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[SRP] Know thy Enemy (Svana x Ragnvard)

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Allied Recalibrator

PostPosted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 3:13 am
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Lowering her head she sniffed carefully at the trail. Nothing, thankfully. Lifting it back up she gazed back along the path she had come. It was one of the furthermost boundary tracks, technically part of the Outlands but it tracked round the edge of the Stormborn's forest. Luicvar had sent her out to do a boarder patrol, something she had done fairly often in the past, but never quite this far from the pride. Not that she was worried, she could hold her own with all but the most talented fighters in the pride, so a rogue should pose little problem for her. Nevertheless, something was telling her trouble was near and it was making her twitchy with annoyance.
PostPosted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 4:01 am
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Ragnvard grinned to himself, his heart lighter and with a spring in his step that had not existed a few weeks ago. He had thoroughly enjoyed his little visit to the Pridelands, most of which had been spent not in the Pridelands, but in escorting a sassy, sharp-tongued white female around. Had anyone knew what he had been up to for a week, they would not have believed it, and then they would have promptly called him flower-blooded and challenged him for his rank. Since he had not tried to capture her for thralldom even once, but instead had been happy to follow her around, protect her and talk in a way he never had before.

However the honeymoon was over and it was time he returned to work, a prospect that he was looking forward to immensely after so long away from his duties and his reavers. He would of course go back to the Pridelands, Tala had been too entertaining and too tasty to never go back for seconds, but he had things to do and they were more important now.

Haku swooped low, skimming along the grass-tops and diving nimbly between the low sweeping branches of massive old trees. He had begun to suspect that his bonded had gone off and died, he had been gone so long. But now that Ragnvard was back, hale and hearty and in a finer mood than Haku had seen on him in a long time, the bird wasn’t too sure if he was pleased or disappointed. He had just started to get used to the idea that he was free of his obligation, after mourning briefly for the lion that had saved him and to who he owned a life-debt.

Sighing he back-winged and landed neatly on a branch, barely disturbing the leaves. Well… no sense in dwelling on what didn’t happen. Ragnvard was back now and had once again claimed Haku’s services as rightfully his. Ruffling his feathers in faint annoyance a flash of dark red caught his attention, a little further along the path. Who was out here? A rogue? No, it had to be another pride members. Grinning Haku shuffled along the branch slightly to get a better view of her before twisting his head and peering back along the path. Ragnvard was just rounding the corner, they would see each other in… 3.. 2.. 1…


Allied Recalibrator


Allied Recalibrator

PostPosted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 6:15 am
Rolling her eyes at herself didn’t seem to help with the jitteriness that refused to budge. Her fur felt like it was trying to crawl down her spine, her muscles were tense and stiff and her ears were twitching in time with her nose, as if her body knew something she didn’t and was trying to warn her. Growling low in annoyance at her own self she was about to stomp further along the path when the twitchy-spikey feeling in her skin intensified, causing to her almost hiss in pain before suddenly a familiar figure stepped round the bend further along the path, making Svana hiss for real.

She did not need this today! Narrowing her pale eyes at the male striding along towards her she bared sharp fangs. What could Ragnvard possibly want with her? His grin alone unsettled her enough to put her nerves on edge. Meeting out here alone like this? Nothing good was about to happen.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 7:06 am
Ragnvard spotted the black and red female moments later, paws slowing as he frowned, trying to place her. Dark red coat, black back, one white paw… and those small but bright fire-like markings around her eye. She was clearly a Stormborn and not a rogue, tall and extremely muscular, her current hostile posture only emphasised her lean physique. He knew her… Svana! That was it! Disappointment settled as he remembered. Such a shame, she had grown into a truly stunning lioness. And he had seen her fight, she was good. Smart as well as talented. And with the right push she could be truly vicious. Sadly she had fallen under that tan Captain’s spell.. Lucivar. The name alone made Ragnvard’s nose wrinkle in distaste. That male was a menace, and he had the seeming good fortune to keep scooping up all the promising young reavers.

Though come to think of it… hadn’t he heard a rumour she was starting her own band soon? She had been ‘auditioning’ potential young stormborn at any rate, his sister had heard it from Jovokin who had heard it from Gredholf who had heard it round the fermented fruits last week. While Ranvard didn’t put much faith in hearsay, he did pay attention to any lion aiming to become Captain. Eyeing her up he wondered if he could talk her round, get her to join him… Hmm…

The bird watched avidly as the two lions spotted each other. The red female went all stiff and spiky, her body-language clearly aggressive. Ragnvard was his usual confident self, but she was clearly a reaver, as she had the muscle and the scars they all seemed to acquire. He half hoped the two would fight. It would be good to see Ragnvard knocked down a peg or two. Though he didn’t think any female could mange that no matter how strong or talented they were.. Ragnvard was a big male with a lot of muscle… Still, it would have proved an interesting fight if it happened…  


Allied Recalibrator


Allied Recalibrator

PostPosted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 7:27 am
The confident smirk the male always wore simply ground on Svana’s nerves. She had always been wary of him, but as she grew she realised just how far the rust-coloured Captain would go o get what he wanted. She had, after all, seen his unfortunate thrall about the pride on occasion, and she knew his brother quite well as they were in the same band. Her hatred for Ragnvard was unparalleled by anything else.

As he drew closer she tensed, tail lashing behind her, ears pinned flat to her skull with aggression. “What do you want?” She snarled, shoulders and back hunched in both warning and preparation in case he decided she made a good target.
PostPosted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 8:11 am
Well, if anything, her violent reaction to his mere presence suggested that she would not be amicable to an arrangement. Pity, as he could see she was tough and determined, she would have gone places under his guidance. As it was she was wasting her time on Lucivar, and even worse, she had to be sympathetic to his brother’s cause. A well… You couldn’t win very battle, he supposed. And it was the war that he was aiming to win. She would be a dangerous opponent however, if she stuck her nose where it didn’t belong. He would just have to watch her carefully, and maybe insert a reaver into her band who was loyal to Ragnvard himself. Yes….. that would work. After all the lion in question could pretend to be on Ronan’s side. Hmm… that actually had merit.

Eyeing her as she hissed at him in such a fury, he was hard pressed not to laugh out loud. At least it seemed she knew who he was and he had certainly made some kind of impression on her. In fact her reaction was so severe he wondered if they had crossed paths before.. Had he tripped over her as a cub or stolen her meal or something? Shrugging he tossed aside the idle speculation and smiled slyly at her. “Hello Svana…”

Haki shifted on his branch, careful to keep both lions in easy view. The female still seemed very angry and like she may lash out at any moment. But sadly Ragnvard didn’t seem up for a fight, he was in planning mode. Ruffling his feathers in disappointment the avian settled on his branch, one beady eye keeping watch over the two lions. He didn’t trust Ragnvard not to try something devious on the female, and on one wing he didn’t want to miss it if anything happened, and on the other the female didn’t deserve to have to put up with his bonded. So.. Haku watched, ready to intervene if things looked like they were about to take anosedive.


Allied Recalibrator


Allied Recalibrator

PostPosted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 2:44 am
Curling her lip at his greeting she resisted the urge to spit something hateful at him. Just being near him made her fur stand on end and caused a strange ringing in her ears and the urgent desire to fight or flee. Tamping down on it all was a real effort and it didn’t help her temper one bit. But after a moment of working her jaw in fury she finally managed to spit out a reply, albeit with great reluctance. “It is a good day to die, Ragnvard.” Thor’s fury but she wasn’t about to credit him with his title as well. His smirk was infuriating her, his very presence an offence to her sensibilities.

“I ask again. What do you want?” She growled, head lowering as she prepared for whatever he may try. This was Ragnvard, his reputation was as violent as it was convoluted, so she had no idea what he might decide to do, from starting a fight to insulting her mother… all of it was free game as far as he was concerned.

PostPosted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 3:11 am
Patiently waiting for her to work through her discomfort, Ragnvard chuckled silently to himself. So much fury and indignation, she really was something else. So few lions had the guts to be that certain in their convictions and whether she was right or wrong, she was completely committed to her path. He actually admired her for that, even if she was stood in his path spitting literal daggers at him. Such a shame she had set herself against him, she could have been so very useful.

“The same to you, my dear.” He purred, grinning when she shuddered in fury and disgust. Tilting his head he eyed the path over her shoulder. “Actually, I don’t have any business with you. I just need to get past.” He might admire her but he wasn’t going to let her get away with her spitting. The righteous youth… Ahh… but they were always so focused on one thing. She probably expected him to jump her or otherwise have some kind of nefarious plan for her. They were always so self centred…

Stretching out one wing lazily he watched the two lions below. The red female was getting herself worked up, and yet… there was something about he reaction, like it was being fuelled by something else… Curious Haki focused both eyes on her. He some lions were seers, apparently they had them her ein this pride too, though it wasn’t a rank as such and it seemed to be less meaningful than in other lands. But maybe she was one? Her reaction, so out of context and violent, certainly suggested it. Clicking his beak in curiosity he decided that he would have to pay more attention to her in the future. If she was one of these seers, it may prove useful to know.


Allied Recalibrator


Allied Recalibrator

PostPosted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 3:16 am
Svana narrowed her eyes at him, suspecting a trap. Nothing he did was ever as innocent as it looked, and she was still getting creepy ‘run-the-hell-away’ vibes from him. Her extra sense that had never steered her wrong in the past was screaming at her now. But… she was being rude, and she knew it. Swallowing down her anger with a great deal of effort, the burn of doing so making her shudder, she glared darkly at him.

“Very well.” She returned, managing to smother most of the growl in her voice, though it still came out far raspier than usual. Stepping to one side, as far as she could without looking ridiculous, she pointedly stared at him, waiting for him to move past. No way was she taking her eyes of him until he was on his way, politeness be damned.
PostPosted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 3:31 am
Smirking, Ragnvard moved, walking past her with an easy, relaxed gait. “Thank you dear… Give my best to your Captain, and my brother…” He couldn’t help but poke at her while she was forced to act civil, if not genuinely polite. He didn’t expect she would actually pass his words along, and that wasn’t his intention anyway. If she was going to be his enemy he would simply cultivate her hatred, even enemies could be useful. They were liable to make mistakes and look for ways of bringing him down, and then he would simply act like the wounded party and get them taken care off by the pride itself. Grinning he flicked his tail, completely ignoring the female. “Come on bird, let’s go.”

Haki twisted his head this way and that, watching the lioness as she tracked his master with her gaze, muzzle wrinkled in distaste. Sadly she didn’t move though, waiting until Ragnvard had passed before turning away and stalking stiffly along the track. As the distance between the two cats increased Haki huffed. So much for that… But he had learned something useful at least. Whistling to himself he launched off his branch and winged out of the trees, swooping low behind his Captain.

Time would tell….



Allied Recalibrator

[IC] Rogue Lands [IC]

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