8:00 AM - Bedroom

Wake up, be pretty. He stared at his reflection, combed his hair, struck poses and pointed at himself in the mirror for extra dazzling effect. Teeth (all 300+ of them) looked great. Good to go.

9:00 AM - Amity Pool

Had to begin the day with a few laps around the Amityville pool. He always felt best swimming for two reasons: 1- he was a jacking shark. 2- he had an excuse to be shirtless.

10:00 AM - Music Room

Being in the accelerated music program, Strider thought it perfectly appropriate to blast loud music from one of the practice classrooms, riffing on his skeleton guitar at a volume much too loud for a school setting.

12:00 PM - Creepateria

A tiny lunch break, then back to classes.

2:00 PM - History Class

They were learning about something boring and quite frankly, Strider had fallen asleep on his desk

5:00 PM - Hallway

With classes done, he headed back to the music rooms. This time someone had locked the door- and he didn't have a key. So instead he stood outside a locked music room, jiggling the door handle and looking pretty awkward.

Name: Strider
Faction/Species: Monster/Taniwha
Appearance: here