The Hunter
Name: Eva Martinez
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Category: Sun

The Weapon

Name: Junzo
Type of Weapon: Epic boxing-type gloves in the style of ancient Japanese armor (Put simply, gauntlets)
Former species of weapon: Oni
Gender: Male



  • Introvert: Eva gives off a stoic, angry vibe that's not really...inviting. She's aloof and doesn't seem to go out of her way to hold a conversation or make friends. In truth, she used to be more open to strangers, but somewhat recent events have caused her to become more withdrawn than normal...

  • Athlete: Despite what might appear to be a restrained personality, Eva likes to have control, and she found her control in boxing. It's one of the few aspects in life she's truly passionate about. Fueled by sheer will power, Eva goes above and beyond what's necessary to hone her skills. She lives by the motto "train insane or remain the same" and is never satisfied with herself (which can actually be considered a flaw if kept unchecked).

  • Structured: Although Eva likes her control, she enjoys structure and routine. Following rules, reading recipes to the letter, and applying herself to strict training regimes are just a few areas where she feels comfortable and confident. This trait has been known to get in the way of friendships, however, as Eva's not afraid to snitch.

  • I didn't know you were funny: What was that? You made a joke? Oh...she didn't know you were funny. /severe stare

  • Impatient: Arm-crossing, foot shuffling, and sideways-glancing are a few signs you should be on the lookout for when working with Eva. If you take too long to do something, Eva would much rather cut in and complete the task herself. This could easily be considered rude or hurtful, but Eva can't help herself. She's focused on efficiency.

  • Secretive Accent: So-called secretive because Eva's accent is frustratingly thick (at least to her), so in addition to her quiet nature, it's one of the reasons she doesn't talk much. It's also secretly one of the only things that can cause her embarrassment. She feels most comfortable speaking Spanish or Valencian, but even then, she's a woman of few words.

JUNZO: Junzo was a lazy, belch-loving giant of a red oni who loved to beat the stuffing out of creeple for fun. His only noteworthy accomplishment was that he flunked out of Amityville and became a pretty infamous jerk in a few remote areas of Halloween in a fairly short amount of time just before things...went south. He doesn't remember having any friends, probably because he mostly sees others in comparison with his own strength--that is, "can I have a good fight with this person?" and that's about it. Beneath his loafing, loud-mouthed ways is a mind strangely intune with the true hidden feelings of others...and he'll always call it like he sees it with 0% tact.
Presently, he is very much a driving force for Eva, pushing her to do and say things she wouldn't normally. Most of the time he's a bizarrely positive influence on her, but time will tell if that will remain the case...

Why did your human character choose to become a Hunter?

Eva grew up in Valencia, Spain in a section that is considered very much "old town". She spent her childhood running errands for her hardworking parents, and took care of the cooking, cleaning, and even shopping while they were away. Her early teenage years took her to a rebellious stage where she felt misunderstood and unappreciated, rejecting her parents and way of life. Her lack of time with them caused her to feel distant. With no one to confide in, secrets of things she could see and feel--things others couldn't--piled up, taking her to a dark place. She left to live on her own. Her saving grace was an old, run-down boxing gym owned by an ancient-faced man who seemed to match it. The man was nearly broke and living in a small room within the decrepit building. Despite the man's blatant refusals at first, the rebellious teenage Eva began paying for lessons there with her own money.

The man seemed to have lost his spark, but gradually gained it back each time Eva showed up for training. Under her new coach's guidance, she worked hard so that she could compete in amateur matches. Eva began to invest all her time into the gym. When she wasn't training, she was cleaning up years of caked-on dust and grime until the place had a vintage gleam. It was during those times alone that she sensed there was something in that building--something with ill-intent. When her coach would arrive, she found that the feeling would overtake his own presence. But if she stayed close to him, it lessened. Sometimes it came and went at random. Protective, Eva did her best to be with the old timer as much as possible.

The two developed a close bond, and Eva began living in the gym herself. The coach came to be a grandfather to Eva, and she a granddaughter to him. The old man had 3 sons, and he wanted all 3 to continue his small business after his retirement (which was well overdue), but all they saw was an old, out-of-date dead-end. Eva hated them. They wanted to sell, and they carried an unsettling presence with them. The sons didn't have much patience with their father, either. When it became clear that their father was beginning to favor Eva's company over their own, they visited less and less to avoid the apparent friction.

Eva was an amateur boxer through her late teen years, and moved to pro quickly. By this time, she had helped her grandfather build up his company, which now had several employees and trainees. At the brand new smell of prospects, the 3 sons began to appear more often, eager to sell a now-thriving business. Unfortunately for them, the old man had changed his will--the gym would go to Eva, and therefore belonged to her. Enraged, they swore legal action and left. The darkness within the gym grew. Eva's grandfather became ill.

It happened one night that week. Eva was staying over at the gym to care for her ailing grandfather. On one of her frequent patrols around the gym, she heard a sound that would forever haunt her nightmares thereafter--a shrill, blood-curdling scream. By the time she reached her grandfather's room, it was too late--he was dead. The coroner said it had been a heart attack, but Eva knew better. It was something much darker. If anything, he had been scared to death.

Convinced of supernatural foul play that she attempted to make a public ordeal out of it. She spoke to the streets, wrote to the papers, and even appeared on a local news channel. Not long after, she was visited by a mysterious guest--a scout from Deus Ex.
Eva accepted their invitation with little pause for consideration.

Weapon Ability

The Battle Cry // Hulk Smash // GET OUT THE WAY.

Physical Description:

(If you have a Pinterest account, feel free to view her board HERE for easy image-viewing. Junzo's board is HERE.)

Eye Colour: Extremely dark brown, nearly black
Hair Colour/Style: Black (warm shading tones preferred over blue). The style is exactly like Vanessa Hudgens' hair in the following images: [ One ] - [ Two ] - [ Three ] - [ Four ]
Skin Colour: Around this, I guess it's a sort of olive or light olive.
Clothing Style/Colours: Her coat is very long and sleeveless with a large hood. The arm holes should be quite deep, ending below her chest. Her hood should be down in the back. The front of the coat is completely open with no buttons, zippers, or sashes (so it's sort of like a throw-on kind of robe/jacket). Rough sketch of the back view of her coat is here. The front is mostly up to you.
Her scarf is red and most of the time it's tied/wrapped around one of her biceps (she may use it to wipe sweat, who can say for sure...)
Her typical boxing outfit is something like this while her typical everyday outfit is something like this. If you want to combine elements from both outfit ideas or stick to one, do what you feel is best! What she wears under her coat is really up to you.
Extra: High cheek bones. Eyes on the more angular, glaring side. Aquiline nose (basically a slightly hooked nose). Severe brow. She shouldn't have any make-up on, and her ears aren't pierced. For an idea of physicality, her boxing division is Super Featherweight. Some Super Featherweight boxers you can study include Eva Wahlstrom (who coincidentally shares this hunter's name!) and Amanda Serrano. (You don't have to copy either body to a T, I simply provided them for reference. She definitely doesn't have to be ripped as hell. Serrano and Wahlstrom's bodies aren't exactly the same, as you can see, so feel free to draw what you're comfortable with.) Eva's height is just over 5'7".
Junzo: The main idea for the concept of weapon is something like this (though the size can be smaller at first and grow as she progresses), constructed similarly to ancient red Japanese armor: [ One ] - [ Two ] - [ Three ] - [ Four ] - [ Five ]
References: I drew a headshot of Eva with her hood up last year here. Obviously you don't have to reference this heavily, but her overall vibe & angularity is there.