e s s: (Everyone has them.) He is mostly blind, and is forced to rely on his other senses...That and his loyalty to his people without fail to the end.

W e a p o n (s): Hira Shuriken (throwing stars), and a set of black daggers.

P o w e r (s): Racial abilities like rapid healing, dematerialization/teleport, superior senses, superior strength, and speed.

-Background Information.-

Wrath son of Wrath is the last purebred vampire in the world, and king to entire vampire race. However, he is not desiring that title so to speak even though there is little say in the matter. He much prefers standing beside the selected warrior class of vampires known as the Brotherhood. Vampire warriors whose sole mission in life is to protect their race from the lessen society and any outside threats. He leads them, and though currently few in numbers, Wrath doesn't let the vampires dwindling numbers slow him or them down. His personal story is his own, and outside of the fact that his beloved parents were murdered in front of him by the lessening society...Wrath isn't the type to be all touchy feeling. No, he is the type that enjoys kicking a** and taking names. He currently however is mated to Marissa out of duty...However he takes no pleasure with her. He in truth can stand to be around her. Not because of who or what she is...He in truth thinks she deserves better, it is just he feels no attraction nor desires her. The only time he is ever really with her is when he can no longer go without feeding. And it is a brief time, before he is so wired up that he hits the streets again looking for Lessers.