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Sachiye was on the move again. She had left the god and the snake behind that she had been spending time with. Sure they had been pleasant enough company but they just weren't home. Sachiye needed a home, a place of her own where she would be treated as she needed.

Sachiye missed her birth home, she was treated like near royalty. She was female and of a bright colour life was good for her. But that had been ages ago and the lioness was growing older now and she needed a real home where she would be treated well and perhaps even start a family.

Velveteen Angel:
Luminoscer was near the border of the pride, his stride long and confident. He was adorned with a few gem necklaces that he was trying to trade for other wares, preferably some sort of meat product so he could eat well that night. He knew that he could always go home to his mother's den and eat with his fathers and her, but he was an adult now. He might be part of the Agamos harem, but he had his pride. He would do this on his own.

He noticed her easily. Her pelt was gorgeous, and the wings that adorned her back were simpler than his own but still beautiful. His dark blue eyes locked onto her and he unconsciously started to walk towards her, his paws carrying him forward. "Hello Gorgeous," he greeted her confidently.

Sachiye had seen the male coming her way. She ruffled her fur making sure her violet coat laid in just the right way. She was pleased with herself for having had a bath in a rando river the night before. She knew that she looked her best which meant it was up to this male to impress her with his wiles.

At first blush Sachiye was blown away by the appearance of the male as he came her way. She found his pelt was quite bright, a colour that even in her home pride would be well loved and he had wings to boot!

When he called her gorgeous she let a smile grow. He knew how to speak to a lady this was a good start.

"Well hello right back at you." she said her voice low and sultery.

Velveteen Angel:
Luminoscer felt his confidence grow when she responded, her voice sultry and low. She was obviously receptive to his compliment and he felt his chest puff out a bit. This was a good start to an encounter.

"I'm sorry if I am bothering you, but I saw you across the way and I couldn't seem to stop myself coming over and seeing if you sound as beautiful as you look," he flirted happily, his smile large and charming. He wasn't even lying to her, she was beautiful and he honestly didn't even remember turning his paws towards her. It was just an automatic gesture.

"My name is Luminoscer, may I ask what yours is?"
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Sachiye smiled pleased with the attention the male was giving to her. She wondered if perhaps she had just found the male she was looking for. Sure she had just left a god behind. But that God had been dark and colour and rather moody. But this male... this male was so bright and he had wing markings and a personality to match his briiliant pelt.

"My name is Sachiye." she told him proudly. "Are you from this area Luminoscer?" she asked. She wondered what the males home was like seeing as she didn't have one of her own. Sachiye hadn't had a home since her old pride had colapsed.

Velveteen Angel:
"Ahhh, like music to my ears," he mused, "Sachiye. Wonderful." He smiled at her, wondering if this was what it felt like to fall in love. Luminoscer was a bit of a romantic, and this female was very easily swaying his heart. "I am indeed from this area. You are very close to the pride, the Likno Tis Zois. We are a pride dedicated to family and kin groups. Many of our members keep harems of close family groups, as love is something that is special and should be shared." He knew harems were not the usual practice in the rogue lands, but he liked them. He had two fathers who he loved dearly, and a mother who was well protected because of his two fathers. It was the perfect scenario for him.

"I have no family of my own, at the moment, except for my siblings and my parents," he said, a little tinge of sadness in his tone.


Sachiye listened to him speak of his home and the way that his family cared for each other. It was a nice sentiment but she wasn't sure how she would feel sharing.... Sachiye wasn't exactly known for her ability to share with others.

"That sounds very pleasant." she said with a smile. It was nice to think that they all took care of each other.

"It is sad that you do not have a family of your own. Is it something that you want.. a family that is?" she asked him her head cocked to the side ever so slightly in a cute endearing way.

Velveteen Angel:
Luminoscer noticed that she didn't seem particularly...enthusiastic about the idea of harems, and felt his stomach sink a little. Was he going to find his angel and then lose her because of the harems? He didn't want that to happen at all. He wanted to win her over. Win her over to the idea of harems.

"I very much want a family," he said honestly. "I grew up with two fathers, my mother was the leader of her harem, and I saw the love that they all shared. My genetic father and my mother were the original couple, and then my papa was added in. It wasn't about finding someone else that my mother loved, but about finding a third person that both of them could love." He didn't know if he was explaining it properly, but damn it, he wanted to win her over.


Sachiye tried to follow what Lumioscer was saying. She kind of liked the sound of it. After all he was basically saying that all of the members of the harem would all love her, that would mean that she received more love. Sure she would have to give more love too but that was easy as long as the others that were joining the harem weren't terrible.

"Well that does sound interesting." she was pensive for a moment. "Well do you think perhaps you might be willing to give me a tour. Show me your home, and what its all like?" she was being forward but well she didn't feel like she had time to waste and this male was giving her all the signs that perhaps this was what he wanted too.

Velveteen Angel:
Luminoscer's smile was as bright as his pelt at her words, and he positively beamed with enthusiasm. Yes! He had lured her in. She was interested in the pride, maybe that meant that she could be convinced to love him too... "I would be more than happy to show you around the pride," he assured her, his smile still on his face.

"Follow me, I'll show you around and set you up with a den for the night, if you would like to experience what it would be truly like to be in the pride," he offered her happily, motioning back her back towards the pride.

Sachiye beamed, this worked out perfectly. How things had worked out this well she wasn't so sure, but she wasn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth. "Sounds perfect." she said softly.

She moved to follow Luminoscer into the pridal lands trying to take everything in as they went. If this was going to work then she needed to make sure she felt comfortable here. She was taking it all in, and she had to admit to herself it all felt right somehow.