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Coeus was still having trouble identifying all the different beautiful stones Hephaestus had given her lessons on when they had first met. Opal was an easy stone for Coeus to recognize. She could spot them out of the rocks out of the carverns that housed the pride her sister belonged to as well as within the walls of those caves. Sometimes she was even lucky enough to find some scattered as tiny pebbles. She didn't disrupt them. They didn't actually ... stand out and so Coeus didn't feel they didn't to be picked up or anything.

Unfortunately there were a great deal of other beautiful and shiny gems everywhere as well. And she still didn't quite get the difference between rubies and garnets or of topaz and or colored quartz - at least not on site and so she'd been having a hard time trying to help her little sister find just the right stone for her client pieces. Coeus was stumped.

She gathered an assortment of random gems before her and quized herself on the site of the gems in general making three piles. One pile were of stones she was confident in what they were. One pile were the stones she had no idea of and the last pile were the maybes. The first pile was mostly opals. And the maybes were just as large as the no ideas pile. Coeus was stuck.