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Ragnvard yawned mightily. It had been a long few days. They had been scouting the roguelands for some kind of loot or .. anything, and not sight nor sound of a single bit of jewellery, or a thrall, had they found. Ragnvard was grumpy and frustrated. Failure was not something the large male handled well and he had needed a good viking. Scowling darkly he tossed his head back, glaring ove rhis shoulder at the bird riding along on his shoulder.

“Get up there again. There has to be something!” The Captain snapped at his silent companion.

The lion’s temper didn’t seem to faze the eagle at all. Clicking his beak at Ragnvard he stretched out his wings and flexed them. “There is nothing out here.” He replied in a perfectly level, flat tone. But obediently he gathered himself and lunched ito the air, large wings beating with powerful strokes as he shot skyward. The whole viking had been a complete disaster, and dragging it out didn’t seem like a very wise idea to him. The reavers were just as grumpy and frustrated as their Captain and small scuffles had started to break out between them as they travailed. Soon Ragnvard would be forced to deal with the instigators, which would only sour the Captain’s mood further. Haki just hoped he could avoid the lion’s ire until after they had all calmed down again.

Reaching a good height he settled into an easy circling pattern, sharp-eyed gaze scanning the ground far below, and out towards the horison.
