Name: Alaric Remorse
Nicknames: None that he’s aware of.
Gender: Male
Age: 16

Faction: Monster: werewolf

Natural Ability: Shapeshift to wolf form, the form is a rather smallish wolf which is all black in color with dark blue eyes.

Personality: He’s been home schooled all his life, thanks to over protective parents, and as a result is not all that good when it comes to socializing with his peers. The only times he ever gets to be around others his own age is when out shopping and that doesn’t exactly make for much time to interact and get to know people and make friends. So everything he knows is from tv and the internet, oh the joys of the internet and all that is encompasses. It’s because of this that he is shy around others, something he’d very much like to overcome, and in an effort to do this Alaric will try and keep close to groups of people talking in order to perhaps find some way to join in on a conversation - even if he’s not wanted (he doesn’t understand all the signals people give off properly). It’s also why he seems to have so much energy, as it’s a combination of nervous energy and him trying to push himself to be social with others, the end result is what appears to be a hyper teenager with far too much energy who wants to be a social butterfly, get involved in everything (whether he’s wanted or not) and make friends with everyone regardless of who or what they are.

The truth is that at the end of the day he’s drained and tired...nervous and questions everything he did during the day. Filled with self doubt and lacking in confidence in himself he spends the time before bed fretting over everything he did during the day and worrying over people's opinions on him and scolding himself for foolish things he said or did. Even though he knows he’ll go and do it all again the next day, he really doesn’t know how else to try or what to do. He clueless and he knows it but how do you even tell people you’re clueless on how to make friends whilst also asking if they’ll be your friend - because he really wants to feel like he’s apart of something...a pack or a group.

Alaric is also a huge fan of music, it’s one of those things which is a good way to express yourself but also helps to calm a person or even fill them with energy - music is just so dynamic and he loves it!He has his favorites, including a local underground band called Twisted Fairytale, but he listens to most kinds of music and will listen to anything at least once - hey you never know what you might wind up liking till you try it! At night though he does tend to fall asleep with a headset on playing very low “music” and by that we mean it’s sounds of nature. It’s soothing and helps him sleep not to mention it blocks out others sounds which might otherwise wake him.

Why are they enrolled in Amityville Academy? Alaric has for a while wanted to get out from under his parents ever watchful eyes and has been begging to go to school with others, though he won’t tell them it’s to get out from under their ever present gaze (they’d just keep him home forever), but he just wants to get out more and meet others and make more friends! He really also would like to stop the homeschooling thing - it’s really embarrassing and just not cool at all.

FEAR Ability: Tainted Fang is the ability which Alaric can use in battle. It’s the same ability his mother has actually, something his mother is rather proud of. During this attack Alaric’s canine teeth become pointed and sharp, like when in wolf form, and he will bite his opponent before moving back in order to let the bite do it’s job.

Physical Description:

Eye Colour: Dark blue
Hair Colour/Style: Black in color.
Skin Colour: Fair skin, not too pale but certainly not a lot of color - the boy doesn’t like the sun much.
Clothing Style/Colours: Clothing would be, color wise, black and blue as well as silver in color. The style would be simple - a hoodie with the hood down, headset about his neck, skinny pants that would be tight fitting. Not belt and a pair of sneakers. He doesn’t much go for complicated styles. He likes comfortable and simple while also having some style.
Extra: Black ears on top his head and a black tail - wolf features.
Only it would be a single moon and the other two would be a star.