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-Character Information-

Full Name: Phury Son Of Ahgony

N i c k n a m e s: Phury

A g e: 237yrs

G e n d e r: Male

H e i g h t: 6' 6"

Physical Description: With long Multi-colored wavy hair with blonds, reds and browns, Phury is defiantly different from his identical twin Zsadist in appearance for the most part. The only different really is the lack of a scar unlike his twin and the hair. He is well built and a muscler fighter. He is athletically fit, and is missing part of his leg. He doesn't let that slow him down, as he goes in regular to Havers to get it fitted with a new prosthetic so that he is able to continue the fight along side his brothers.

r a c e: Vampire of the warrior class

-Combat Information-

S t r e n g t hes: He is a calm fighter, and is a deadly one at that. He is able to keep his cool in the heat of things and is a rather persuasive speaker.

We a k n e s s: His brother is his greatest weakness. He fears for him and would do anything to protect him. Including shooting his own leg off. However, when he does get stressed out he likes to stoke up with some red smoke. A drug that soothes and calms him. Don't move to fast when that high hits, as it does limit your ability to function normally until it wears off.

W e a p o n (s): A pair of custom guns besides his set of black daggers..

P o w e r (s): Racial abilities like rapid healing, dematerialization/teleport, superior senses, superior strength, and speed.

-Background Information.-

After his identical twin was taken from the family when he was but a babe,and once he was an adult...Phury spent a century searching for his brother. He later heard rumors of a man the size of a warrior...As not all vampire men are created equal, was seen in a wealthy vampiress' house. When he managed to weasely his way into her life as a potential lover..Though he was not interested in the slightest, he found out that she indeed had his brother and that she had been using him as a blood slave. Enraged, Phury broke his brother out...And after he and his brother fought for their freedom, they plummeted to the sea blow a cliff that stretched out from the woman's home after Phury shot his leg off. For as they fell, his brother already wounded with a vicious gash to his face, began to fall further. However Phury caught him, but not without suffering. His leg got caught int he cliff face. He shot his leg off to free them and escape the would be captors again. After the salt water sealed their wounds shut...Forever disfiguring Zsadist and his own leg...Phury did what he could to protect his brother. They were later then found and taken in by the brotherhood...Both were trained and eventually inducted into the brotherhood. It wasn't until modern medicine came around, that Phury was able to get a man made limb that gave him the ability to walk again...And there by joining his brothers in fight for survival.