The Hunter
Name: Megan Lam
Nicknames: N/A
Gender: Female
Age: 22

Category: Death - The "intelligence" operation, in charge of gathering information and maintaining the network of Hunters. They gather the information prior to a mission.

The Weapon

Name: Nephys
Nicknames: Neph
Type of Weapon: Weighted Chain (Possibility: Meteor Hammer?)
Former species of weapon: Peryton
Gender: Female


MEGAN - Approximately 86453% nerd. Having spent much of her free time (prior to the events of Day Zero) playing horror games, she isn't easily rattled by frightening or creepy imagery, though she is inexplicably terrified of being alone in the dark. She is, however, a huge coward in real life, and her first instinct when she feels she is in grave danger is to run the opposite direction very very fast. As a result, she also keeps quite fit and is both fast and agile when it comes to running or climbing. Having lost everything to the outbreak, she clings fiercely to anything she might still have. Friends, belongings, anything. Cautious and measured, she will only reach the point of recklessness when she feels she's reached the very end of the line and has nothing to lose.

NEPHYS - In contrast, the weapon is more crafty and stays level-headed in stressful environments, quite ready to think of the fly. Whether her ideas are good ones is another story, of course. Her think-fast mentality stems from a strong survival instinct, which she projects onto her hunter. Like any good peryton she values her shadow, and became a weapon under the impression that she'd be used in combat against humans and thereby gain her true shadow. She was wrong, and is still bitter about it because even in this form it's still wrong. Serves her right for listening to humans instead of killing them.

Why did your human character choose to become a Hunter?

Planty zombie hell comes to mind!

Weapon Ability Gift of the Peryton (The Barrier) - A peryton is impervious to manmade weaponry until they have killed a human and regained their shadow. Having failed to do so, Nephys still possesses this trait, and as a weapon, she has a limited capacity to extend it and protect a chosen target.

Physical Description:

Please refer to this coat guide and this weapon guide!

Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour/Style: Straight black shoulder length (ponytail?)
Skin Colour: ... Yellow? (pale asian chick come on)
Clothing Style/Colours: TBD
References: WIP WIP WIP