Takte had wondered away from the big family compound. He had wanted a little piece and quiet something that was pretty much impossible to find around his busy home. Takte knew he wasn't really suppose to wonder away. There was always the stories of the cannibal who wanted to destroy his family, but Takte needed out! He needed quiet! He would never leave his family but sometime the white cheeton need his alone time. He was an introvery who enjoyed some me time every once in awhile.

Having had his fill of alone time however he was now heading back towards the family. It was getting late and if he hadn't been noticed as missing yet he would be if he didn't get home intime for dinner, plus he was getting very hungry. Takte hoped he hadn't been noticed missing most of the time he could get in and out without a problem. The family was big enough that they just assumed he was with someone else.

Xayna spent most of her free time on the borders these days. Her family had a pretty established track of land that they traveled around, but once all the little cubs grew up they would travel further out. The little ones were cute, she guessed, but annoying. All they did was cry; hungry, sleepy, too hot, too cold, etc. Ugh.

She was hid out, her dark coat making her virtually unseen in the night. There had been a few wild dogs meandering on the border, but Xayna hadn't seen them in a while. What surprised her was the sight of her brother returning. When had he left? Ugh, there were too many to keep track of these days. Still....he needed to be welcomed back.

Smirking, the little cheeton tucked herself down low in the brush and waited. She made just enough noise as she passed to really give him a spook.

Takte crossed the border into the land that his family was calling home right now. He thought for sure he must have made it home safely. After all if they had noticed him missing then they surely would all be around the borders searching for him calling his name.

Just as he past the shubry he heard a little nuzzle and jumped. He hadn't been paying attnention to his surroundings and now he felt his tail fluffing up. A reaction he actually hated, what good would a fullfy tail do against the canibal that would eat them all? He started waying his options should he run or stand up and fight or just scream. He was a pretty petitie for his age. "WHO IS THERE" he called out doing his best to make his voice sound large and bold.

The little cheeton did her best to hide her giggling. What a doofus! The way his tail puffed up every time he was scared...priceless. Moving as stealthily as she could, Xayna began to sneak up behind him. She had made enough noise to his right to hopefully lure him there and distract him. If it worked she would have him, and if it didn't she'd be in trouble.

Well, she was going to be in trouble either way but this way would be much more fun.

After getting as close as she dared, body still hunkered to the ground, Xayna let out an ear piercing wail. She tried to make it the creepiest, deadliest sound she'd ever made!

Takte scanned the bushes, he felt his tail fur laying down flat. He breathed deeply trying to will his heart rate to slow down. He was trying to make it so he could hear something other than his blood rushing through his ears. He was focusing on where he had heard the name. He was going to feel really silly if he found a hare or some other small creature hiding in the bushes.

Then came the ear piercing wail. He spun around. This time he just went running into the bushes, he wasn't sure that it was the right thing to do but he was hopeful that the family had heard the wail and they would soon be coming to his rescue in the mean time he was going to get whatever was here. Maybe even be the hero. He moved quickly running in, as he went he waited for the inpact of another body.

It took her a few moments just to breath properly before Xayna burst out in laughing. It was such an intense reaction that she snorted. "O-oh Gods! My ribs!" She snorted again before falling over onto her back, clutching at her sides. That was too much! Takte would never made a good hunter, warrior or assassin, but maybe he could be of use as a clown!

She had to rub the tears away from her eyes as she rolled over. Xayna attempted to focus on where her brother had run off to, but honestly, she couldn't stop giggling. This was just too much!

As soon as the laughter reached his ear Takte knew that his sister had been messing around with him. He spun around and stormed in her direction. "Xayna you can be such a b***h sometimes." he said to her. He had been dealing with his sisters stupid ways for all of his life, and still he didn't get use to it. When he use to whine to his parents they would just tell him that she would grow out of it, that he should be the bigger man.

He found her rolling in the bushes laughing. He walked up and gave her a good kick. It wouldn't have injured her permentaly but it would have hurt in the moment. "What did you see me leave and you decided to scare me when I came back?" Takte was a little perturbed that his secret outings may no longer be a secret

She snerked and gave him a s**t eating grin. "Ooh, you've really hurt me. Should I go tell mom and dad now? I don't want to take your role." Wiping away the residual tears, she gave into a little chuckle. Xayna was sure to catch hell for this, especially since the family was likely right on their tail, but she didn't feel bad at all.

When he kicked her she squealed out and cursed. "Don't flatter yourself! I was on patrol when I saw you coming home. It's not like you really blend in out here, spot." Rubbing the area he'd kicked, she scowled at her brother.

Takte weighed his options he didn't really actually want to tell on his sister this time, he would get in trouble too he shouldn't have left the area to begin with, though he wasn't sure his sister had really put that together yet.

"Nope I'm not going to tell on you. But we better come up for a good reason that you let out a howl like that." he told her a serious expression on his face. They only had a moment or two to get there stories together.

"Hrm, you're right." If Papa showed up and they didn't have a good story this would get ugly fast. "How about...we saw that God that hangs around the Cannibal in the sky? The one with the bone wings? Or do you think that's too much?" Thinking on it a little longer, Xayna shook her head. "Besides a tortoise biting my toe, I've got nothing. Or - or! Maybe we saw a bad looking cheetah on the border and since we're so small, we thought the only way to scare him off would be to scream at him? Really spook him? It worked on you."

Takte listened to his sister suggestions, his brow creased. The god idea was no good, and for the bite... well her toe would have to be bleeding so that just wouldn't do.

When she mentioned his reaction again he frowned, he already knew he wouldn't live that down for a long time. It would be the joke she whispered at him when others were around. "The cheetah one thats the only thing that will work." He said with a nod. Just as the words escaped his mouth he turned and saw their father coming his way. He took a deep breath and prepared his lips to tell the lies. He didn't like lies but this was for the best.

Preparing herself, Xayna got emotionally ready. In her mind she needed to act scared and just a little proud of their 'accomplishment'. By that time her father had arrived, and like a good, scared daughter she ran to him. "Oh daddy, you wouldn't believe it!"

And just like that, Takte's problems were solved.

For now.