Painted Moose
Neither Usoa nor Esti was really sure why they were out in the rogue lands. The spies were currently devoid of any real missions, so they could have very well have been spending time with their family. There were more than enough members in their harem to tend to the strange twins, but something seemed a

If Esti was honest about it he would say it was the balance. He had always assumed he would head their future harem, but Shaushka was taking the position in stride. She managed all of the stronger personalities in their group without breaking down into shouting threats. There was something all together sexy about that, but it kept him ill at ease. Esti needed control; craved it. "Do we really have to go back today?"

"We've delayed the trip long enough, don't you think?" Usoa answered with a yawn. His paws were beginning to ache but that didn't stop him from moving forward. Sometimes his brother needed a little running room, which was fine, but Usoa just wanted to go back. He missed being swamped by lovers; the cacophony of scents, the press of warm bodies, an endless sea of pelts...Now he had an itch to scratch, and bitterly he turned to his brother. Whatever that dolt had was contagious, apparently. "One more romp, and we're going home." It was bad enough they had trouble adjusting to specified partners, but to keep repeating the same actions over and over? Usoa shook his head. Apparently he was the only one concerned about what this would look like to their parents.

"I just need something small. Something I can break." At Usoa's widened gaze, Esti laughed. "You know what I mean!"

Chozi was having one of his better days. He was still tired, but he felt he could travel out into the rogue lands without any strong repercussions to his health.

He gave a small yawn as he wandered further. He would probably rest soon, maybe a nap? He wasn't sure.

Painted Moose
Esti saw the cheeton far before his brother. For a moment he thought about passing the waif like creature by, but the sight of such a teensy, tiny male got him thinking. Maybe this would be his calling...? Looking back to his twin, he gave a quick jerk of his head to the cheeton.

Usoa stepped forward, caught his brothers motion, and looked over. He had to admit; there might be potential there. "Lil' sickly, isn't he?" He murmured, sidling in close to his brother. His actions were naturally sensual and would have been considered sexual had he been close to anyone other than his dear twin.

Instead of answering him, Esti made his way over to Chozi with Usoa gliding effortlessly behind him. The two were soft in appearance, but hard lined and muscular. "Hey sexy, you look like you're having a rough day."

Wincing at how straight forward his brother was, Usoa slipped forward, "Maybe we could help to ease your tensions. My brother and I are great at massages." As he spoke, he fell into an easy going smile as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

Esti nodded. "We can take care of your worries for a few hours...let you forget about the world and focus on yourself..." He practically purred.

Usoa had to hold back from rolling his eyes. His brother could be so theatrical but it worked more often than not.

Chozi had to double take the pair, confused for a moment. Was he seeing double? But no, they spoke individually. "Oh, um," he flushed. He doesn't remember being called Sexy - at least not in this state. He looked sick, not...

"Oh. A massage?" He had never even heard of massages. But he didn't think he would mind being taken care of for a while. And they were offering... What could it hurt, right?

"You'll take care of me?" he breathed out. He hadn't been taken care of for a long time. Not since Faizah probably, and before that Tikoto. He hadn't seen Tikoto in so long... He didn't know if they meant the same thing, though.

Painted Moose
The twins moved in on either side of Chozi, assessing just as closely as they were trying to smooze. "A massage works out all the kinks in your muscles. Almost like when a cub kneads it's mother, but in a more...sensual sort of way. We can use pressure to pin you in place, and our claws can work on the nerves to bring pleasure." Usoa explained easily. He leaned forward, nipping Chozi's ear before smiling softly to the little Cheeton. They may have been an odd pair by far, but neither was malicious, at least, not Usoa. He would make sure that Chozi was treated well while in their custody.

"But first, you'll have to be bound." Esti looked down his snout at Chozi, his entire being oozing dominance. "We don't like it when our clients get away from us. We like to keep things secret; quiet, private...intimate...that sort of thing. You understand." He moved in close and lifted Chozi's chin with his paw, focusing on the smaller male with his hetero-chromatic gaze. "But you already know that, don't you? I can see it." Even as sickly as he was, this cheeton needed the same thing that Esti did. "Would you take herbs for me? They're special. They enhance the feeling, release your inhibitions, but they do leave fuzzy memories...You won't remember our faces but you will remember us." In other ways, of course~

Chozi gave a small hum at the description of the massage. It sounded... wonderful, if he was honest. He shivered a bit at the n** at his ear, nearly huffing out a small moan. He wasn't sure which of the twins to look at, but the decision was made for him as one of the twins took his focus physically.

"I'll take them," he agreed, his voice low and careful in the grip. Perhaps this is the care he needed. Maybe it would help him get better too, but he was craving anything they were willing to give him.

Painted Moose
Esti made eye contact with his twin over the cheeton's head, only turning back when his twin was in full smirk. He waited until Usoa had stepped away to continue his 'affections'. "Of course you will. You're going to be as good to us as we are to you, right? And no one has to know. It's our little secret." He almost laughed. There wasn't anything 'little' about what they were going to do, but then again, the cheeton knew that. It was refreshing being around someone so pliant. Shaushka was the only one of their mates that knew how depraved the twins could be, but even she had reservations. In time she would come around, but until then, Esti had needs to meet.

When Usoa returned, Esti stepped back from the cheeton so that his brother could lay a bundle of carefully picked herbs in front of him. "One sprig to feel loose, two for pep and three for a good time. No more than three; can't have you passing out." Anything more than that could bring about death, that much they had figured out on accident. He had brought enough for he and his brother to have two sprigs a piece; just enough to get them into the mood. Not that Esti needed it, from the look in his eyes. "Do you have a name, pet? Or can we name you?"

Chozi looked down at the sprigs of leaves, deciding two was probably the max he could handle. He was smaller than the two, after all, and he had never taken the herb before, whatever it was. He chewed the leaves, nose wrinkling at the taste. he swallowed them down though, somewhat mourning the taste on his tongue.

But only for a moment. That's when he started to get fuzzy. He gave another hum. "Mmm, name. You can pick," he murmured, near leaning against the other.

He felt light, like air, fuzzy and floating.

Painted Moose
As Chozi picked out his, the twins pulled theirs to them and took a full dose. For a moment, all Usoa could do was close his eyes, but he was the first of the two to come around. The otherwordly feeling wasn't unlike what he felt when in the midst of a vision, so the drugs effects were muted on him. Of course, his brother just thought he had a higher tolerance, since Usoa would never share that bit of info. Esti worried enough for him already. He pulled several thick vines over. For a moment he wondered when he had gotten them, but Usoa knew it had to have been when he got the herbs. Maybe they're kicking in stronger than I thought.

Esti was slower to come around. He felt as if his head were filled with water and as it drained into his limbs a feeling of warmth overtook him. It pushed him forward, causing him to impulsively bite down on the scruff of the cheeton's neck and push him to the ground. The action wasn't rough enough to bring blood, but it would bruise. "Look at me, Kijakazi. Until this night is over you're going to be my slave, and I want to see your eyes." He suppressed a growl when a figure moved in his peripheral, only to notice it was Usoa, slipping the vines around Chozi's limbs to begin the process. There was always that moment of possession that caused him to lash out at his twin, but as always, it subsided.

Chozi’s ear flicked at his given name, near purring as he relaxed. He wasn’t sure he would remember this at all. He would enjoy himself thoroughly, though, while these two took care of him. He craved it for so long, and now he was finally getting what he needed.