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Moose: It had been a few years since Shangyue's rather violent rise to power, and Tamujino had managed to navigate the social mess with dignity. Of course, as a Lady she lived just a few rungs below the reigning patriarch, and because of this Tamu put in extra effort to show her support.

The lioness personally couldn't stand the egotistical upstart, but she also wasn't a warrior. Tamujino specialized in surveillance, so there was no way she was even going to think about going against him. Better to bat her eyes than raise a claw.

Rather than worry about him, she had to worry about herself. With every year that passed Tamujino was only getting older, and as a Lady of the upper class being single for so long...why, it was scandalous! It brought attention to her and NOT the kind she liked. No, what she needed was a mate and soon!

nessiaing: Zesiro was living a comfortable life. The take over had happened while before he was born and despite hearing stories of how things USE to be Zesiro had long since decided to just deal with how things were today. No point in living in a past that he had never even been aroudn to witness.

The now grown male gave his mane a wuick shake out. He liked his mane a bright blue compared to his twins grey, of course when it came to hunting the brighter colour of his mane did give him a little bit of trouble. All it meant though was that he had to move faster and harder in order to catch his prey.

He made his way lumbering though the pride towards the outskirts, he was going to go out hunting tonight he figured, if he brought back a large enough catch perheaps he would be able to take a few days off afterwards.

Moose: Too old. Too young. Taken. Taken. Single, but lower class. Ugly.

Finding a suitable male shouldn't be this hard! Tamujino harrumphed as she looked over the pride as a whole. By now she had made her way around to the outskirts, hoping to find a few guards that were worth her time. A few were single, yes, but unlikely candidates. Mainly because the two she had met were already in a relationship with each other.

After a while she was ready to give up for the day, and get back to work when she spotted a rather bright mane. Intrigued, Tamujino made her way closer to find a male - a candidate? "Excuse me! You there!" She smiled as she trotted closer to him. Tamujino made sure just to sway her hips the right way and keep her head slightly cocked to look flirtatious. "Are you Yavin's son, by any chance?"

nessiaing: Zesiro turned at the sound of a voice, he quickly fixed a smile on his face. He had learnt when he was younger that the easiest thing to do while drealing with others was just smile and nod your head. He didn't have to agree with them but more often than not the disaggrement wasn't worth the chanllange.

He was pleasantly surprised when her turned and saw a lioness with pretty violet eyes. He knew her to be from the pride, and he was pretty sure she was a lady of some sort, higher ranked than him but not by two much.

When he heard his father's name mentioned the males ears flickered. "Yes my father's name is Yavin and my mother Lailah'K'chol. My name however is Zersiro." he told her. His voice was confident but not confrenational. He wondered what the female might want from him and why it was important who his father was.

Moose: "I thought you were one of his boys," Tamujino smiled pleasantly. That meant that not only was he easy on the eyes, this Zersiro was also of royal blood. That was at least two points in his favor. "Sorry for disturbing you; I just remember seeing you when you were younger, and thought how wonderful it was that you grew up to be such a strapping lion."

That might have made her sound a little creepy, in hindsight. "I'm sorry, this must be really awkward for you. My name is Tamujino, and it is an absolute pleasure to meet you." His mother was an Apprentice too, wasn't she? Oh yes, yes this just got so much better. "Have I disturbed your patrol...or your hunt?"

nessiaing: Zesiro listened while the lioness spoke. She did catch him a little off guard when she mentioned him being younger and growing up to be so strapping. Zesi knew he wasn't a bad looking lion but he wasn't exactly use to being told about how strapping he was either.

When the lioness pulled back and introduced herself, he found himself becoming comfortable around her all over again. "The pleasure is all mine Tamujino." he told the lioness giving her a slight bow of his head.

He turned his eyes back towards the rogue lands where whatever he was going to catch was waiting for him. "Well I was going to go out on a hunt but that could wait. You seem like much better company than something I have to chase down and kill." he said with a slight chuckle.

"Is there somethng that you need help with?" he offered, Zesiro was a fairly large lion and would certainly aide help to her if she asked

Moose: "Oh, what manners you have." Tamujino laughed a little, and put a paw up to her face. It was a genuine surprised reaction, one that she was very happy with. "I do like to think that I'm better than a stag. If only because I'm not likely to run from you."

She walked around him, assessing every little aspect of his physique. A good size, thought maybe not large enough to be truly intimidating but bigger than her, which was important. When she came back around to face him, Tamujino let her tail run along his side. "Tell me, Zesiro, do you have a mate?"

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nessiaing: Zesiro started wondering if his offer to stick about was a poor one when the female began to walk around him sizing him up. He refused to show any sort of weakness though so he remained with his head held high. Once she came back round to face him he made sure that their was a smile on his face.

Her forwardess did take him aback though, most females were as forthcoming with questions like that, and certainly not ones that held the rank of lady here in the pride.

He thought about his answer and then deciding that there really was no reason to lie to the female he bowed his head slight, "No I am single. I suppose I haven't found the right one yet." he said a sly grin on his face. He was pretty sure the female had been flirting with him, he wasn't sure if he was doing that well of a job but at the same time it was possible that with a female this forward it didn't entirely matter how well he was doing.

Moose: The grin that took up residence on her maw could only be described as impish. "Lovely," Tamujino practically purred. "I'm going to be as honest about this as possible; I'm interested in you. All of this-" She indicated him with a claw and made an encompassing circle before putting her paw down "-is checking out pretty well for me. As you know, I'm a Lady, and as such I'm in need of a mate who can stand as my social equal. I think you've got potential, and we would both certainly have a lot to gain by the union."

Smiling his way, Tamujino quirked a brow, "So, what do you think?"

nessiaing: Zesiro tried to hide his shock and he thought he had done a reasonably good job. He swallowed hard trying to figure out his answer before he said any words out loud.

"I think I would be an idiot to turn you done." he said finally. He would have to marry eventually and if he took Tamujino up on her offer he would be climbing the social ladder a little by going up a class.

"So you seem to be the lady with the plan.. what's our next step?" he asked finally. Was he supose to go home and tell his parents he was leaving, should he just go back to her den with her, did they have to tell the king, should he be getting himself a den to bring her home to? It was suddenly very clear that Zesiro really had no idea what he had just agreed to, thankfullly Tamujino seemed like the kind that liked to wear the pants anyways.

Moose: There was a certain comfort in knowing one out thoroughly surprised someone. Of course, with such a bold offer who wouldn't be a little shocked? "Not an idiot, but perhaps a touch naive." She offered with a coy little smile. For all he knew she could be a psychopath, but it was in his favor that she wasn't.

"We go back to the pride and declare our intentions. Of course we'll need to tell your family, and the higher ups since you'll be moving in with me, my Lord. That is, if you want the title. You don't have to take it, you know. You could still be a Hunter." Moving closer to him, she placed her paw on his and offered him a comforting smile. "I think this is going to work out marvelously."

nessiaing: "Lord" Zesiro sad under his breath it was a title he wanted of course. He listened to the rest of what she said and then gave an authoritative nod. There wasn't a chance in hell that he wore the pants in this relationship but he liked to pretend a little.

"Well lets get to it, I suppose a lot has to happen before the sun comes up." to say his parents were going to be shocked was an understatement but that was okay everyone could be shocked. Zesiro wasn't entirely sure what he had walked himself into but he was pretty sure he was happy about.

Moose: "You're very right. We'll need to talk to your parents first, then the-" As Tamujino prattled on, she began to walk back towards the main area of the pride. Luckily her den was big enough to support a family, which is how she had intended it, and hopefully it would be to his liking. Why wouldn't it be, though? It was cushy and spacious.

This certainly wasn't how she had expected today to turn out, but it wasn't as if she were ungrateful! The Great Lion was finally starting to shine some light down her way. Tamujino couldn't have been happier.