This place was odd. Falair could have never fathomed that all the clans would end up in such a massive place. Each floor was a reflection of it's Clan's occupants. Much like their old islands stacked one on top of another. War, Conquest, Death and her own, Famine. But the floors were expansive. It would take much time to explore every nook and cranny.

And Falair planned to explore it all once she was done settling in.

Her return to the clans this time was at Na'ima's request. Not that she wouldn't do anything for her big sister. All she had to do was ask. The reservation hadn't been home. Halloween town hadn't been home. And she had little to believe in this place as a true home. It seemed so convenient, so sterile at times. She had to stop and stare for moments to really take it all in.

It was kind of overwhelming, but in the end it would probably feel slightly comfortable. But Falair was of the belief that this wouldn't last either.

She had taken up residence next to Na's place. Transporting all her things from the apartment in Halloween Town to here was actually pretty easy. Lucky for her, her mount was fairly hardy for a skinny looking Zebra. It could walk for days and carry large loads. Plus it's bags could always mysteriously hold quite a bit, but few had any knowledge of that little trick.

It took a few days to get everything in order. Setting up furniture. All the clay pots in which she stored various ingredients. Hanging up decorations. Curtains of silk that she had picked up hung here and there separated the house into segments. The mare was making up another home. It seemed to be something she had done numerous times, though this time she had a bit more freedom in what she could do and how she wanted things to be. It was kind of nice to have that kind of freedom. Besides, one couldn't be comfortable if they couldn't fully make a place their own space.

There were still little things to do here and there. Plus some serious tower exploring. But for now she settled down onto the large pillows on the chaise. Staring at the burning embers in the fire pit, she reached for a cup of tea and took a long relaxing sip. Her face mask and hat removed for the time being while she relaxed. Bare feet curled up against a smaller pillow. It felt like a long time since she'd taken her shoes off.

A familiar hmmm and haaawing came from the edge of the chaise. With a sigh Falair reached down fishing about for the noise's source until she finally grasped the squishy flesh of her Anglocopter, Reject. Hauling him up onto the chaise with her. She smiled lightly as he flopped about before he finally settled into a ball against her stomach. Moments later a loud snore as Reject had apparently fallen asleep, Falair shook her head and gave his misshapen head a little pet before clutching the large pillow she leaned against in a hug. Leaning the side of her face against it as she buried her nose into the pillow. Taking a long, deep breath and letting it out slowly.

The curtains around her fluttered lightly as a small breeze blew through.

Falair slowly drifted into a light dream. The smell of earth and heat brought back rolling memories that she shifted to and fro. Memories of the Island they once inhabited. Where her and Na'ima grew up on. Their lessons. Their games. Their mother and father. It was as if they were really there. She could still hear their voices as clear as day. Feel her mother's touch and the vibration in the air from father's laugh. But in the end it all felt bittersweet. This escapism in dream form. It was sub-conscious torture. For once she awoke she would be without them. They would cease to exist except in her memories. It was still hard sometimes, but Falair bit the bullet and wiggled through. Though some days were harder to hide it and those would be the times she would recluse herself.

But she would remind herself that precious Na'ima was still alive and well. She hadn't lost all her family, no. Na still carried around father's pipe. So there was always that familiar smell lingering in the air. It clung to Na like a heavy fog. They would always have their parents with them in some form or another. Na'ima's more physical than what Falair had. In the end all she had were memories. Nothing tangible. Which was a shame.

Falair too would have enjoyed a momento. But she had been off island so the opportunity wasn't there. Everything was gone when she had tried to go back. Her life had been swallowed by a heavy fog and monsters that roamed within it.

She knew not who to blame. But then again the mare could not bare the hate that many others had for those of Halloween town. She could not hate the humans. The ability to do so just wasn't there. Maybe that made her a bit abnormal among the others but she really didn't care. Wasting that much energy on hate and revenge....she just didn't have it in her. Besides, there were much better things she could be doing with her time. She needed to find her new place in this tower. And that would require certain tasks and tests to be completed.

This new journey would test her, she knew.

Stirring slightly from her light slumber, Falair glanced down to where Reject was sleeping. Or well, had been sleeping. He must have snuck off during her nap. Not surprising. He too was getting used to this new place. But he'd be back when he got hungry. It never failed. Like clockwork really.

So she wouldn't worry.

As she lay there she mulled over Na's suggestion of giving up being an alchemist and becoming a sage. It was true, she was probably the worst alchemist among the Famine. With her somewhat success with Reject the thought of taming more animals was a bit interesting to say the least. Its not like she was a real alchemist in this new place. So she might as well look into it anyways.

Perhaps it was more her calling. Couldn't hurt to try at least.