Lorne had decided to venture out of the forest for a little while, just to gather more herbs for Tabt. He knew she seemed to be healing out, but that didn't make him less worried about her. He wanted to make sure he had his bases covered, just in case of another attack or something. Anyway, there were still plenty of other lions that needed help in the pride. If he could do his part, he was happy. Of course, doing his part also meant trying to brighten the spirits of the others while he could, too. So he was also out in the rogue lands to look for props. Props to perform with. If he could bring smiles to the battered lions of his pride, then he would be happy, too. Even with all the chaos.

It felt like his job as an entertainer was even more important now than ever. But, of course, not everyone felt that way. He had expressed his views to another member of the pride, and they had actually snapped at him. Told him not to be thinking of fooling around when things were so serious. He couldn't believe it! Did they really think he was just goofing off? That trying to make others feel happier wasn't actually important during such a trying time? It made him think that maybe he was the wrong in the wrong- that it wasn't his place to be trying to make others happier. Perhaps he needed to focus on rescue efforts, too, even though he knew as well as anyone else that it wasn't what he was sorted for. He wouldn't end up being of much help, he imagined.

Still, if that was what he needed to be doing... maybe he was an idiot for thinking about raising spirits when there were other things to be done. Maybe he should have just left people to mope while the recovered. Was it really not his place to concern himself with it? Somehow, that felt wrong, too. So he really wasn't sure what he was supposed to be doing.

He had been a little surprised when his adventure out in the open had allowed him to meet not one lioness from another pride, but two. From two entirely different prides, as well! it seemed everyone was out and about, though for entirely different reasons.

Saniya, a lioness from the Pridelands, was out looking for some food. She didn't normally go hunting on her own, but she couldn't fight the urge. Sometimes you just needed to get back to your roots and do something on your own. Her brother had understood, and had allowed her to leave without much of a fuss. Normally, though, it was better to go with other lionesses. Or lions, if there were lions who liked to hunt. As far as she was concerned, it was a female's work. Males had no place there. That was fine, she supposed. Being a pride meant learning different rules.

Which she wasn't against.

The other lioness was a timid lady named Furiza, who seemed to come from a pride in the snow, somewhere high in the mountains. However, she wasn't very talkative, and seemed to be nervous around the other lions. Perhaps she wasn't used to company outside of her pride members. More than once, she had mentioned that she used to be alone, and that other animals would often bully her for the marking on her back. Lorne thought this was very sad- he liked her wing! It was pretty. But if it was something that bothered her, he wasn't going to bring it up more than needed. Better not to talk about it at all than risk making her uncomfortable. Or more uncomfortable, rather. It also seemed as though she had been attacked by a very angry crocodile while stopping for a drink of water, and Saniya had come along to rescue her. She had been hunting nearby and just happened to hear the poor thing screaming for help. Of course she was quick to get over to the distressed lioness, leaping on top of the croc's muzzle to close its frightening jaws. Once it was pinned, Furiza had been able to escape. Then, Saniya had leaped away after her, leaving the croc frazzled and without any lion meat in its tummy. That was how the two of them had met up. It was something of an exciting story! From that moment on, Saniya had decided to stay with Furiza until she got home, before heading back to her own pride. All this, Lorne had learned while spending some time with them. The three had found a nice, shady area to sit in for some rest and a chat.

"So you're looking for stuff to bring back to your pride?" Saniya asked of Lorne, who nodded somewhat sullenly in return.

"That's right- I was looking for medicinal herbs, as well as stuff I can use to, um, put on a show." He chuckled faintly, unsurprised by their confused expression. It prompted him to continue. "You see, in my pride we have lions who entertain the rest of the pride! That's my job. Singing, dancing, telling stories with acting- these are things I do. For my home."

"Then why do you seem so sad about it?" Asked Furiza weakly, afraid to really speak up, "you... you don't look happy when you talk about it."

"Ah, well, unfortunately something happened in my pride recently and a lot of my pride members are hurt and suffering. Performing isn't the top priority on everyone's mind, but I thought it might... it might lift spirits and help in its own way. I wonder if I'm just being foolish, though. Maybe this is the last thing the pride needs."

"No," Saniya said firmly, "what you're thinking is very kind. You want to do whatever possible to raise the hope in your pride- there's nothing wrong with using your strengths for that. I think it's a good idea, and that you should keep with it. Give them shows that really make them happy."

"I agree," Furiza almost whispered, "you're not doing something foolish."

"You really think so?" Asked Lorne, his ears lifting as a smile slowly returned to his white face. The other two nodded, Furiza offering a very gentle, warm smile. Of the two ladies, she was much more motherly and comforting, though Saniya's words meant a heck of a lot. Furiza just seemed to have a very comforting presence, if such a thing were even possible.

"We think so," Furiza added, just to make sure he knew she wasn't being serious. She was always worried about making things even more awkward by not coming across as she had intended to. Lorne chuckled faintly to himself. She was so awkward.

It reminded him of a couple members of his pride. It was nice to be able to think of them without the worry and pain. All his memories seemed coated in blood at the moment. It was difficult to deal with.

"Thank you, both of you," Lorne said, getting slowly to his feet. He smiled at the both of them, feeling his spirits lifting. "I think I just needed to hear something like that- that I'm not the only one who thinks it's a good idea. You've really brightened my day! Would you like to come with me on my search? I don't mean to keep you from your travels, of course. If you need to get home quickly miss Furiza, I completely understand."

"No no," said Furiza quickly, "I don't need to get back so soon! I would be happy to help you, if... if you really want." She looked down at the ground shyly, though she got to her feet as well. The last on her paws was Saniya, who sprang up seemingly eagerly. She offered the both of them a smile, moving to get a little closer to Furiza. Though the lioness seemed shy, she didn't seem to hate being next to her new friend. Perhaps she was slowly getting more comfortable.

"We'll help you," she hummed, "just lead the way and let us know what you're looking for!"

Lorne was thrilled to have the help, and lead them off to gather his supplies. He knew the Suka'Fumo would be happy to have the help, too, once he told the other pride members of his adventure. Perhaps he would talk about them in one of his shows- it was the least he could do as a thank you for helping him out so much. Not just with gathering props and medicine, but with lifting his spirits, too. He knew just what he would talk about, too! About the story of their meeting. Furiza in danger, and Saniya leaping to the rescue! It would make one heck of a play.

So he took them out to hunt for props and medicine with him, letting them come into the forest for drop the materials off. After that, though, he asked them to go, as he didn't want them getting attack by the invading force. It was a happy farewell, and he hoped to see them again one day.

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