User Image Ekaitz was happy with himself. He had gone from a skinny, freezing little cub to a proud and handsome fisherman. Well, he considered himself handsome, he hadn't flirted with any ladies yet to tell him otherwise. But he would soon! Maybe, well, the possibility exist alright? He hadn't much experience with females that weren't his sisters and it wasn't as if he was in a rush to find a mate or settle down any time soon.

He had other, more important things to be busy with. Yep, that's what Ekaitz told himself as he stomped around outside in the snow. He was a fisherman, and he was going to be the best fisherman ever! Well, maybe not ever but he certainly aimed to top the current best fisherman in the pride.

If he couldn't become the best fisherman then that was okay, because then he'd go and become the best transporter or something along those lines. Because Ekaitz wanted to be the best at something, it didn't matter what, but he wanted to be the best.