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Moose: There was little to keep Sandalphon’s mind busy that day. He had visited the lake in the wee hours of the morning before branching off for the border. Today the lion needed some space between him, and his family for everyone's sakes.

The past night he had had another vision. This time it thankfully wasn’t as strong as the previous one, but never the less he had woken in a panic with a bloodied nose. The migraine was the worst part of it all, though, and was the reason he had sought a cool drink. No, right now he needed some space so as not to worry the pride. What good with a weak Law Speaker be, anyway?

nessiaing: Rei had heard talk of a wild dog pack that was nomad. Rei was sure that it was te right home for him. He had been toying with the idea of joining a pack or a pride for awhile but wasn't sure he would be able to live in just one place forever. This combo was perfect.

The male moved quickly now, he wasn't really sure he was heading but everyone he ran into he asked if perhaps they had heard anything. So his eyes were open as he trotted along his bells tell tail jingle filling his ears as he scooped out someone he could ask about this pack.

Moose: The jingling of bells is what drew Sandalphon's attention to the wandering canine. There was no disguising him in this landscape, although it wasn't as if he planned on trying. He was a big lion, on the edge of his pride, and since his "accident" he had focused less on making others intimidate him. Instead Sandalphon spent most of his time asking questions and seeing new things.

Such as this strange, strange creature. Tilting his head, he watch the dog as it walked. Just it? Questioning only made the remnants of his migraine hurt more, but how could you NOT wonder.

nessiaing: Rei spotted the large grey lion only momments after it had seen him. A smile grew on his face, PERFECT he thought excite that he had found someone so easily. Of course the sound of Rei's bell often drew people to him he didn't often have to go looking for another soul.

"Hi there." he said trotting forward showing no fear of the lion. Rei really ought to be more careful but as he looked at the lion it showed no outward signs of being mean so Rei decided not to worry about it.

Moose: Sandalphon studied the creature as it closed in on him. Was this another scavenger, like the little jackals that ran about? A vague thought pulled at his memory but it wasn't strong enough to bring about any recollection.

"Hello." He said at last, waiting for the splotchy thing to make it's way closer. His eyes drifted down to the cuff around his leg, and watched as the bell moved in tune with his steps. Fascinating. "Excuse me, but...what are you?" Sandalphon had never pegged if he had been as blunt before his memory loss or not. Either way it kept him honest, if not terribly so.

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nessiaing: Making his way up to the lion Rei took a seat. He was pleased when the grey male greeted him in return, it meant that he must be friendly. When the lion asked what he was Rei was unable to stifle his laugh. Rei had always thought they everyone knew what the other species were out and about in the desert. However he supposed if they had been born in a pride and never left the pride they would only know the creatures within the pride.

"I am a wild dog." Rei answered simply as if this would give him all the answers that he would be looking for. "I am a canine like a hyena, but better." he said chuckling again. Rei fidgetted while they spoke he could never stay still long he liked hearing his bell jingle too much.

"My name is Rei though, you can call me that if you like?" he offered.

Moose: Sandalphon bristled under Rei's laugh. "I've never seen anything like you, so how am I to know?" Of course he was a bit defensive; these days he puffed up at anything. There was little bite to his words, though. He was more put out than anything. Granted, once he got the explanation he was looking for that didn't seem to make things any easier for him to grasp. Sandalphon remembered the word 'hyena' from somewhere, but he couldn't place them.

"Rei it is then." That was the simplest course of action, and least likely way to revive his migraine. "I'm called Sandalphon. What brings you here, Rei?"

nessiaing: Rei felt a little guilty for laughing at the male when it clearly showed he was bothered by it. "I am sorry. I shouldn't assume that eveyrone knows all the species." he said and bowed his head out of respect.

"I have come looking for a pride." Rei told Sandalphon. "I have heard tales of a nomad pack of wild dogs like me. It seems like a great idea to me. I don't like staying in one place for too long but I do crave the bond that I believe would come from being in a pack." he said.

"I don't suppose you have heard of anything like that? Do you live in the area?" he spouted both questions out in rapid fire. He assumed the lion was a part of a pride and thats why he didn't know of the wild dog species but he could be wrong.

Moose: "I accept your apology, but part of the fault lies with me. I've been...out of sorts lately so things slip." Sandalphon shrugged. At one time his memory loss might have bothered him, but he had grown cubs to fill in the void.

He scrunched his brows together and thought over it. "I do live in the area, actually we're on the border of my pride, but I haven't heard anything about any wild dog packs." Now it was Sandalphon's turn to feel guilty. The look on this canine's face was enough to show him how badly he wanted to find it. "Sorry."

nessiaing: Rei smiled, not one to be bothered by much of anything for very long. "It is okay, I am having trouble finding anyone who cant tell me where to find them. Just whispers here and there that they exist." Rei wasn't sure why they were so difficult to find, perhaps they were a fairly new collective.

"Tell me more about your pride?" he asked him. So far in this travels Rei had managed to learn about several different prides. Originallly he was looking for a new place to live now he knew where he wanted to live but he still wanted to learn more about prides that existed.

Moose: "How strange. How are you so sure that this pack exists at all if no one has heard of them? Myths and stories are spread on whispers, not facts." Sandalphon didn't like to dream; he lived in the here and now. It would be foolish for Rei to spend his time searching for something that didn't exist just because he wanted to be a part of it. Sandalphon wished to fly, but he had yet to do so.

"It's the Likno Tis Zois, and so far we only have lions in our ranks. We believe in free love; actually, most belong to harems where multiple members raise family's together. I myself have two mates; a male and a female. It's...a nice pride? I'm sorry, I don't have any other prides to base that on." Would he even want to see them if he could? None would hold his family, nor would it be as welcoming to his lifestyle choices. "It's a good place to raise a family."

nessiaing: Rei cocked his head, "If it exists I will find it. If it doesn't I will have fun looking for it." Really in Rei's eyes there was nothing lost either way.

"That sounds like a wonderful pride." Rei nodded. He had never met someone that had had more than one mate but he figured what harm could it cause if they all loved each other. "The children of your pride must grow up feeling very loved indeed." Rei said. The most important thing was loving your children Rei figured.

"Well I should probably keep on my search. I go south from here. Hopefully I will find them soon. If not maybe I will come back and visit you." Rei told the grey lion. He was happy that the encounter had turned out well, at the beginning things could have gone south fast.

Moose: "I sure hope so," Sandalphon laughed wryly. If they couldn't find the love and support they needed here then surely it didn't exist in the world. So far all the cubs he had seen were as happy and content as the last. Then again, his basis of comparison was very small.

"I'll be here if you return." He smiled. His odd little find had certainly been pleasant enough, and learning more about the world outside of the Likno would be nice. "Hopefully you'll find what you're looking for, and you can bring the whole pack by to visit!" Surely his cubs would enjoy that. Tipping his head to the wild dog, Sandalphon moved on to continue his walk, and thought about the life of wild dogs. Did they all wear bells or was that just Rei? And why was the pack nomadic? Questions, questions... And maybe one day he would have answers.