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He was back from finding his constellation and he was curious if Konane had come to wait for him at the spot they had met the first time. It was night and about the time in which he said he would be here everynight after he returned so that he could find her. He arrived and looked around. She wasn't here, at least not yet. He wondered if she was going to show up, or if she had remembered him.

He flicked his ears and looked around for a moment more before sitting down. He gazed upwards and suddenly felt quite nervous. He really hoped she'd show up. He hadn't expected to be away for as long as he had, so he would totally understand if she never came. But still, every night he would be here, and he would wait. He just hoped she'd come.
Sep 12, 2015 11:48 PM

Konane made the familar trek to where she had first met Zhangzi. There was practically a trail worn down from her den to this spot. The silver female had made the walk everyday at this time with the hopes that she would find the male she had stumbled upon one day, a male that she hadn't been able to get out of her head since the day she had met him.

As she came through the foilage and was surprised to see the male there looking uptowards the sky. She stopped where she was walking and felt her stomach drop out from beneath her. He was just as gorgeous as she had remembered. She blinked a few times looking at him really trying to make sure he was ther. I had been so long that she had actually begin to think that he was never going to be back, that he had forgotten about her, that he had found another female.
Sep 13, 2015 12:08 AM

As he stared up at the sky he got lost in thought and was suddenly aware that he was no longer alone. It was more of a hunch really, the kind you get when you feel like someone has been staring a while. His gaze fell and he turned his head and a smile formed upon her maw as he recognized the pale beauty that stood before him. The moon illuminated against her pale pelt and he stared a moment, not wanting to ruin the moment.

"It's been a long time. I wasn't sure if you'd come." He said softly as he stood up to address her. He was very pleased to see her and his tail wagged slightly as he tried his best to remain calm and still his need to want to jump out of his skin. "My trip took longer than I thought it would, I apologize." He was glad she hadn't forgotten him.
Sep 13, 2015 12:21 AM

When Zha turned her way Konane's heart did a flutter. She rose to her feet and walked towards him he rtail wagging just slightly. She tried to remain calm but all she really wanted to do was run towards him at top speeds.

"Its okay you are here now. Was your trip sucessful?" she asked him. She paused as she reached him and wasn't sure if she should offer him any sort of physical contact in greeting. She finally leaned forward and gave him a quick and chaste kiss on the cheek.

"I've missed you." she said softly.
Sep 13, 2015 12:39 AM

As she approached he saw that she was just as anxious as him and this made him very happy. "Yes I am." He paused slightly, "It was very successful." He felt her hesitation for a moment and then was blessed with a kiss to his cheek by her.

"I've missed you too." He said looking at her with a twinkle in his eyes. "How has your mother been?" He had recalled that her mother lived nearby.
Sep 13, 2015 10:46 AM

Konane smiled and settled in beside him to talk. "My mother is doing well thank you for asking. She had a litter of pups not long after you left. A large litter that I've helped raised." she told him. Her voice was filled was love as she spoke of her younger half siblings.

"They have been a handful but they are growing up to be wonderful beings." she said affectionatly. In truth she couldn't believe how quickly her siblings grew up, some of them had already left the nest and started lives of their own.

"Tell me more about your trip." she asked of him.
Sep 14, 2015 7:36 PM

He listened intentlly as she spoke about her mother having pups, thus making her an older sister. "Oh I bet you were quite excited." He said happily thinking about her working with the little ones. Pups were such a grand thing to him.

He nodded his head, yes, pups tended to grow rather quickly it seemed sometimes. One day they're there and one day they're gone. Poof, like magic.

He thought about her last question and hummed lightly for a second. "Well, it was honestly just a lot of wandering until I was able to find my constellation. It came to me in a dream." He said looking at her with warm eyes. He wondered if she would come back with him to his pack one day. She would have to go find her constellation then if that happened. "I am to be a Soldier within my pack." He said proudly.
Sep 14, 2015 8:40 PM

"A soldier... that means you must be very protective." she said, unable to hide a sile. The fact that Zha was a strong wild dog who protected his pride would mean that he very likely that he would be capable of protecting her and any pups that might come that way. She felt her head swimming, she barely knew this male and already she was dreaming and thinking of having his pups.

"What is your opinion of pups Zha? Have you had much expereince around them?" she asked, these things needed to be asked before she could really tuly think about what she was already dreaming of.
Sep 14, 2015 8:51 PM

He wouldn't say he was that protective, but protective enough to make sure no harm came to his family or anyone who he cared about. "Yes, I suppose you could say something like that." He said looking at her noting her curiosity. He couldn't help the smile that formed upon his maw when she asked if he liked pups.

"Well, I was a pup myself at one point if that counts at all." He said with a small chuckle. Then he started on a more serious note, "We have had pups within the pride frequently and I have some experience with them, but not too much. I like them, they bring life to the pack and make everyone smile."
Sep 14, 2015 9:00 PM

Konane considered the males answers he hadn't answered as she had hoped, but his answer wasn't bad either. "I see" she said quietly. "I think I want lots of pups, a big family." she said with a grin. What really mattered now was how he responded to this statement. She paused looking up at the stars, depending on what he said to this the next thing that she would be saying was if he would show her around her pack. She wasn't getting any younger it was time she broke away from her mom who now had a brand new family.
Sep 14, 2015 9:34 PM

He had always wanted a family of his home, he hadn't ever really thought about the size it might be. Listening to her talk made him realize he hadn't really thought much about it until just now. He listened as his previous words made her fall slightly more quiet and he wondered if perhaps she was implying what he thought she was. "I have always wanted a large family myself." He said pausing slightly, "It's just that I really never gave much thought of when that might happen as I've never met someone I've wanted to have a family with." He looked at her while she stared up at the stars and wondered if she'd turn to look back at him. "That was until i met you." He said wondering what her reaction might be. He sincerely meant it. It wasn't that he didn't want a large family, he was new to these feelings. He hadn't before felt this way about someone and he wasn't sure if he ever would again.
Sep 14, 2015 9:40 PM

Her breath caught as the words 'before I met you' left the males lips. She felt tears in her eye. Konane had always been a fairly level headed individual but she was no over come with emotions. "Oh Zha." she whispered. She moved closer to him and gave him a deep snuggle, putting all her feelings into the contact with him.

"I need to go back to my den." she told him with a coy smile. She paused for a moment, she was being mean and letting his thoughts stew for a minute. "But you have to come with me, meet my mom, then take me to see your pride." she told him. "I want to see what its like." she lifted her eyes up to him they were twinkling with happiness and tears all at once.
Sep 14, 2015 10:23 PM

This was definitly something he wasn't used to. He felt his heart flip flop slighty at her glistening eyes and her emotional state. He felt a strong desire to want to protect her and keep her from harm. He felt something deep within him spark to life as she leaned against him and he looked down at her as she spoke. So she would come with him then in the end. At least to see what it was like, he wondered if she would stay. "I would very much like to meet the one who brought such a wonderful dam into existance." He said softly as he leaned his head atop of hers. "I shall follow you, you but have to show me the way."

suppose it would help if i spelled your name right