IM Log between hanging gallow, and I.

hanging gallow

Hanging's Jin

Jinan stood on the first floor of the horseman tower peering up towards the ceiling as his mind tried to wrap around the idea of a new home. All his small cages of various bugs chirped, wiggled and one possibly groaned were stacked on the floor around him as a purple rug was tucked under his arm. It was a fight of course to convince the gatekeeper that all of them were necessary and that such things wouldn’t just simply be dumped out or left in another world only to be stomped on by some misguided creature. They were his life work and be damned if he was going to let some pint size horseman tell him otherwise even if it was rules or whatever. Sure sure he could get more, but some were extremely rare, rare in the terms of one of the kind splicing of DNA and many attempts of breeding various breeds. He eventually won, more so by force and was now in what he could consider his new home.

Musica's Qui
Today hadn't been a very... pleasant day at all. For the majority of it, the lonely war stallion had kept up in his nest, laying on his back, and staring distantly into the ceiling. Life was... so just... stagnent for him, now. He never had anything of importance to do, or to go to.... and he only had a single friend who he'd manage to catch on the occasion. He was bloodly lonely, and a ghost of his past self. Sighing heavily, the winged stallion hoisted himself onto his feet, and stood at the edge of his portion of his home. Looking down the open center that went straight to the bottom floor, he let himself fall, letting his wings snap out two thirds of the way down to allow him to glide without any risk of injury. Landing with as much grace as the actual action of decending, he fluffed his feathered apendages a few times, before his attention was caught by... someone he'd not met.

It wasn't too often he really ran into the other horseman, and if he did they didn't pay him much mind. A few gave cordial nods or smiles, but that was about it. This one was... looking like he'd just arrived though, with all that stuff in his arms. Staring blankly, as he typically did, while inspecting the newcomer, Qui awkwardly rubbed the back of his head... hesitantly speaking up, "Need.. help there..?"

hanging's Jin

Jinan watched as an unfamiliar stallion leapt down the center of the tower before spreading his wings and landing. The expression on his face never changed, instead he merely watched his mind taking mental notes of how bird wings never seemed to function the same way as an insect would. Birds would glide using air unlike most insects tended to hover and beat their wings at amazing speeds. In some ways it was almost boring to watch him land effortlessly, however if asked Jinan was well aware he would never be able to accomplish such a stunt. Stairs, yes those were going to become a good friend of his sadly.

“Ah yes I could use some help, if you don’t mind I just arrived.” Not even bothering to waste any more time Jinan picked up various assortment of cages, muttering to himself as he remembered which one held which insect. Handing a few to the stallion along with the blanket he had tucked under his arm he returned to his own pile and shuffled a couple more cages under his own arms. “Those are the less dangerous ones, but do be careful they aren’t very fond of traveling to new places it sort of messes with their instinct so they might still try to bite or bury into your skin. The name is Ahe’Jinan by the way but your welcome to call me Jin or Jinan. Now which floor is famine again?” Peering up he tried to judge how many flights of stairs he was going to have to handle.

Musica's Qui

When his offer to help was accepted, Qui quickly held out his arms as the items he was handed came his way. Accepting each of them, and shifting them only slightly for better grip and comfortability, his golden eyes trailed along the various objects... lots of bugs, and critters of the kind. Watching some of them, he tipped his head slowly this way and that to see their different angles. Some of these he'd never even seen before. When the other stallion seemed geared up and ready to go, Qui wasted no time in taking to his side with the prized items he'd been handed, nodding at the caution that was aimed his way.

"Quidel." he responded in response to the question, in regards to introductions. Already he was intrigued, what by the tons of insects this gent had, and the determination that seemed to exude from him. The final question had Qui step ahead of them, head tipping back to stare up the stacked floors, "Second floor." he informed, and started up the stairs himself. It wouldn't be too big a hike to get to where they needed to be. And better off, considering the amount of delicates they possessed, and that would probably not enjoy a long trip up the winding building. Qui'd not heard much of the famine branch, aside from their interesting hobbies and activities...

Hanging's Jin

Nodding Jinan followed him towards the stairs the chirping grew louder as all the cages shifted with his walk. They were not entirely happy with this whole moving thing and the stallions was sure to catch hell from them later for it. There was also the fact he was going to have to wait at least a week to even convince them that their new home wasn’t in fact some horrible stomach of a beast causing all research to be put on hold. The frustration alone of being set back a week was making the stallion annoyed with the entire move. At least he wasn’t going to have to take various trips up the stairs, the war stallion had given no look of annoyance of helping and was rather a few feet taller than himself. All muscle, well most of war were nothing but muscle and rather blockheaded for Jinan’s taste but they all had their uses.

“Thank you for you help Quidel. Tell me have you lived in this tower long?” Each step on the stairs was rather slow for him, as he tried not to the shuffle the cages too much and avoided doing something stupid such as dropping one down, despite the war stallion’s ability to fly Jinan dragonfly wings could not accomplish such things. When Jinan finally caught up to him on the Conquest floor the stallion peered around looking at each entrance to the various rooms. The garden was the only one that proved to be somewhat profitable for his interest.

Musica's Qui

His large wings were slightly held out to assist with balance as they scaled the huge staircase. Some of the bugs were clicking and clacking with either their vocal chords or little legs, while a few were rumbling, or hissing. While he wasn't bothered by them, he was pretty curious as to what all of these were used for... were they pets? food? used for some sort of craft...?

When they reached the first floor, filled with the Conquest horsemens decore, he didn't show much interest or care. While he found some of the stuff to be pretty, it was a bit over the top and flashy to him. And he never understood how they could wear so much clothing. It just seemed so restraining, and restrictive... and heavy. Maybe that's why none of them had wings like his own clans men... and apparently the famine stallion with him. Coasting on to the next set of stairs that would lead them to the Famine's domain, he glanced over as Jinan spoke up again. He was quiet for awhile, thinking, before he finally gave a response, "A good amount of months... but not a year." he answered. It surely felt like a year though, with how his days were filled with him being alone the majority of the time, and each day monotonous and no different than the last... almost like being trapped on a never ending loop.

Hanging's Jin

One more flight of stairs and his eyes would finally feast upon what was considered his new home as well as what he could finally consider his new research lab (lab being used loosely). Truth be told he was content on living where he was however the words mentioned of being able to scavenge and have on hand better selection of tools were really the only way he was bribed to move into the tower. Politics had little to do with it and in short words he could have cared less in the end. What he did find to be a new change was the task given for horseman to gain their status, meaning he would have to start over in order to become a sage. Frustrating, as it was it meant he would have to spend more time in doing things that were a waste of time.

“Hmm,” Jinan looked at the war horseman again, as they ascended the stairs he didn’t seem like one to talk a lot, which was quite fine with him. Anything chatty usually made him hide finding the unbearable noise annoying, which was why he was, slightly surprised to find himself feeling the need to ask some sort of another question. “Has there been much going on in the tower in terms of large activities or is it usually this quiet?”

Musica's Qui

He'd never really stopped on the Famine floor, before. Looking around... he had to admit to himself, it wasn't the most appealing looking place. But he wasn't really the judging type. Looking down as he earned another irritated hiss by one of the many bugs he carried, he would glance over somewhat hesitantly to whom they belonged to, a bit nervous he might be blamed for how the bugs were responding to him. But thankfully Jinan seemed unbothered by their complaining. Did the other stallion already have a room designated for him? Or was he going to pick what ever was empty? Some showed up randomly and just took a place... like he had.

Qui guided a little further along the the section of the floor that held the underground dens designated for the Famine horseman to make homes of. With the question posed, his eyes slid off to the side in silent thought. "It's usually pretty quiet. But sometimes they have classes and activities that are of tradition, outside." a mild shrug to confirm his first part of the answer was given, "But those are only once in awhile." he'd participated in a basket weaving one, but... felt very uncomfortable with how singled out he was. Everyone had someone to chat with, and pair up with, while he had quietly made his foal basket... not a pleasant feeling.

Hanging's Jin

Jinan gave Qui a faint smile as he heard one of the bugs he was carrying hiss in a disapproving manner, it wouldn’t bite him not yet at least but he wasn’t really sure how safe the war stallion felt with them. As he walked around the floor the scent of plants mixed with the familiar must of sand gave Jinan a comforting feeling, at least for once it did smell like home. Glancing around the specimen’s room was of particular interest almost to the point of setting whatever was in his hands on the ground and exploring it for a few hours however another bug hissed reminding that he shouldn’t dawdle.

Following the stallion they made there way into the hall that lead to all of the dens, he wasn’t assigned anything but Jinan merely assumed that he could pick whatever he pleased as long as no one was occupying it. One further in away from the entrance was probably his best bet, it was easier to catch escaped things when they wanted to flee his room as well it would be less likely to disturb anyone. “So I take most aren’t usually busy then with non important task then.” A good thing for someone with better things to do with time then flit around useless matters Jinan thought as he paused in the hallway. “Are you busy Qui? I would like to ask for your services, that is if you have nothing else to occupy your time with.”

Musica's Qui

The dens seemed... sort of cramped and confining, to Qui. What with having such a large set of wings as he did, and used to living up in the cradle of branches, this would make him probably feel restrained. But it was always interesting to see how others did things, and lived their own lives. At least Jinan seemed alright with what he saw was at his disposal.

When the decided area was found, Qui took a casual little peek into a few dens nearby, just to see what the contents were, or if anyone was inside. But like the floors before... it was empty here. But there were clear signs of the dens that were being used, some even having a few critters of their own clacking, and whining, and slithering about. Golden orbs returned to the lithe figure that was Jinan, unfortunately unable to really answer his the first comment. He... really wasn't sure what everyone else here did. No one had taken to caring about him, so... he didn't either, in return. Maybe it was immature, but.. so far he'd not gotten the usual welcome that he was used to from his fellow horsemen. It left him feeling a bit bitter, and scorn. He was surprised though when his presence was requested for even longer, blinking in mild disbelief, before giving a small shake of his head, "No, I'm not busy." he confirmed. Heck, anything was better than staring up at the endless ceiling all day, or wandering aimlessly outside like he did! And he'd already done his basic training for the day, to keep fit... so why not. The guy seemed pleasant enough so far.

Hanging's Jin
Heading towards the furthest one from where they stood Jinan walked in, “here this one will suit.” Setting the various cages on to the floor he turned to assist Qui with his handful trying his best to keep the insect pleasant enough from biting. When all the cages and containers were scattered on the floor Jinan turned his attention back to the war stallion.

“Thank you for your help carrying everything I hope they gave you no harm.” The horseman peered at Qui not noticing any bites or any signs of various rashes starting to form on his body. “As I said I could use your services and I don’t mean just today if you are not busy here in the tower I could use someone with your… talents.” Jinan had decided to say without mentioning that he was merely only using the horseman of war for his muscles and extra hands for the most part he had no issue in being blunt but he felt that he should have a little respect for someone who had helped him. “I want to become a sage in the famine clan but that means a lot of work with insects, some are small but there will be larger ones and many of them. As well it is beneficial to have another set of hands when trying to do experiments. If you have nothing to do I would appreciate any time you can spare if you are willing that is.” Picking up two cages he handed them to Qui and picked up set and headed towards the space where something that resembled a table desk stood. Setting one cage down he lifted the other one as he peered inside at the insect that lingered inside.

Musica's Qui

When Jinan chose his new room, Qui took a little look around. well.. it was a bit more spacious than he had thought, but still... far too confining even for his low tastes. His wings hugged a littler tigher to his back so as not to take up much room and to just make him feel less bulky in the small space. As the bugs were taken from him, he stretched his arms out a bit, giving a nod to the appreciation paid his way. "No problem."

As the other stallion went on with the explination, he slowly followed, with the new items placed in hand, looking over the different bugs that were now in his possession. Talents...? They'd only just met.. he wasn't sure what the other meant by that, but wasn't going to question it, really. The talk of improving his ranking amongst the new joint clan, Qui then thought about his own duties. He was a warrior, which was a honorable ranking, but... he didn't do much really. He kept himself in shape as he should, and was always prepared to be of assistance should there be trouble... but things had been calm. A sage was a little foreign to him, not really knowing the ins and outs of one, but it sounded prestigious by the way Jinan spoke of it. Looking to the desk, he too took a little peek at the same bug that Jinan had found interest in. "So an assistant is what you're needing?" he asked after a bit of mulling and piecing together. Since he didn't know any of this stuff, he figured it'd probably be fine for him to pitch in where he could... especially since he had nothing going on. "Sure, I can help." he confirmed.

Hanging's Jin
Jinan nodded, as the horseman said no problem not taking his eyes off the cage that he was peering into. The insect inside looked extremely similar to a scarab bug however until typical black to green color it bore the color of purple to gold copper and an extra set of legs that were set towards the lower end of his abdomen. It screeched at the horseman as he grinned and then looking back over a Qui as he agreed to become his assistant. Realizing he had left the stallion holding to other cages he quickly set the cage and took the ones from Qui peering at each one closely before setting them down on the table.

Looking back at the stallion he nodded again, “Yes an assistant is what I am asking of you.” There was a time that Jinan would have refused any help seeing that those who didn’t have as much as an interest into insects as himself as a use of time but after so many times of being stung, bitten and having to deal with the thought of another stealing his research he had learned that those who had little interest did better. The only flawed laid in trying to explain why they shouldn’t do something but like experiments experience taught far more than words. Heading back to the entrance where the rest of the cages he sat down in the middle of them. Thank you, I don’t want to take away from any duties or jobs you have with your own clan however any time you are free I would be glad to have your help. For now really all I have is moving these cages around if you want to stay you can help me arrange them.”

Musica's Qui

His eyes traveled from one bug to the next as Jinan took both the ones in his own possession and placed it with the other that the two of them had been inspecting prior. Seemed like a lot of upkeep, looking after all of these insects. But Qui guessed the guy must know what he was doing, if he had these many and was accustomed to them.

He followed along after Jinan as the other things dropped near the entrance of the den were given attention, nodding subtly along with the requested help given. Wasn't a problem at all for him. He had nothing better to do, after all. As he knelt down to pick up the other items that were Jinan's belongings, taking great care with the cages to not jostle them, he did come upon a question that flitted through his mind. After a rather long pause of mulling, he spoke up, "do you... know of anyone else here?" he asked, giving another, but smaller, pause, "From the past, that is."

Hanging's Jin

Pointing towards the grassy area Jinan picked up a few of the cages and shuffled them to the side, “those can go over there I’ll release them tomorrow but for now they can get use to what they see. As for the non-bug related items they can go wherever, I’ll unpack them at some point.” As he spoke he realized there was a chance he was likely not to do much with them for the next couple of months at the most, other things to attend to. Shuffling a few of the other cages he moved them into groups where each of them would go, some to be placed near the darker areas of the room while others would be closer to the light.

As the stallion spoke Jinan gave him a slightly puzzled face as he thought about the quest he asked. “I know insects, bugs and so forth as for other horseman that is not something I am so great at remembering. I assume there might be someone I know in passing from famine maybe even a sage that I worked once with but actually know in the terms or reference of a friend or associate no.”

Musica's Qui

It was a process of back and forth, but his movements were lax and without any sign of haste, as the various objects and speciemens were transported from one spot to the next. Maybe once they were all settled down the place would look more appealing... or at least more comfortable. Still, it was an enclosure, something Qui wasn't a big fan of. His wings needed to breathe, after all. Anything that wasn't a bug, he simply brought further into the den, and propped against a wall, or placed it nearby. It'd probably help having things out of the way, for easier movement about, for the meantime. He managed to balance a cage in either wing, which had curved themselves to cradle the annoyed bugs, while his hands took a large wrapped up rug to put towards the back. Shifting one wing at a time, the bugs were put near the grass, though he paused when he saw a stray bug skittering along the ground outside the den.

Was.... that one of Jinan's? Or... was it just a random one that happened to be going by just in that moment. He stared and watched it as the famine stallion responded to his previous qustion. Hm.. so he probably had acquaintances here. A small twinge of jealousy caught in Quidel's stomach, but he didn't let it make him falter, speaking up again, "Is that one of your bugs?" he asked, pointing out the one that was making a run for it, its little legs scurrying like crazy, mandibles splayed out with distress.