Light footsteps fell as she moved slowly around the living quarters making sure everything was neat and tidy. She hadn't seen chozi much lately, though she knew he was doing much better since the rain had fallen. He was looking much better too. She was very happy about this, he was a great male and she had hated to see him so sick. She wasn't ill tempered towards him, he had offered her brother and her a home so she couldn't complain.

As she finished making sure everything was good she decided to go outside and have a look around, perhaps he was around nearby. She really wanted to get to know him a little better, she didn't see why not. She hadn't really talked a whole lot to him, or for any of them for that matter. She really should get over herself.

Chozi had his good and bad days. Today wasn't a good day, but it wasn't the worst so far either. He gave a cough as he sat in front of his small trinket project.

He wasn't an artisan by any menas, but he knew enough to make costumes. He hadn't danced in ages, and he really missed it. He sat back with a sigh.

It was getting harder for him to keep still and rest.

As she wandered along she finally spotted him working on something. As she approached she gave a low purr in her throat to announce her presence. "Good morning. How are you today?" She asked as she came around to an angle in which he could see her. She looked down at what he was working on and then back at him. "What are you working on today?" She inquired.

She honestly hadn't gotten into much with arts and crafts and had always been curious about the work others did. She liked some of the stuff he made, he did a good job.

Even with the announcement, Chozi stiffened, startled by the presense of the lioness. "Oh, Casa," He said, once he realized who it was. He hid his maw to cough into his paw again.

"Just a small necklace, really," he held up the trinket. Just a simple leather strap with a feather in the center. It would have some beads and a few more feathers when he finished it, but it was slow going.

"How are you today?"

"It looks nice." She said in admiration of it.

She winced slightly as he coughed and gave him a warm smile when he asked her how she was doing today. "I'm not doing to bad. Things could always be worse right?" She said trying to be slightly optimistic about things.

She wondered how much longer he would be sick for, perhaps a healer could give him something to make him better. "have you seen one of the healers lately?" She asked him. Sometimes he needed someone to take care of him since he had a hard time doing it himself sometimes it seemed.

Chozi gave a small nod - yes, things could always be worse. There was no doubt about that. Chozi had experienced worse, even. This wasn't so bad.

"Oh, I don't want to bother them," he told the Orja. It wasn't like there was an abundance of healers in the pride. Only a handful. The others were far more important, and he rather they were seen to first.

He was always exhausted tho. He didn't have the energy to go seek them out. It was hard, really, to even want to go so far to the borders - he did sometimes though, just to see out into the roguelands where he used to roam.

She listened to his words and frowned slightly. From her understanding he was the type that was better at being commanded than allowing to act on his own. She would probably have to find a healer and drag him to one if he never went on his own. She would let it be for now, but she would eventually do it if he continued to refuse to get help. He was like that.

So selfless in a way. Though at the same time it seemed, not right.

"I'm sure they wouldn't be bothered." She said simply as she made herself comfortable nearby him. "Is there anything I can do to help?" She asked him. He was always so kind to her, she wanted to help.

Chozi gave Casa a smile, focusing back on his trinket for a moment. He wasn't too rushed to finish it. It wasn't for any project specifically. He just wanted something to do to keep him mind off of the illness.

He hummed, looking down at the few supplies he had gathered to make the necklace. "Actually, if you want to help me find some more feathers, that would be helpful. When the ground was dry, they were easy to find, but the lands were wet again, so it was hard for the sick cheeton to find the feathers in the mud.

She looked down at the bits and pieces he had for the necklace he was making and she smiled when he asked if she would help him gather some more feathers. Yes, she could do that. It would give her something to do at least.

"I would love to help you find some." She said looking at his work to see what kind of feathers he might want. "Any particular kind you need?" She asked so she could figure out where to start looking for some that he could find useful.

“Just some small ones, but anything you find would be wonderful.” He gave her a smile. “They could always be used for later projects…” Chozi enjoyed working with feathers the most. He liked putting them in the shorter bits of his mane and making trinkets for those he cared about.

It probably stemmed from the fact that he would never get formally married in the pride. It was something he had longed for since cubhood, but it would never happen. Either way, he gave her a smile. “Thank you, for helping.”

Okay, so anything that looks good and could be used later. She could do that. "I'll see what I can find." She gave him a warm smile and pondered for a moment. "If I come across a healer I'll probably send them this way. At least give you something for your cough" it was more of a statement than a question. She gave him one last smile and padded off to fine him some feathers and perhaps a healer.