Home Decor

Decorate your dorm room to make it as spoopy as possible! You may do this in a PRP, or as a Solo.
Prize: +1 raffle ticket that can be used here! In order to qualify, the RP/solo MUST be complete, and you must have written over 600 words!

Marcy Rains had been out shopping.

“There we go!” she said as she dropped her armload of goods onto her bed. Sure, she hadn’t bought all of it….there were a lot of things that one could just find if they went looking. Still, some of the nicer things had cost her a pretty little penny. Which mattered because Marcy didn’t actually have many pennies. She was not overly concerned with that right then, however. She had some decorating to do! Halloween was coming and her room was not nearly ready. It was a little spooky, yes, but not spooky enough. It was missing many of the items considered to be essential for a Halloween celebration.

“This,” she said, picking up one of the things she’d paid for, “is perrrrrrfect!” The little ghost giggled to herself. The ceramic statue in her hands was of a cat. A black cat, of course, with delicate little spider webs painted onto its body. In its mouth it carried a little wooden sign saying Happy Halloween in bright orange letters. It had been the most expensive of her purchases, and worth it, in her opinion. Just the right amount of elegant spooky for her, not to mention cute. “You,” she said to the cat, “are going to go right here.” It was given the most prominent place in the whole room- the center of her table, in front of her teapot even. She had to show it off, because it was so very cute with its little yellow eyes that glowed when you turned the lights out.

“Now…” she turned back towards the pile of goodies. “Cobwebs!” Her room needed more anyway, and they matched the cat. They were in a little ball, almost like yarn~ she’d bought some of them, but then had gotten lucky in the graveyard and found a whole cache of them. You could really see the difference between the two. “The nice once can go out front,” she mused, draping them across the back of a chair, and then over her bookshelf. Some of the dingier (the graveyard ones) she tucked up in the corners of her room- only because the corners needed old webs of course. It wasn’t hard to climb on top of her bed or her chairs to accomplish this. Being a ghost had its perks to say the least, and she made use of the floating when she could.

She spent ages putting up those cobwebs. Even if it was easy to reach where she wanted them, draping them took some effort. You had to get it just right…it had to look natural, after all. Not like she’d gone out and bought a whole bunch – It needed to look like she had a whole horde of spiders living in her room somewhere.

The cobwebs were followed by a good layer of graveyard dirt, swept into the corners and sprinkled under things. This was one thing she hadn’t paid for. While you could get great quality graveyard dirt from a shop, Marcy quite favored the scent of good old used graveyard dirt. The only thing better was maybe dungeon dirt, but she didn’t have the cash for that, nor the time to go find a dungeon.

Dirt strategically placed, it was time for her candles. She’d bought three. They were fat, and had pumpkin faces carved into their orange was. They smelled like Halloween. One for her table next to the cat, one on her nightstand, and one on her bookshelf under the webs. (She would never light it near books, it was just for decoration.)

With a great big smile on her face Marcy struck a match. She lit the candle next to her new cat statue, inhaling deeply as the scent began to fill the room.

In the light that was now tinged with candlelight, she set about setting up the rest of her goods. A few stuffed bats to hang from the ceiling and nestle with her books, a small toy spider to sit on her door, and some little ghost mobiles to hang off to the side, to give a nice accent to the room. They were classic ghosts, little things of translucent white~ they actually had a bit of opalescence as they turned in the candle light.

Now it was time for the blood. She’d bought it for her door~ because a door with blood oozing down it meant Welcome! Jar in hand, Marcy opened her door and stepped into the hall. Of course she was putting it on the outside of her door. Or she had planned to. The jar caught on the doorframe and she went past, and it slipped from her fingers, landing on the floor with a tink! and a shatter. Blood began to spread in a lovely little pool, pieces of glass glittering in it.


That had not been quite what Marcy'd had in mind when she'd wanted to blood outside her door.