Drury (nessiaing):
Drury had settled Ummi it had been a little while since she had been injured and Drury had brought her to be close to Kip and her family. A family that was now bustling with more activity with the arrival of more cubs. Drury worried that perhaps his and Ummi's presence would be putting more pressure on the small family but for now he knew it was the safest place he and Ummi could be. He came out into the open the sun beating down on him. He smiled feeling a little more at ease. The first time since his mom had died he felt like thing might jsut be okay. Just maybe things would be alright and he might just be happy.

Kipenzi (Painted Moose:
There wasn't a fiber of Kipenzi that wasn't alive with some sort of energy. The lithe lioness was absolutely thrilled! Five more grandcubs, and each as healthy as their mother. It was a blessing, one that Uongo was still trying to adjust too. It was amusing to see her son, who had raised a litter already, stumbling about simply because this time they were his by blood. Maybe it was the resemblance that gave him the jitters? Shaking her head, she left the new family to care for the little ones, and after checking in on Ummi, the spotted dancer went to Drury. It was odd thinking about him as a sort of fixture in their little rogue land unit, but Kipenzi rather liked it. It gave them all a sort of stability needed to really thrive out here. So when she found him under the sun, she just smiled brighter. "So, do I look like a grandmother? To three litters, no less?"

Drury (nessiaing):
Drury grinned when the voice of the pink lioness rang in his ear. The amount of comfort he got from Kipenzi's precense was unreal, in no way could he explain it. He felt a little guilty feeling this much comfort from a female that use to be his brother's mate but in a way there was no one better to understand him than Kipenzi. He turned so that he was facing her so that they would be able to talk easier. "You look young enough to be their mother." Drury told her with a smile. It was true Kipenzi may be a grandmother but she certainly didn't look like an old lioness by any stretch of the imagination. "I suppose if you are old enough to be a grandma...I could be a grandpa." he said trailing off. He was barely a father but he did have kids a little later in life than most.

Kipenzi (Painted Moose:
Preening under such a compliment, the cheeky lioness grinned and reached up to fluff her cheeks. "How sweet! I did have my first litter young, so hopefully I won't look like a real grandmother for a long time." Although, she did love the position. She was able to spoil the little ones rotten, and give them back to their parents when they started to fuss.

Kipenzi reached over to playfully shove at his shoulder. "There's no shame in that, is there? Your cubs played with mine, ignoring the fact that I had an older litter, but it's still in the same zone. Besides, you're younger than I am. You've plenty of time yet to be a grandfather." She clucked her tongue and teased. "So don't push your luck. Oh! Speaking of cubs though, have you seen them yet? Two sets of twins, Drury! And both are girls. Four little girls, and one boy."

Drury (nessiaing):
Drury couldn't help but grin at the excitement of his frienf, an growing family was exciting and he imagined that his mom would have been over the moon had she been around to meet his little ones, particularly Ummi who looked so much like her it was unreal. "I saw them but I must admit they were a sleeping ball of fur at the time, it was a chalange to pick out what fur belonged to who." he told her with a chuckle. To him there was nothing cuter than cubs when they were still new, little balls of fluff who slept together in a heap. "Poor little guy is the odd man out, though I suspect he will get extra attention from grandma being the only boy." he said with a wink. "I suppose there is still much time to be a grandfather, my cubs are still young I don't want them being parents anytime soon." he said with a nod, he couldn't imagine anyone of his cubs being mated or a parent not for a long time yet. "Perhaps I may eve be a father again some day." he jested.

Kipenzi (Painted Moose:
Kipenzi nodded along. She had to agree, it was hard to distinguish them when they were this little, all except for the girl with the pink spots. It filled Kippy with pride to see some of her coming out in her grandcubs.

"He's got two fathers as well, so I'm sure he'll be fine." Of course that little boy was going to be spoiled! Why wouldn't he? She just hoped his sisters loved him and doted on him instead of being little terrors. "Well, in the meantime you can practice being a grandfather with them. I'm sure Kiuma, Kule and Uongo would appreciate it."

How odd it was to have a daughter-in-law who had twice as many litters as herself, but Kipenzi really didn't want it any other way. Tapping her claw to her lip, she gave Drury a good look over and started to walk around him. "Let's see...proven loyal son, good dad, healthy, family oriented...easy on the eyes..." She came to a stop back in front of him. "I say you've got a fair shot."

Drury (nessiaing):
Drury let out a good laugh, he was impressed with how comfortable Kipenzi had become wiht him. He may have even blushed a little when she mentioned that he was good looking. "What of you my dear Kipenzi do you think you will have more little ones of your own." He knew that Kipenzi had already had two litters, but he also knew of many lionesses who had quite the number of litters. He wondered ideally what Kipenezi saw for herself in the future. He wasn't sure why he cared but suddenly he wondered if perhaps her future might contain him. It was word to have these thoughts about his brothers ex but he couldn't help himself.

Kipenzi (Painted Moose:
The question left Kipenzi opening her mouth, then frowning as she contemplated. "Honestly? Having more cubs sort of terrifies me," she shrugged, looking a little uncomfortable. "It shouldn't, right? I love them, I really do, but after what happened with my last litter...."

Memories of being kept underground in tunnels, with no access to the outside world, for three months came back to her. She still to this day had no idea how she ever made it back home. Kipenzi couldn't even sleep in a den now for fear of that grey male returning, and it had taken her ages to be able to speak with males outside of her family again. Even her younger sons had been a challenge. They probably hate me by now.

"Who knows though, right? Maybe one day, but I think I'm pretty solid with being a grandmother right now." She would need a guy she felt comfortable enough around to even considering mating, let alone parenthood. An image of a red maned, winged male shoved itself in, but she blamed that on actually speaking to him. "I think I would like to try finding my sister while I'm out here. She had amnesia the last time I saw her, and I haven't been able to find her for a while."

Drury (nessiaing):
Drury cursed himself a little for bring up motherhood to her again, he had heard a little about what had happened to the dear pink female while she had been out of the pride. He had never wanted to ask her questions about it though and he certainly hated that he had brought the thoughts back to her head. "I will always be with you know Kipenzi I don't want you to fear anything." Not to long ago Drury had been the one that needed all kinds of support but now that he was out of the pride he felt a new strength within him. He could protect his daughter and this female. He felt like he could do it all. "Perhaps when Ummi heals, we could help you find your sister." he said. His voice giving away the fact that he was infact nervous to offer, he didn't want her to turn him down.

Kipenzi (Painted Moose:
"You're too kind to me, Drury." And he really was. Kipenzi knew that her life was always stuck on the presupposes of change without ever really doing anything, so she shouldn't be so nervous. Being around Drury though gave her comfort. He was familiar, but oh so new at the same time. Ekuweme had been her strength through the rough times, as she had been his, but that time was gone now.

Now she had Drury.

And...was he nervous? It certainly sounded that way and Kip didn't even want to tease him about it. She was too touched for that. "I would really like that. Thank you so much." Looking around, the spotted female made a mental note of something and took a running dive with it. "Do you...It would be a waste to go back now. We might wake Ummi or the cubs, so I was thinking maybe we could just relax here for a while."

Drury (nessiaing):
"You know a nap in the sun is exactly what I was thinking I needed." Drury said warmly. His nervous calmed instantly and he relished the thought of possibly having a bit of a snuggle with Kipenzi. He wasn't sure if it was something he should really desire but he did and was willing to take a chance to get it. He found a nice patch of grass and laid down, hoping that she would come lay beside him. He bowed his head down with his eyes shut so that she didn't feel pressured and waited before falling into a blissful sleep.

Kipenzi (Painted Moose):
She waited patiently as he found his spot so that she could claim her own. It was close, not so close that they were touching, but when she leaned over she could feel the brush of his mane against her neck. Kipenzi closed her eyes on a smile and faded away into sleep.