Musoke was pouting, a trait he knew wasn't attractive for a male his age but he couldn't help but feel a little bit sad when he and Asteria split ways. Sure he would see her again soon they always seemed to cross paths every few months, but the first few days without her felt so lonely.

There was only one way he knew how to deal with the loneliness.... to find a female. Musoke made no secret of his ways. He sought the comfort of females pretty frequently. So he spent the day walking, he didn't have a destination in mind he would know it when he got there though.

Chozi had wandered further into the roguelands than he expected, and now he was tired. He definitely wouldn't make it back home tonight, so he would have to find a place to sleep.

If he was honest, he was much closer to home than he usually was when he wandered. It was hard, being so sick, but he was restless now. He had been so idle in the first stages of his sickness that he couldn't move, but now that he had enough energy to walk, he walked. Chozi had always been one of a traveling, restless spirit, but he had found a home.

Just because he wandered from it often didn't mean he didn't love it dearly.

Musoke spotted the male hybrid and immediately felt more chipper. He was really starting to feel sorry for himself and his solo travels. He began to walk towards the other male. Excited to finally see someone else. He tried to keep his pace slow, he didn't want to scare the poor thing. As he got closwer he noticed the fact the male seemed to be walking slower and slower.

"Hi there. Are you okay?" Musoke asked. He stayed aways back. He wasn't sure if his distance was because he didn't want the other male to feel threatened or if it was because he was affraid of catching whatever this male had

Chozi was quite started that someone even came up to him out here. Lately, most other creatures had avoided him, not wanting to catch his disease. He didn't think it was contagious though. Nanth was fine, and so were all his children! But still, they didn't know.

"Oh, hello. I'm just tired," he told the Cheetah. His eyes were a bit glassy from his illness, and his reaction time was a bit off kilter by now. He yawned, shaking his head. He couldn't help the shiver that raced down his spine.

"And cold I guess! Do you know of any place to sleep?" he asked.

Spending time with Asteria must have made him soft because despite himself he found himself moving closer. He was afraid that the hybrid was going to collapse and Musoke didn't want to have to dive to get to him intime.

When the hybrid said that he was cold Musoke tried to hide his expression. It wasn't exactly cold out, it was surprising to him that anyone colour feel a chill. He desided that it wasn't the best to question it. Instead he tried to remember where he might have seen a good place to sleep.

"I think there might have been something just back this way." he indicated with his chin the direction he had just come. "Here I will walk back that way." she said. Asteria would never forgive him if he left someone in such a state out on there own with no help.

Chozi nearly beamed when the cheetah said he had known of a place where he could rest! The cheeton felt as if he would fall asleep on his toes any second now. In fact, when he stepped forward, he stumbled just a bit. "Oops," he muttered to himself as he regained his footing.

"Thank you," he told the other whole heartedly. "My name is Chozi, by the way..." He trudged on, hoping the place the Cheetah knew of was close by.

He needed rest.

Musoke worried that the hybrid wouldn't make it far enough to reach even the closests of dens he had remembered seeing it. If he rememebred right the closest den wasn't the nicest but it looked like the hybrid wasn't going to make it must further.

"Chozi its nice to meet you." Musoke said as he moved closer. He figured he wasn't going to be close the sick hybrid for long her would just make sure to go and have a bath afterwards. "My name is Musoke. You can lean on me if you need help." he offered.

Chozi gave a wide yawn, swaying a little as he walked. He nearly stumbled and fell, but he managed to catch himself. He took a deep breath, frowing.

"Oh. Yes, I think leaning would be the best idea..." He said as he rested some of his weight on the taller Cheetah. He hoped the dens would appear soon.

Musoke took careful slow steps as he supported Chozi's weight. It was as if they couldn't have appeared at a better time. The den he had remembered was just ahead of them. He smiled happy that the ill hybrid would get to get some rest.

"Here we are Chozi. Right here." Musoke said turning his direction just slightly to guide him in towards the den. It wasn't very big or deep but it would keep the ill hybrid sheltered and out of danger for the night.

Once he had got him in and settled Musoke stood in the entrance of the den. "You should be safe here." he said all of a sudden awkward. "I uh I will come back by in the morning and check on you." Musoke told Chozi already making a plan to find a kill in the early morning and bring it back to Chozi he would need something in his belly.

"You rest now." he said quietly bowing his head. He turned to make leave shaking his head a little. He had known he was seeking company but he had thought he would find a nice warm female, not an ailing hybrid. Whatever the cost though Musoke felt that he was now responsible for the other male.

Chozi sighed in relief as the den came up close. He crawled in the shallow den, and hummed. It made him feel safe and sheltered from the world.

"Thank you," he said, warmly. He was grateful to the male. He would fall asleep quickly, as soon as Musoke left. Maybe he would feel better in the morning...