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NEW: 10/22/15


gaia_crown [ LOCATION ]
  • The Human World

gaia_crown [ SETTING ]
  • Halloween Night, anywhere that might celebrate it.

gaia_crown [ MISSION ]
  • Journey to the Human World, and take advantage of the local custom of Trick-or-Treating. Reports indicate that more and more Humans are desensitized, and so it is our job to try and keep them on their toes. It just so happens that the Humans are celebrating Halloween-the-holiday, which allows us to sneak in there for a little bit of trick-playing. Be sure to adhere to their rules for this particular custom.

gaia_crown [ MECHANICS]

Since it's important to adapt to human traditions for the purposes of infiltration, your first stop is to get a costume! How great your costume is will affect your rolls in part three. You may choose what they end up wearing though! As long as it is frightening.
  • Roll a 1d6 and match your results below:
    • 1-2: Your costume is awfully boring. Uninspired. Nothing to be afraid of. (1d cool
    • 3-5: Your costume is pretty unsettling. You'd probably make a few people uncomfortable by simply existing. (1d10)
    • 6: Horrifying. You are absolutely horrifying. You're even scarier now than you are naturally! If that was even possible… (1d12)
  • In brackets you will notice a dice value - this will be your ability to frighten your human victim in part three!
  • Once you have your costume, you may go ahead to part two!

You have your costume. You're safely in the human world, in a location of your choice (as long as they celebrate halloween-the-holiday!). It's now time to find your prey.
  • Roll a 1d8, and match your results below:
    • 1: This is one desensitized costume-wearing person. Good luck. (HP: 100)
    • 2: A lone, costume-wearing teenager crosses your path. They look pretty squirrel-y… (HP: 20)
    • 3: You find a person with four costume-wearing children. The children are all under 6 years old, but you decide to focus on the adult instead. (HP: 40)
    • 4: Someone left a costume-wearing ten year old human unattended. Seems easy enough, right? (HP: 15)
    • 5: Here is a group of four teenagers. They're already terrorizing the town, and you can't help but want to target them. (HP: 80 - each teenager has 20 HP. For every 20 'damage' you do, one of them flee.)
    • 6: A lone adult is walking along, not paying attention to the spoopy holiday around them. (HP: 30)
    • 7: A young, costume-wearing couple mill about, apparently on their way to a party. They look like fun to mess with. (HP: 40)
    • 8: A small, adorably costumed child has been briefly left unattended. They are already whimpering when you find them. (HP: 5)
  • Each person has an HP value. This is how tolerant they are to being scared. The higher their 'HP', the harder they will be to frighten properly.
  • Once you have your victim, you may go ahead to part three!

You have your victim in your sights. Now, it's time to frighten them!
  • Your 'attack dice' - meaning your ability to pull off a great, frightening trick on them - depends on your roll in part one.
  • Part three acts just like a regular battle, just with different dice.
  • Example: I rolled a 5 in part one, and a 6 in part 2. This means my human victim has an HP of 30, and I have to roll a 1d10 until I score a total of 30 or more.
  • You can only roll one dice per post. Don't forget to RP your Horseman attempting to frighten their human!
  • The idea is to SCARE your human. Play mean TRICKS on them. Physically injuring your Human will not be tolerated in this instance.
  • If your victim's 'HP' has been depleted, you managed to frighten them enough to convince them to go home! They now have a healthy fear of…whatever you frightened them with. Congratulations!

  • You may congratulate yourself on a job well done, and return home knowing that you've frightened someone into a lifelong phobia. What you do with your costume is up to you!

gaia_crown [ BONUS MECHANICS ]
  • If doing this in a group:
    • Every group member must do all the dice requirements. If one member 'defeats' their human before the others, they may help out in 'defeating' the rest!

gaia_crown [ REWARDS ]
  • +1 for completing this mission!
  • +1 raffle ticket! Go HERE to claim!