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Coeus was rather excited at the moment. She had finished the piece for her sister and all she had to do was find a ruby and a topaz before she could present her with it. The two client stones would make a great bit of extra yay to the present in Coeus's opinion. She followed a stream in the bright noon day sun looking for any hint of glistening shine from any stones and gems in the area. She had been out here for a few hours but Coeus was still too excited to have noticed time passing or hunger setting in. Finding gems was a great deal of fun for her - like a big game of hide and seek or even a giant puzzle. When she found something, it always made her that much happier!

A bit of shine sparkled from between two worn flat stone almost fully buried in the muddy shore of the stream. Being careful to keep her eye on it even as her perceptive all but made it lost again in the mud and stream stones, Coeus made her way over to the shine's area and started to dig it out. It was a slow process because she didn't want to swipe it away in the mud, burying it further or worse into the stream where it could be carried away on the waters.

With each rock she uncovered she dipped in the running water to see if it was a rock or a gem before setting it aside when the shine was wrong one way or another. She made sure to keep any gems because maybe Hephaestus or another crafter would need them at some point in the future.