Musoke yawned he had spent most of the night last night up talking with Asteria. He was tired but he wouldn't trade it in for the world, he could never get enough time with his best friend. He came trotting out of the den that he was sharing with the star pelted leopardess into the early morning light. He left Asteria sleeping desiding he would surprise her with some breakfast for when she woke up.

Stopping just outside of the den he sat and rubbed his eyes. He wasn't use to the salt air that came with being by the sea but he loved the smell of it. He haded towards the ocean, before now he had never seen the ocean but he was sure it would have fish just the same as a lake did. He was a decent fisher he figured he could catch a few and be back in time before she woke up.

Velveteen Angel:
Dysi loved visiting the ocean. It was rare that he went so far from home in order to frolick in the waves, but his cubs were all grown up and Maleficar was self-sufficient enough to look after herself while he took a holiday. She was very understanding of his wandering ways, so he had decided to treat himself to a relaxing day at the beach before he started the journey back home to his mate.

He was padding around in the shoreline, enjoying the waves of the ocean crashing over his legs and soaking him up to his belly. He laughed to himself as he played in the shallows, unconcerned with anyone who might be nearby.

As Muskoke came up to the shore line he spotted the leopard there playing in the surf. He sat back for a moment and watched it looked like freat fun, he made a note that he would have to bring Asteria out here to swim and play later, Muskoke had the best of times with her.

"Well that a different way to fish than I have ever seen." he called out to the male. He hoped that he had come across a friendly sort, after all you couldn't frolic in the waters like that and be mean. He moved towards the shore line and the other feline.

Velveteen Angel:

Dysi laughed at the stranger’s words, turning towards the sound and grinning. He knew he would have looked like such a fool, but he didn’t particularly care. He was used to looking like an idiot. It was good fun.

“It’s called confusing them until they try to flee from the crazy leopard and hopefully beach themselves,” he called back with a broad grin. “It hasn’t had a great success rate, I’m afraid!” He shrugged his shoulders, splashing at the water with little concern. “Though if you intend to fish properly, I can always stop my ridiculous attempt, as I fear I’ll do little more than scare them off!” He laughed.
Musoke let out a chuckle. The leopard was clearly a relaxed individual, much like Musoke was. He moved into the water letting the warm water lap up over his toes. At this time of day the water was warmer than the cool morning air.

"Well I did come to fish but after seeing your fine fishing ways I think I might have to attempt it your way first." he said wading into the water so that he was up to his knees once he was there he began to jump about just as the cheetah had been moments ago.

"My name is Musoke by the way." he said as he jumped up and down laughing. The water splashed up onto his face and he choked on the water through his laughter.