Hello. I like lists. Well, I like paragraphs too, but i'll try to make this short n' sweet.

The nicknames people use for me are Flower, Flow, Hallow, and Kat (FFlaw in chatrooms or when texting)
my favorite genres are rock, rap-rock, alternative, and dubstep
I love reading, I have several bookcases chock full of books, and that's still not enough for all my books.
I am a girl, which isn't always obvious since I have a habit of dressing my avi somewhat boyish sometimes.
I'm an aspiring artist - I'm not very good currently. I've been practicing my entire life.
I like.. um.. angry/violent music. Well, not always. I never listen to it if i'm feeling really, REALLY happy.
I really love group activities and the entire teamwork thing. I really hope joining this guild proves to be one of best choices that i have made on Gaia. emotion_bigheart

Oh, and a lot of other stuff about me is on my profile. Though as a forewarning; you might wanna turn the volume down or mute it before visiting my profile because I sometimes have Five Finger Death Punch or Mindless Self Indulgence auto-playing... ^ ^;;