Rei had discovered the problem in trying to find a nomad pack. Even IF[/] he found someone who knew of them... and that seemed to be a big if somedays, it didn't mean that they would still be there by the time he made it to that spot. None the less Rei was excited he had heard that the pack was not far from where he was. He wasn't sure when they would be on the move again but he was hoping he would be able to head them off.

With his jingling bell keeping him company he kept his head held high and his ears perked for the sound of anyone who might be around him. He was hoping at very least soon he would catch the tell tale noises of a group of wild dogs together.

Phii was flying high in the sky, just above Aeolus. If their colors would be switched, neither would be able to see each other very well, but Aeolus looked like the sky reflected to the earth, and Phii looked like the second sun. They were easy to spot as a pair, really.

Honestly, Phii wouldn't have noticed the male if she hadn't seen the shine of his bell. She focused in on the shiny thing, and nearly swooped down to get it, only noticing the thing was secured well enough that she couldn't grab it. She did, however, circle back around, landing upon Aeolus's shoulder.

The sky-colored dog hummed as her companion settled, listening to the soft murmurs of a dog not quite too far. "Could be interesting," She told Phii airly as she took towards the noted direction.

Rei had noticed the golden bird up in the sky and watched as it swooped down and landed on the shoulder of a sky coloured wild dog. He felt his excitement grow, could this be a member of the pack he was looking for?

He trotted towards them, his excitement building with every step that he made. "Hello there." he greeted the duo. "I am hoping you might be able to help me." he told them.

Phii fluffed up a bit as she saw the shiny thing come back into sight, but she pulled her focus back up to the face of the newcomer dog. Aeolus was all focus, though - that's just how she was, always assessing situations.

"Hello," The blue dog greeted with a nod of her head. "What can I help you with?" She asked. The pack often came across a myriad of others, most often asking for directions or temporary shelter as they traveled. Aeolus wasn't opposed to either, really.

Rei smiled excited that at least the wild dog of the duo seemed to be friendly. It was a good sign perhaps he really had found a member of the pack he had been trying to track down for what felt like eons, though of course it had only been a matter of weeks or days.

"Well I have been searching you see. I have been trying to find a pack of wild dogs that travel. They are nomads. They stick together but travel the land. A pack but in no fixed location." he realized he had been describing the same thing in different ways and suddenly shut himself up waiting for their response.

It took a moment for Aeolus to realize what he was saying was quite a few phrases that all meant the same thing. "A Nomadic pack, you say?" She smiled. "My pack is one that travels, though I don't know if it is the one you seek. Do you belong to this pack, or are you just trying to find one?" She asked gently. Aeolus was a kind leader, really, but she could be firm when the situation called for it.

She and seen how being strict could tear one down, especially with that of her mother. "We're taking a much needed rest, honestly, and haven't traveled in a few days. A week or so longer and we will move again."

The feeling of relief washed over Rei, he had done it. He let out a sigh and a smile spread across his face. "I was looking for one, I want to join. Are you accepting members?" he asked he felt a bit of dread building if he was told he couldn't join he wasn't sure what how he would handle that news.

"I have been searching for awhile. I've wanted to join a pack or a pride, but I can't bear to stay in one place for all that long." he told them with a nod. A week or two in one location was all the young male could handle. He knew he was speaking fast but it was just out of excitement he was hoping that the duo would be okay with it.

Aeolus figured the situation, but she wanted to be sure. Phii gave a small chirp at her shoulder and she could only laugh. "Well you're in the right place then. I'm Aeolus, the leader of this pack. She glanced over to the bulk of the pack, not far from the pair.

"These rests allow for those that are set along a different path to rejoin the pack and to rest and travel with us again. You're welcome to walk with us," She told the other dog. The pack was small from her mother's reign, but Aeolus would see it grow much bigger.

Rei couldn't beleive it. He had finally found them, found home. Of course the whole time that he had been searching hadn't specifically been looking for them. At first he had just been visiting different prides here and there. It was only in the last little while that he had realized how much he wanted to be with the nomad pack.

"That would be amazing thank you. My name is Rei and I am overjoyed to become a member of your ranks." he told them. He gave them both a nod and moved to join the rest of the pack that he now noticed behind them. He couldn't wait to meet more in the pack.

Aeolus nodded, gesturing back towards the rest of the pack. "Well then, you're welcome among us," She said with a small chuckle. Phii flapped her wings, taking back to the sky as Aeolus walked with Rei back to the pack.

Aeolus was quite pleased. She hadn't expected to find a new member as she patrolled the pack, but she had been pleasantly surprised. Perhaps she could get the pack to grow and flourish like her mother could not after all...