Once again it was another shift of the seasons. Haru smiled politely as he brushed past those who were already starting to set up altars for the festival of thanks. Without any games going on the lion found himself having plenty of spare time on his paws. Being a bouncer after all was not necessary during this time since there were no games to be played. Well…for the most part. Frowning Haru decided to keep an eye on one of the traveling merchants who was showing off his wares. Sometimes that would get tricky, but for now it seemed even they were being peaceful.

It doesn’t seem like a bad idea to stretch my legs some. Without anyone needing his attention the male lion often took off to roaming through the mountainside towards the rogue lands. Even though he enjoyed the games and the spirit of his home, the lion often felt a pull towards the borders. So many travelers inspired freedom in him….that and others. Flushing Haru quickly shook his head before slipping down the path. There was no time for such thoughts like that!

It really was an impressive sight. Sayuri tilted her head up towards the mountain with a small smile, “So you weren’t lying after all, Anai.” While she no longer traveled with the handsome rogue many of his stories remained within her memory. Tales of a pride of festivities open to all had struck with her and since she was nearby the leopardess was curious. What was it really like here? How was it that her home was strictly leopards while a place like this could exist? I wonder what life would be like if we really didn’t judge based on species…. Of course though everything had to do with power and the struggle against the lions.

The thought made her laugh bitterly before continuing on the path.

Haru was so wrapped up in his thoughts that it took a moment for the lion to recognize that there was indeed movement below him. Skirting the mountain path the lion smiled warmly as he noticed a rather petite leopardess walking through the brush below. Was she lost? It wasn’t so uncommon to find rogues who wanted to play in the games walking along these paths at the base of the mountain. It had often presented Haru an excuse to guide when not participating as a bouncer.

Still though a bit of his heart sank at the sight of a white leopardess rather than the familiar pelt of a certain purple leopon. I wonder if she’ll ever be back? Shaking his head the lion leapt from his spot to land closer to the leopardess, “Hello! Are you lost?” He called out while trying his best to look warm and opening rather than as someone dangerous. It was hard sometimes considering his broad, muscular appearance as a bouncer…but his warm tone hopefully made up for it.

Startled as a noise caught her attention, Sayuri nearly back peddled as she spotted the lion. Had he just jumped from that high to here?! Her gaze widened in both appreciation and surprise. She truly had not been expecting anything like that, “Uhm…hello.” Sayuri laughed softly, “Did I wander into the god’s haven since you just flew down here?”

At the question Haru laughed, “No, no. I just simply…” He looked back towards the set of sturdy rocks, “Jumped down a few steps.” The lion flushed at the thought. Surely it wasn’t so weird that someone could do that right? All of the games he had participated in since being a cub often required skills of balance and strength. So it was a simple task to jump down rocks like that.

Sayuri smiled. Just from his laughter she could tell that like Anai this was a kind lion. So far, so good on this trip. “I suppose you can call it a simple jump, if you want.” She replied lightly, “Do you come from a pride or am I still in rogue territory?” She just wondered if her temporary guide had truly pointed her in the right directions or if she was still truly lost. At this rate I wonder if I can make it home… Teasingly she figured it may take her a few years, but surely she could find her way again.

“Oh yes!” Haru nodded and tried his best to shake off the disappointment written on his face. There was no sign of his leopon then. “You are near the Sikukuu, a pride for festivities.” The lion smiled warmly, “Are you here to participate in the festival of thanksgiving? Sadly we have no major tourneys this time, but there are merchants with wares and many are trading here.”

“That’s fine.” Sayuri smiled with relief, so Anai hadn’t misdirected her. Still the leopardess caught the flicker of disappointment that had been on the lion’s face, “I’m sorry.” She blinked at him in curiosity, “I can’t help seeing that you seem to be disappointed. Were you expecting more or something a bit…bigger than me?” Surely she was a tiny creature compared to others, but that made her beautiful features even more delicate in appearance. Not many often complained about that, but Sayuri did like to joke about her size.

Embarrassed Haru quickly shook his head, “No, nothing like that! I just…” He looked at the knowing gaze of the leopardess and sighed, “I was hoping to see someone I had met here before.” Someone who he had helped and went through a trial with…that he should have followed, but couldn’t. Regret shone in his eyes, “But I’m not the one to worry about. I should help you to the pride.”

Shaking her head the leopardess waved a paw, “Don’t worry about me. I’m just here to collect stories…a friend told me about this place and I wished to see if he was telling the truth. You’re proof of that enough.” She smiled lightly, “It seems more like you have a lot on your mind instead. Care to talk? Was it a lover you were waiting for perhaps?” Could this be another story to collect?

“A lover?” Haru nearly jumped from his fur, “No-no! I mean…I don’t know.” Blinking the lion sighed, “I really don’t know. We are friends, I suppose. I don’t want to tie her to a pride….yet I can’t afford to leave my home.” He rubbed a paw across his face, “I’m sure you don’t want to be bothered by my dilemma...”

“Why not let her be free and still choose to love her?” Sayuri asked cutting Haru off, “If she loves you and you trust each other I see no qualm in that.” The leopardess smiled lightly, “If you can’t go with her then support her while she is there and trust in her to return. Maybe one day you might just fly freely with her in the end and if not at least she knows she can have a warm den here for her.” Oh she could spin a lovely tale about this. Not that it was super unique, but the leopardess was a bit of a romantic at heart. Even if there was no one to tie her down, at least she could imagine such stories.

“You think…that’s possible?” Haru frowned thoughtfully. Truly he had never thought such things possible since he often always saw families together else the missing parent never returned. But would she return to him? So many thoughts ran through his mind….and could he one day maybe go with her?

“Why not?” Sayuri laughed, “You seem to worry too much. Just live and love. That’s the best you can do and in time things will resolve themselves.” The leopardess nudged the lion gently, “If you truly only have her in your heart then keep her there. It’s a wonderful gift being able to love.”

“Thank you.” Haru took a deep breath as her words ran through his mind. Next time he saw the leopon he would keep his resolve. He wouldn’t let her go again without an answer…smiling the lion looked down towards the petite story teller, “Come let me navigate you through our pride then and treat you to a meal of thanks.”

Sayuri smiled warmly, “I would appreciate that. Thank you.”

Laughing Haru started the way towards the path, “No. It is I who should thank you.”

(WC 139 cool