Lahi was lounging and watching over her brother Phlox. The purple cub knew that her brother was special, she wasn't sure if anyone else in the family had realized it yet but she knew and that meant she was going to keep an extra close eye on him. She wanted to make sure that he didn't get himself into any trouble.

Phlox put his ears back a little when he noticed that his sister was still hovering. Unline his sister he didn't think that there was anything special about him and didn't understand why his purple sister always felt a need to watch over him and stay close. "Lahi stop it go away, I am fine." he told his sister as he tried to walk away.


Mpira and Danu were doing what Mpira and Danu did best; getting on their father's last good nerve. Joto loved his children, don't get him wrong. He was very pleased with them, even with Lahi coming out all purple as she was. She wasn't dark in color, and that really was the important thing. He could deal with one solid colored cub. What he could not deal with and had forgot was a part of their growing life, was how annoying they were and how needy they were at this age.

His last offpsring had bee Kizuka and her sister, and they were taken care of primarily by their mother. But this batch was shared parenting between him and Jugnu as both served on Council, and at least one needed to be with the children at all times. Today was his turn.

He growled at both Mpira and Danu, who kept biting at his tail and legs to get him to play with them, and pushed them away from him with his foot, "Stop that! I'm not a chew toy! Go teeth on your siblings!"


Phlox had been heading towards his father when he heard his dad give out a growl of warning. He smiled a little. He wasn't sure why but his dad's angry was funny to him. Changing his pace he moved faster and came right up to his dad. "Daddy daddy daddy." he chirped excited at the prospect of a day with his father. His mom was often more caring and would play with them but Daddy was funnier. "Can you tell us a story?" he asked coming up towards his father right up into his face.

Lahi let out a sigh and took off after her brother. Out of all her siblings she seemed to be the only one that understood that her father needed peace and quite. She actually preffered the days with her dad, even though she knew her mom loved her and would give her anything she wanted Lahi could never help but feel like she was a little bit of a disappointment compared to her siblings who had mostly white coats. "Hush Phlox don't bother him." she scolled her brother. Looking towards her father with adoring eyes.


"Listen to Lahi," Joto muttered, as he pushed Mpira and Danu away again with his foot. Both had stopped chewing on him, and instead liked this new game where they got shoved out of the way are mild speeds. The types of small games that seemed thrilling at the time, because they didn't get the chance to go anywhere else where there were more thrilling activities.

Danu grimaced at her father, as she rushed back up to him leg and grabbed hold of it, determined to ride it as he tried to push them out of the way once again, "But that's not fun. Stories are fun. Let's do what Phlox says."

"Yeah! What Phlox says!" Mpira chimed in, getting pushed towards the cubs bedding and ending up with some grass and sapling twigs in his little tuft of hair.

Joto sighed heavily, and rolled his eyes. Trying to jiggle Danu off his leg, but failing. He was mildly impressed with her strength at this young of an age, but that didn't stop the fact that her insistence in riding his leg wasn't an annoyance. Couldn't they all be quiet and good, like Lahi?

"Fine, fine. If I tell you a story, will you all be still and listen like good children should? Yes?" He bargained, looking Mpira, Phlox and Danu in the eyes. He knew Lahi would behave herself. She had been behaving herself since birth.


Lahi beamed with pleasure when her dad pointed out the her brothers and sister that she was infact the good kid. "Yea Phlox you should listen to me I will always look out for you." Lahi didn't know how she knew that her brother was special nor did she understand how no one else had picked up on it but she knew that he would need her.... maybe not yet but he would nad she would be there.

Phlox scowled at his sister, she really was no fun. He looked at Danu riding their daddy's leg and immediately wanted to join her. He made a movement to had that way but then his father announced he would tell them a story he stopped. He planted his butt firmly on the ground committed to sitting still if his father would tell them the story. In tuth though it probably wouldn't last that long as soon as his rump hit the ground it began to itch to move again.