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[PRP] Our own private adventure (Ragnvard x Tala)

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Allied Recalibrator

PostPosted: Sat Sep 19, 2015 8:26 am
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Ragnvard still wasn't sure how he had gotten to this point. But glancing over at the pale lioness walking alongside him, he decided he really didn't care, this was new and unusual for the Captain. A typically violent male who was always looking for the next opportunity to further his ambition within the pride. But right now, his only ambition was.... spending time with her. It was a novel and slightly strange sensation, to have no other goal beyond not annoying her so much that she decided to go on without him.

Turning his gaze back to their direction of travail he smiled. This was an unexpected but very pleasant accident. She was different to any other female he had met before, and he had met quite a few in his time. She was brash and unapologetic, with a sense of humour that was both entertaining and surprisingly quirky. She didn't seem to care what others thought of her and clearly had absolutely no qualms about travailing with a complete stranger. One who was easily more than capable of overpowering her if he really wanted to. But Ragnvard didn't. He was enjoying being just another male to Tala. She had no idea who he was, what he had done back home or how afraid she should have been of him. It was refreshing and unusual, to be treated in such a manner, and he wanted to make it last as long as he could.

Turning his head back to look at her he grinned. "So why the beach?"

Epine de Rose
PostPosted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 10:14 pm

She wrinkled her nose at the question and then cast a side long gaze in his direction. She had been admiring the view and the feel of the peculiar terrain underfoot. Everything was so dry here, almost barren in some respects, and she did have to wonder how anything actually lived out here. That might explain why everything was so scattered and the rogue lions so petitie - they had to conserve their energy and were powered by less resources...ergo, more slim line and efficient forms?

Not that her build wasn't efficient, she just wasn't entirely sure it would be sustainable on a long term basis unless she could start downing elephants on her own!

"Well," she replied and then stuck out her tongue. "Why not?" she pointed out, as if the answer to his question should have been obvious. Nevertheless, he was entitled to at least some form of adult answer and as she trotted forward to bridge the distance, she shrugged.

"I don't know, it sounded interesting. Apparently the water tastes weird there and they have some of the weirdest creatures - I wanted to see it for myself. Maybe sample some of the food, learn the local dialect, acquire some fabulous accessories," she continued. "Preferrably shiny," she added after some consideration. "Or soft... Either/or...maybe both."

"Both would be amazing."

Epine de Rose


Allied Recalibrator

PostPosted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 6:54 am
Her reply drew another surprised laugh from the large male. He could maybe get used to this... the casual banter with her strange but intriguing sense of humour. It was certainly a new experience for him and for the first time he felt that maybe... There was more to life than climbing the ranks and furthering the reach and power of the pride. Pushing aside all thoughts of such a serious nature for the time being he let himself simply enjoy listening to the female beside him, letting her distract his mind onto paths he never had considered before.

"True enough." He agreed readily, grinning as he faced forwards again. "The water makes you thirsty, so I don't recommend drinking it," He offered, glancing at her again with a small interested grin. "But the fish are very good to eat. Thought you have to catch one first and they aren't as easy as land-based critters." Laughing delightedly he grinned, hopping over a thoroughly desecrated thorn bush. "Trinkets hmm? It's a shame I didn't bring any trade stuff with me. I have a feeling you would have appreciated them. But we can see if we come across anything." Shaking his head slightly to m ale his own accessories shift and jangle, he looked back at her. "The Stormborn are big on trinkets... It's kind of our thing." Well along with thralls, but that wasn't something she needed to know.

Epine de Rose
PostPosted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 7:02 am

"Water that makes you thirsty," she repeated, her tone making it absolutely clear that she doubted his words. How could water, something that made you not thirsty, actually do the opposite? "Ragnvard I'm going to the beach, not a mystical land where all the rules are backwards and upside down," she pointed out and shook her head. "There's no such thing as water that makes you thirsty, that would completely defeat the purpose of it being used to quench your thirst," she pointed out and tisked.

Ah, but if only she knew...

"What's a fish?" she added and fixed her gaze on him searchingly. "They can't be any harder to catch than lizards," she mused, vaguely recalling the lightning fast little buggers that had evaded her a lot as a small child. She had spent months practising to catch them and when she had, well, Iraeneus hadn't heard the end of it for months... He was a patient soul to say the least.

Obviously these things were meat based but the rest...?

"Does that mean your kind are merchants then?" Another question, but it did seem logical if trinkets were their sort of thing.

Epine de Rose


Allied Recalibrator

PostPosted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 8:48 am
Her protest made him chuckle, head turning to look at her with a lazy smile. "You will see when we get there... Just don't say I didn't warn you." Still grinning he chuckled. "I happen to come from a pride that lives on the coast. Say water is not pleasant. But it does make for great bathing."

"Hmm well, maybe not lizards. But if you go too deep it's impossible to reach them, plus you do need to breathe so they can get out of reach easily enough, the best way to fish is with several lions together, then you can kind of herd them into the shallow water and it's harder for them to escape. But it's still very different to hunting on land." He spoke thoughtfully, as if it was the first time he had needed to explain fish hunting to anyone before. Usually thralls learnt the technique off other thralls so it wasn't nessassary for him to tell them. Ragnvard, like most Stormborn Reavers, tended to leave the hunting to thralls or freeborn anyway. But he had fished several times and was pretty decent at it really.

Her next question did make him pause and he huffed thoughtfully, turning to look at her. "Not merchants.... Though we do have those within the pride that take on that role, it's not a recognised occupation though, more of a hobby." He explained, head tilting slightly. "The Reavers go out beyond our pride under a Captain. That would be me." He added with a grin, glancing in her direction. "Anything the Reavers find on their Viking they bring back. The rest of the pride will trade with anyone coming back with stuff they don't want. All Stormborn tend to like shiney things though, we are magpies when it comes to trinkets and items."

Epine de Rose
Gaia didn't alert me to this!! Sorry for the delay!
PostPosted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 2:27 pm

"How is that water any different than our water?" she raised a brow, trying to picture how the coastal water could be any different than home's. What made it so special that it was great to bathe in exactly, was it colder or something? She could see how a more chilled liquid would probably be more enjoyable, but beyond that, she had no idea how it could otherwise be improved. "You make it sound like it's holy or something."

She paused, albeit briefly.

"Reavers?" she repeated and shook her head. "Sounds dodgey," she mused, though she didn't sound suspicious. Seemingly one to always make blunt observations, it wasn't in her nature to be inherently suspicious even if she could eventually put two and two together. "Almost like you're a roaming band of ruffians," she lifted a paw midstep and tapped at her cheek. "Maybe thieves," she amended.

"Ohhhh my gods you're jewel thieves aren't you?" she gasped. "Nicking all those pretty trinkets and bringing them home to make a small fortune off."

She tisked.

"Shame on you, you could at least redistribute the wealth to the poor and downtrod," she added. "Be a hero and all that."

Epine de Rose


Allied Recalibrator

PostPosted: Tue Sep 22, 2015 6:10 am
Chuckling he obediently answered her question. "Haha, not holy. Rather it is icy cold for a start and carries sand in it which is great for scouring through the fur and getting rid of blood, dust, lice.. anything nasty. It is also salty, which makes it bad for drinking but great for fish." Pausing when she did so he didn't get too far ahead, he laughed heartily as she jumped to pretty accurate conclusions. "Ruffians is probably a good term for us, yes." Grinning he glanced over and winked playfully. "You could be in danger you know.. You are rather jewel-like. I might mistake you for one and try and steal you away."

Pausing he looked round, for they had entered the edge of a thick, green forest. Ragnvard himself didn't come to locations like this very often, his homeland was far colder and with such harsh winds it was mostly sharp spine-like trees and a lot of rock. This was a lush, green land.

"Well, here is our first stop, the forest. Or it may be a jungle? I'm not sure of the difference."

Epine de Rose
PostPosted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 1:12 am

Sand? She wasn't entirely sure she knew exactly what that was, unless it was the grainy stuff that occasionally lay on riverbanks. Admittedly that didn't come in large quantities at home and most accepted that mud banks were typically a way of life. The salt however... Well that just confused her in its entirety, there wasn't any salt in the rivers and there were fish there so how was this any different?

"How is salt better for fish?" she asked at last and wrinkled her nose. "We have fish in our water and it isn't salty," she blinked and then shook her head. Now that she thought about it, what on earth did 'salty' mean, maybe they were salty and she had no idea. That being said, if she could drink the water here and not on the beach then perhaps it wasn't... Logic and all that. "And what does 'salty' even mean?" she added after a moment of consideration.

However, when he confirmed that he was a ruffian she did narrow her eyes a little bit. So he was a thief, perhaps she should have been more careful and made sure that he hadn't pilfered anything from the Pridelands? Then again there wasn't much to pilfer in the pridelands at this time of year, the herds had migrated by now. Thus, once she had drawn her own conclusions to this she puffed out her chest and gave him a very haughty stare.

"You could try but I suspect I could sit on you and have you beg for mercy," she pointed out breezily. "And a jungle, Mr. Wanderer is warmer than a normal forest, it almost feels like the water is floating in the air," she explained in the same tone.

"...Or at least that's what I've been told."

Epine de Rose


Allied Recalibrator

PostPosted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 2:01 am
Her query made him pause, head tipping thoughtfully. “I don’t actually know… but they are big and very tasty. They are also different types than you get in the rivers.” Shrugging one brawny shoulder he smiled. “I guess… it’s the weird taste that you crave, but drinking it makes you even more thirsty. It’s pretty dangerous if one doesn’t know not to drink it, I suppose. I certainly didn’t name it that, I’m a reaver, not a lawspeaker..” Chuckling he twitched his tail, briefly curious about just why it had been named that? But the curiosity passed, as did most things that involved speculation on ideas that held no bearing on his active lifestyle. The salt fish tasted good, and he didn’t dink the water. That was all he needed to know on that subject so he had never asked further.

He would have protested the ‘thief’ label she gave him had she spoken it out loud. A Viking was very proud of his or her warrior status, Ragnvard especially. Instead he laughed huskily, a wide grin forming as he looked her over with amusement. “That sounds kind of fun, actually…” He remarked, tone playful. Had any of his reavers heard him they would have been stunned, and then wondered if maybe the lioness was in fact a Goddess and had spun some kind of spell over their commander. Suffice to say, Ragnvard rarely teased or joked back home.

“Hmm..” He mused, glancing about their current leafy location. “Nope, never been to a jungle.. So, shall we explore a little? I wonder how the hunting is in here…” It was likely to be easier than his homeland, and with more variety. Not that Ragnvard did much hunting there, they had thralls for that after all. He was an admirable enough hunter though, for it was not much different from capturing some thralls, only with the killer bite at the end.

Epine de Rose
PostPosted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 9:45 am

"You would find it enjoyable to be sat on?" she peered at him for longer than was probably proper and then shook her head. "You must be one of these peculiar 'kink' sorts," she mused, and, like water off a duck's back, she seemed to let the matter slide. Perhaps others might have been wary, but a part of her was a touch curious about all these outsiders if they possessed quirks like these. They were so slight, but who knew what else they were hiding... That, and he was a thief!

Nevertheless, she did give his fish explanation some thought as she wandered further into the jungle, batting one or two springy plants as she went. Despite the lack of sun in certain parts, these things were [i[huge, and the longer she did stay in here the more she understood the 'water floating' description, it was all a little bit close and would take some getting used to.

"They have giant fish in lakes too," she pointed out and pursed her lips. "Guess I'll have to see for myself huh?" she added and sucked in a breath. "Doubt we'll find anything fin-ly in here though," she mused and took a moment to look about her.

"Maybe something fatter... like a pig."

Epine de Rose


Allied Recalibrator

PostPosted: Fri Oct 09, 2015 2:06 am
He grinned again. "Not so much the sitting... but yes." Arching a brow with a teasing smile he knew he was being deliberatly obtuse, but it was fun. And fun was not something Ragnvard really had too much experience of, certainly not this kind of harmless amusement. Usually 'fun' consisted of a good battle, or.. well, just good battles. And maybe a talk with his sister, if she were not being overly annoying.

"Kink sort?" He queried, expression shifting slightly, but he seemed to skip over the unusual comment. He probably was a kink, whatever that was. He was Stormborn after all. Dismissing it from his mind he looked round again, curious and intrigued by this new land. It was worlds away from the inhospitibal frozen wind and bare rock of hs homeland, that was for sure. The heavy air thick with moisture was highly uncomfortable for a lion used to dry, cold winds. Letting her walk along before him, as much to appreciate the view as to keep an eye on her for her safety, the Captain ducked some of the giant leaves, feeling somewhat like an insect among the monsterous plantlife.

"We can certainly go visit a lake next, or I can take you to the coast, though it is somewhat further away." He offered, perfectly happy to simply follow the intriguing female around for a while. Following her gaze he eyed the rich verdant undergrowth. "A pig is quite likely, I hear they like places like this..." Glancing back at her he paused before carefully picking his way up alongside her. "Care to try a hunt?" He grinned.

Epine de Rose
We could probably end this soon if you wanted?
PostPosted: Fri Oct 09, 2015 5:07 am
Sounds like a plan! n_n Helping her head to the coast might actually mean she can have a nosey at the Kizi meta too, it could tie in nicely for her.

"Individuals who are inclined to things that others wouldn't consider strictly normal, or appropriate," she offered her definition and continued on her way through the jungle, acclimatising gradually to what could only be described as 'suffocating' air. Far be it from her to comprehend how anyone lived here, but she could only assume that their fur was significantly lighter than her's, that was for sure!

As to that hunt...

"Darlin'," she said after a moment and looked over her head, her eyebrow raised in a haughty fashion. "I will happily trounce you in a hunt," she replied and waved her paw dismissively. "It is my profession after all," she pointed out and gave a mild sniff. Granted she wasn't the best hunter in the Pridelands but she knew her stuff, and was probably more well versed than he was in that respect!

"Mmmm and perhaps the coast, it sounds rather pleasant and these fish have caught my interest. I can always track back and find new things on my way home from there," she added, a moment or two after consideration.

Epine de Rose


Allied Recalibrator

PostPosted: Fri Oct 09, 2015 5:44 am
Her explanation made him smirk broadly. Oh, if only she knew just how kinky he really was then.. He rather doubted a fine lioness like her would have allowed a ruffian like him this close for this long if she knew who he really was. However he didn't think enlightening her would further him in her eyes so he simply kept quiet. She would never know who he truly was and that suited the Captain just fine. She may even welcome him back again if he played his game right.

Her retort to his offer surprised a deep, full-throated laugh of delight from the large male, gold eyes twinkling with genuine excitement. "Then let us hunt, and see who indeed is the better." He fully expected her to win, if not for any advantage in skill, then surely for her size. he already found it difficult to move in this hot and heavy place, his massive frame and heavy muscles simply not suited to the stifling close-quarters of the jungle. And for once, to his amused surprise, he did not loathe the idea of losing.

"After we eat, if we eat, we will head to the coast next." He returned, quite happy with the arrangement. It would also give him several more days in her company and hopefully, her open manner would continue.

Epine de Rose
Sounds perfect! He can escort her to the Kizi and then leave, since he kind of likes her (don’t tell anyone) and will for once want to make sure she is safe somewhere even if its not her home. XD
PostPosted: Fri Oct 09, 2015 9:02 am
xD I think we be finished with this one.

"Oh we will eat," Tala replied with a sly smirk, a competitive gleam in her eyes.

Rarely did she feel so inclined as to pursue prey as now, it wasn't often that someone stoked the fire quite as much as he had. It was peculiar, but she was the lazy sort at home and it was a turn-up for the books that she had, for some reason, decided that this was something she had to win. Generally she had no issue with losing, it made her life easier and required less effort on her part... but today? Nope, today she was going to win.

Without even a hint of warning the lioness sprung forward and bounded into the trees, her initial clattered designed to shoo and spook any viable quarry out of hiding for just long enough for her to spot it. She didn't have to catch it immediately, she just needed to know it was there. Once she knew... well, it was only a matter of time, and then she could dump a meal on top of her companion's head.

He'd marvel if he knew what was good for him!

Epine de Rose


Allied Recalibrator

PostPosted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 1:22 am
Ragnvard grinned at her proclamation. As she charged forwards with a great cachophany, the massive male laughed aloud before launching himself after her.

Today was a good day indeed.

Epine de Rose
[IC] Rogue Lands [IC]

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