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WHERE IT IS ALWAYS HALLOWEEN (and sometimes exams) 

Tags: Halloween, Demons, Monsters, Roleplay, Academy 

Reply { Halloween Subspace } --- Quests and character approval
[Q] Ellie Trem The Object Spirit [Open for Crits!]

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Rikku Takanashi

Friendly Guardian

PostPosted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 4:10 pm

Name: Ellie Trem (Full name was lost upon death)
Nicknames: N/a at this time
Gender: Female
Ghost Age: Ghostling (Newborn)
Physical/Mental Age: 16

Faction: Ghost
Race: Object Spirit - Book Spirit - Grim's Fairytale Tome

Natural Ability: Grim Fairytale Magic - Ellie is attached to a book which has all of the Grim Fairytale stories in it, and her Natural Ability reflects this. Unlike many ghosts, Ellie has a strong affinity towards magic and her Natural Ability allows her to use 'Fairytale' magic. Currently, the magic is restricted to only what one might see in a Grim's Fairytale. As of Y1, She can cause objects up to 5ft away to levitate anywhere in a space 5ft around her. The objects must be lighter then half her weight however.

Personality: Quite Shy, Brave, Lonely, Loyal, Jolly, Quiet,
Friendly, Kind, Generous, and Determined.

Shy - Ellie is quite shy to the point of it almost being
painful, and a bit socially awkward as well. When
around creeple she doesn't know -- And even around creeple she kinda
knows. -- she will turn bashful and a bit nervous. Often times, this
causes her to stumble over her words and even say the wrong thing
sometimes. Due to her shyness, she usually speaks in a quiet or soft
voice; this means when she tries to yell it doesn't come out very
impressively. When feeling shy, she will rarely make eye contact with
someone, especially if she doesn't know them or she's feeling down for
some reason. Her slight Social Awkwardness stems from her shyness and
her particular interests. Books, fantasy/sci-fi stories, video games,
and magic are Ellie's primary interests, and because she's not into
many mainstream things, she tends to be out of touch with the
'latest thing'.

Jolly Heart - Shyness and awkwardness aside, Ellie is a very
warm and friendly person with kindness and generosity being at her
core. Typically, she is cheerful overall and rarely lets herself
truely get down. There is usually a bright side to most things, plus
complaining and getting down won't solve anything to her way of
thinking. Despite her kindness and generosity however, Ellie is not a
pushover! She won't just give a random stranger everything she has,
but she will try to help them to the best of her ability.

Brave - It might seem counter intuitive, that a naturally shy
ghoul who gets nervous around others would be brave, but Ellie is, in
fact, very brave! Just not so much in social situations... However, if
the situation is serious, she'll try her best to be brave in social
situations. She loves adventure and will bravely meet any dangers she
may encounter on her adventures! Typically, she can keep a cool head
in most situations while thinking quickly on her feet; and while she
isn't usually rash, she does have her moments.

Lonely - From the moment Ellie came to Halloween, she had a
deep seated loneliness she couldn't explain at first... But, it became
quickly apparent where it came from not long after. Because of her
shyness and social awkwardness, Ellie doesn't yet have very many good
friends... She figures this was true in her human life as well which
may be where the loneliness was from. Despite her shyness and
awkwardness around others, Ellie craves friendship. She craves creeple
she can be comfortable around, ones that will stand by her despite her
short comings. This means that, while she's not a pushover, she may
accept a acquaintance as a friend a bit too easily...

Loyal - Ellie is a very loyal person. Friendship is very
important to her and she sees someone actually taking the time and
effort to get past her shyness as important. It means a lot to her
when someone sticks with her and she'd sooner have her core destroyed
then betray a dear friend! Her generosity is strongest with good
friends and she will gladly share, money, food, homework, even
personal belongings with them! She'll even go so far as to become a
meat shield if need be!

Other Tidbits About Her.

Bookworm/Story Lover/Video Gamer - Ellie is a bookworm at heart
and loves books! The feel of the paper, it's scene, it's character!
She loves actual books, Scee-books don't interest her as much. Her
favorite types of books are Fantasy and Sci-fi, but she loves
instructional books, guides, even magazines! Books aren't her only
literary love, stories in general are her thing. Again, Fantasy is her
primary love and Sci-fi runs a close second. Magic, adventure,
emotion, etc she loves it all! Because of her love of Fantasy and
Sci-fi, she's also become a pretty avid RPGer. It's all about the
story for her, though the gameplay does contribute a lot to things.
Fatal Fantasy, Shadow Heart's Kingdom, and Bravely Defaulting Darkness
are among her top three. Spookymon runs a very close fourth! Animes,
Manga, Scaresney movies, and online rps are also popular with her.
But, her main and primary love is, books.

Not a Jock, but not a Slacker either! - Ellie isn't the most
athletic person in Halloween, but she stays in shape and can keep up
with most people.

Her Red Bag - Whenever Ellie is out in public, one can usually
find her with her large red messenger style bag. On it are various
Fatal Fantasy, Shadow Heart's Kingdom, and Bravely Defaulting Darkness
charms and pins. General Fan stuff basically. Ellie bonded with this
bag before she came to Halloween and figures she must have been held
the bag of high importance, plus been a fan of those games in her
human life as well. Her Red Bag feels slightly like a security blanket
for her and it's her second most important possession.

Why are they enrolled in Amityville Academy? Ellie, unfortunately, didn't survive Day Zero; not in the traditional sense anyway. She came back as a ghost and was quickly adopted by a kind ghost that was a bookstore manager! Naturally, she started working there and seemed content with this new simple life. But, a encounter with a certain Dormouse ghoul changed all that! Afterwards, Ellie decided she wanted to try and improve her Fear so she could become more then a simple shop keeper. She also wanted to find adventure and become strong like Camilla! She was given a second chance at life, and felt like she came back as a ghost to do more with her unlife then just read and work in her adopted father's store!

FEAR Ability: Spirit Blade(Battle Cry)(T1) - Ellie channels her fear into forming a semi ornate dagger which allows her to deal a powerful Fear based attack to the opponent! This however, is NOT a Reaper weapon! Once she attacks, be it successful or not, the Fear is spent and the dagger dissipates away.

Physical Description:

Eye Colour: A soft deep brown.
Hair Colour/Style: Soft rich brown hair with shortish shaggyish bangs and side locks while two thick braids make up the back portion of her hair.
Skin Colour: A bare cool porcelain like this.
Clothing Style/Colours: Ellie typically wears Autumnal colors such as oranges, browns, reds, blacks, and occasionally green. Her typical style is elegant proper style clothes such as spat style boots, vests, dress shirts, etc. She does secretly love Steampunk style and general Victorian as well.
Extra: Ellie has a very faint green glow that can't typically be seen except in total darkness.
References: Typical Appearance and Outfit. (Note: The silver dangle on her vest is lost, her shirt is tucked it at the bottom revealing the orange buttons, her bust size is actually a medium B so a bit smaller then the image, her two hairclips are actually a autumn orangey bronze, the heel on her boots are much lower, and all the black parts of the outfit are actually a autumnal brown.)
Cheap Steampunk Costume Alt Outfit. (Note: It's got dirt on it that will never seem to go away, and it's got a few rips here and there. She rarely wears this outfit and keeps it safely tucked away in her closet.)  
PostPosted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 4:13 pm
.: Other Info About Ellie :.

Ellie's Day Zero Journal

Ellie's Minipets

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

She technically has Invincible and a Mist Wolf too, but I don't know if quest students can have Apex Pets.  

Rikku Takanashi

Friendly Guardian

Rikku Takanashi

Friendly Guardian

PostPosted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 4:14 pm
.: Object Spirit Info :.

What is a Object Spirit?

A Object Spirit is, as one might guess, a spirit connected to a object; kinda like a Haunt or a Tsukumogami. Now, if they are like a Haunt or Tsukumogami, how are they different you may ask?

Object Spirits are, as you might imagine, exclusively bound only to objects whereas Haunts can be bound to places. They are closely tied to their object, but aren't born from it like Tsukumogami are and don't often share physical traits with said object.

How are Object Spirits Born?

There is two ways a Object Spirit is born. The first, is the original 'Ghost' way where the ghost of a human who died becomes bound to their object. The second, is birth by pumpkin. How a Object Spirit is born decides how they get their item.

How Ghost born Object Spirits are born is - When a human dies and they become a ghost after their Fear Core is created around their soul, they are born unbound. A Unbound Object Spirit will tend to feel lost if they go without finding their object for a extended period of time. And, it is not truely considered 'born' by other Object Spirits until it finds it's object. How a Object Spirit finds it object is- All objects, like all things, have a essence. The very magical and energetic being of the object. Usually, essence doesn't really get much attention paid to it; however, some objects have a special energy/magic which is born when emotions and memories are poured into the object! The energy/magic from the emotions and memory forms merges together to make the special energy/magic.

Unbound Object Spirits can sense the essence of objects and the special energy. To find their object, they seek a one with essence and energy that powerfully resonates with their own. They will be drawn towards it, as will the energy from the object, and when contact is made the binding proccess begins! If the two essences and energies resonate powerfully enough and in harmony, they will be drawn so strongly together that the object's essence and energy will merge with the Object Spirit's! The essence/energy converts to Fear and literally becomes part of the Object Spirit's core! This binds the Object Spirit to the object and vice versa.

After they have bound to their object, they are officially 'born'! After binding, they must summon their object, much like how a Reaper might summon their Weapon or Familiar. However, unlike a Reaper Weapon/Familiar, their object can't be dismissed and is out permanently from the time of it's first summoning. Because this object is part of their very core, it often looks different from how it originally did due to being converted into Fear; how different really depends on the Object spirit in question.

Object Spirit's object can't be permanently destroyed so long as the Object Spirit's core is intact. HOWEVER! The object can in fact be temporarily damaged or destroyed! If the object is damaged, the Object spirit's emotions, and maybe even memory, will go haywire! They will be fairly unstable mentally and emotionally, plus they may even suffer physical pain depending on the extent of the damages! Fortunately, because it is a part of them, the damages will 'heal' like how a wound would. How long this takes depends on the strength of the Object Spirit and the extent of the damages.

If the object is outright destroyed? Well... the Object Spirit will feel destroyed... Their mind and heart will shatter causing then to become hollow... They may also suffer madness and extreme confusion... Luckily, the destruction of the object is temporary and it will reform! But when it reforms isn't regular... It can take a day for very powerful Object Spirits, or it could take many weeks for less powerful ones! For this reason, Object Spirits tend to hide away their object and often get upset if someone they don't know or trust touches it!

Now, so what about the pumpkin means of birth? Well... I'm sure you already know that song and dance... It works like any other pumpkin born Halloween creature!

How the object effects the Object Spirit.

Unbound Object Spirits are blank slates. They have the abilities and skills that they had in life, but nothing extra other then what comes with being a ghost. No Natural Ability, no boost in skills, nothing. They are simply a ghostly human that is essentially helpless until they find their object. But when they do, the object affects them in many ways!

First is a natural boost in certain areas. A Spirit bound to say a pen might be better at writing then they were before. A Spirit bound to a sword might be very good at sword fighting and have more strength then before. Books... Well, they are complecated. What they affect largely depends on what the book is about. A educational book might impart that skill to the spirit. A fantasy book might give the spirit access to magic and give them a natural affinity towards magic. A- well, you get the picture.

The object doesn't just affect their stats and general affinities; it also affects their Natural Abilities too! Object Spirits don't have a set group of Natural Abilities like other Halloween specie do. What Natural Ability they get is directly influenced by their object. A Spirit bound to a pen for example, might be able to create ink from their fingertips at a whim! A Spirit bound to a toy, might be able to possess other toys or possibly have a calming effect on creeple.

One thing the object doesn't typically affect is their appearance. A Unbound Object Spirit is a human who passed away and became a ghost. They weren't born from the object, so they don't tend to share physical traits with it. However, pumpkin born Object Spirits are, in fact, usually born with their object! This means that sometimes the object does affect their appearance. But, it's not common, and unfortunately those that are, are often confused with Tsukumogami...

Object Spirit History.

Object Spirits have easily been around as long as Haunts and Tsukumogami, being a ancient specie of spirit. However, their origins, like many ancient and well known species, is a mystery. It doesn't help either that they are so often confused with their Haunt and Tsukumogami cousins...

Truely, to get a good sense of Object Spirit's History, all one need do is to look at Haunts. Though one must overlook any Haunts related to place as, previously mentioned, Object Spirits bind only to Objects.

Object Spirit Culture.

Because Object Spirits aren't exactly common, they don't tend to form large groups or communities. Typically, a object spirit is just as happy to be around a specie different from them as they are their own and are, by nature, usually very tolerate of other factions.

When Object Spirits do group together however, they often sort themselves into subclasses. Usually, the subclasses are of common objects such as Weapons, Books, Stationary Objects, etc. It's the Spirit's own choice if they wish to break it down even further into a specific category, such as a weapon spirit breaking it down further into say a sword spirit.

Binding Other Objects.

Right after binding to their object, a Object spirit can bind other items of notable essence and energy to them. These items don't have any really deep effect on the Object Spirit, they are just things that are important to them that they wish to bind with. The extra objects are bound with and summoned just the same as the key object and they will recover or return if damaged or destroyed like the key object due to being part of the Object Spirit's Fear. They won't however, have a profound effect on the spirit if they are damaged or destroyed; at most, it has a emotional effect that any lost of a valuable object might have.  
PostPosted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 4:15 pm
.: R.e.s.e.r.v.e.d :.  

Rikku Takanashi

Friendly Guardian

Rikku Takanashi

Friendly Guardian

PostPosted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 4:16 pm
.: R.e.s.e.r.v.e.d :. (And one more for good measure!)  
PostPosted: Tue Apr 26, 2016 3:44 pm
Small crit as requested: Approval relevant-

-Natural ability: This should be a single skill, not multiple. That said, abilities should be reflective of the species, and in the case of a haunt (which is what an object spirit would be), she would not have strong magic as that is not a ghost trait, or a trait held by the subspecies, (haunt). That a fairly large change, so I'll let you mull over that. Think of her 2st year ability as something small that wouldn't be hanging around very long or used too frequently. Most skills are starting points for stronger ones, so perhaps her skill is levitating a few feet above ground? Y2 she can glide over small distances, y3 she can fly. Things like that.

FEAR: She shouldn't be creating a weapon, even temporarily.

As far as approval stuff, that's all I have~
Rikku Takanashi




Trash Husband

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