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-Character Information-

Full Name: Bella Blooded Daughter Of Rampoon

N i c k n a m e s: Bell, Bella

A g e: Unknown

G e n d e r: Female

H e i g h t: 6' 1"

Physical Description: Tall and elegant, much like that of the aristocratic linage that she was born of is not one for fighting...She is more of a guarded treasure at times, especially by her brother Rehv. She is regal, and has gorgeous sapphire in color eyes. Bella has no known flaw at this time.

r a c e: Vampire

-Combat Information-

S t r e n g t hes: She is loyal to a fault, and an extremely determined woman. She is knows all the customs and duties of being a member of high society, though enjoys taking off those shoes from time to time and running free.

We a k n e s s: She is a bit too adventurous at times, and lacks the ability or skill rather to fight.

W e a p o n (s): Outside her naturally inherited skills of her kind, she has nothing.

P o w e r (s): Racial abilities like rapid healing, dematerialization/teleport, superior senses, superior strength, and speed.

-Background Information.-

Rehvenge’s younger sister, and daughter of Rampoon...Bella has been cherished and well guarded for most of her life. She is a rare gift to her family, but feels a bit smothered by them. She has an unknowing desire for danger, and living on the edge. Bella is a female of worth from the highest level of aristocracy and lived a privileged life. She is almost royalty, or as close to it as one with in her society can get without actually being it. Rehvenge is her protector and the provider ever since her father passed onto the fade. She doesn't know her brother is a half-breed symphath, nor in truth would she care as he is the head of their family. She loves her brother and her mother with all her heart. She just longs for something.....More...