Morwen limped away from the fight with Frigga and Kiti, her body aching as she tried to put some distance between herself and the other lionesses. She hadn't thought the fight would end in her failure. She was a warrior, and she had picked a weak target! it was all because she had managed draw the attention of that other lioness. What a pain in the a**. If that tan lioness hadn't come out of no where, she definitely would have killed the other one, no problem.

She sighed heavily as he strength gave out, the lioness flopping down in the dirt.

Mzimu was on the hunt. He was looking for the orange lion he needed to get his revenge against. Nothing was going to stop him from finding the male and killing him- he would search for the rest of his life if he needed to.

However, he did have moments where he had to pause- like when he noticed a lioness lying on the ground, bleeding all over the place. She looked to be in a good amount of pain, and it was likely that she needed help. Though he had his mission, he wasn't a complete monster, so he couldn't ignore a lioness in distress. He wandered over to her, looming over her head and looking down.

It didn't take long for Morwen to see that someone was looming over her. She looked up at the male, frowning. Was this guy there to kill her? Finish her off? No... it seemed like he was just sort of looking down at her, his face void of all emotion.

She had to wonder what the idiot was doing there. If he wasn't going to kill her, then was he there to help? If he was, she would have to play her cards right. Animals rarely wanted to help her after she tried to kill them.

"What are you looking at?"

Mzimu frowned, tilting his head slightly to one side as the girl snapped at him. She seemed a grumpy sort, but he didn't really care how lions treated one another. He didn't feel very connected to any of them anyway. He sat himself down next to her, watching her with the same absent expression as before. He didn't say anything, just watching her a moment before sniffing the blood on the ground getting up. He walked away from her again, leaving her alone once more.

Morwen blinked. She had seen, and attacked, a lot of things in her time, but she had never seen a lion so strange. He had just been LOOKING at her for some reason, checking out the wounds on her sides before leaving again just like that. Well, she supposed if he wasn't going to finish the job, that was fine. She sighed and closed her eyes, deciding to try and rest before getting back to her trek. She felt like she was safe now, but it was impossible to know for sure. A little more space wouldn't hurt.

She fell unconscious quickly.

When Mzimu returned, he brought with him some herbs to put on her wounds, so she wouldn't catch an infection. He put down the herbs, licking his lips. They tasted a bit bitter, but they weren't going to hurt him for having carried them in his mouth.

Of course, he noticed she was unconscious almost immediately, but he didn't exactly react to it as a normal lion might have. He instead just moved the herbs closer, getting to work cleaning her wounds before applying the herbs to them to help them heal.

When Morwen woke up, she knew some decent amount of time had passed. The sun was setting. Blinking, she looked over and saw that someone had cleaned up her injuries. It didn't take long before she noticed the black and pink lion sitting nearby, watching her like a hawk. "Huh, so you just went to get some medicine? You're a real weird lion, you know that?" She told the guy. Of course, she didn't get a response from him.

"Boy, you're not much of a talker, are you? Do you have a name there, big guy?" Maybe he was too stupid to speak.

Mzimu watched the lioness until she started to wake up again. It must have been a couple of hours, at least, though he supposed it was good for her. He raised his head when she finally woke up, not surprised when she angrily spoke to him. Yup, definitely a cranky sort, this one. Well, at least she seemed to have her energy up.

She even asked him for his name- that was nice.

"Mzimu," the large lion replied at last. It wasn't because he couldn't speak that he remained silent, he just never had much to say to anyone else.

"Huh, so you do know how to speak. Interesting," the lioness replied with a grunt. "Well, Mzimu, I think you're kind of a lump, but you helped me out and I can't deny that I'm not at my full strength. You think you're willing to pal around with me, at least until I can defend myself on my own again? I'd be willing to make it worth your while. I'm pretty good about repaying favors. Oh, and my name is Morwen." She knew this lion would be useful to her, she just needed to get him to stick around. But since he had already helped her out without prompting, she could tell he was something of a sucker.

Getting his help wouldn't be hard.

And, as it turned out, she was right- it wasn't difficult to get his help. The large lion watched her a moment, before offering her a nod of his head. "Alright," he said lowly to her, "I will stay with you until you can move on your own again. I am not against it. But I want to walk- I am looking for something. Until you can defend yourself, you can come with me."

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