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Word Count: 1020

The morning had started off normal. As normal as could be in a small pack, at least. The birds chirpped overhead in the trees as Elly woke from her rest. Kumo, as always, was gone at this time. The blue, speckled dog often woke far before his mate, making rounds to ensure the safety of the pride. As always, Elly gave a wide yawn, stretching forward and allowing her nails to dig in the sand just a little bit. It was a morning routine almost, as much as it was a habit to do so.

It was a fine enough morning, of course. She and her mate resided in the Water House, and it was smaller than the rest, so it was fairly quiet this time of morning. She didn't mind, of course, but she normally didn't start her day until much later. She didn't have much to do with Kumo gone for the morning and no one else about. The Sea-Star adorned dog, huffed a sigh and pulled herself to her feet. She hated being alone, it was one of the reasons she often stuck so close to Kumo. The pack was small, and Elly found it hard to make friends...

She was glad the other dog didn't mind so much.

Still, she shook her blue coat before trotting forward. She wondered idly if she would be able to find her mate, and she gave the air a whiff to see if she could find what direction he wandered to. It took her several moment to figure out the exact direction, but she found herself strolling forward. She would stop seeking out her mate if she found something else to do, but for the moment, nothing else would catch her interest.

It did not take her long, in the end, to find her mate. She found him in one of his usual spots, and the one that held his scent the strongest. He was just up the mountain to a low cliff. Elly stood at the base, looking up at the patrolling dog. She wuffed softly to garner his attentions, and the focus of the pale-gold eyes he had. She gave a small smile as her mate made his way down.

The pack hadn't really faced any danger so far. Not a real threat at least, only a herd or two moving through and crushing the vegetation below and felling a tree or two in the process. It was nothing serious, but it was always nice to keep a look out. "Elly, you're awake," Kumo said softly to his mate. She always found this amusing, and she could only nod in response.

"Yes, finally. It got cold with you gone," She teased. It wasn't terribly cold, but it was a gest she knew would amuse him as well. Surely enough, he cracked a small smile. She rocked on her toes, pressing her face into his chest as he finally stood before her.

"Well if you wouldn't sleep so late," He told her, chiding. She gave a large grin in response, wagging her tail.

"The pack is slowing down," She noted, concern soft in her voice. There was a small amount of growth. She had heard of one or two wanting to leave the pack, and there hadn't been growth since one of the leaders bore a litter of seven. There were no new-coming rogues, either.

Kumo settled his chin onto the top of her head. "The pack will begin to grow again," He seemed to promise. His words were sure, confident. "This is a good location, and others will surely come. The pack can grow in other ways..." He gave a small teasing nudge.

Elly flushed, laughing softly at her silly mate. "Are you suggesting what I think you are?" she asked. It was something they discussed breifly, ages ago. She had always wanted children, but with Kumo busy on his patrols, and Elly busy with her craft, it had been pushed to the back burner. Kumo gave a smile, nudging his mate to follow him as he walked away.

"I am. Food is plenty, and we're safe here," He said softly. He lead his mate to a small clearing, one that glittered sunlight upon the earth below their feet. It speckled across Elly's face like freckles. "Unless you changed your mind, of course..."

It took Elly a moment to respond, her thoughts on pups that would not yet exist. Would they exist at all? Still, she gave a soft smile, looking over to her mate. She watched the sunlight glitter against his back as he watched her with a small look of concern. "I have dreamed of pups, but the time never seemed right..." She said, flexing her toes in the ground. "I never knew when to bring it up..."

Elly had fears. She knew Kumo would never leave her, not for wanting pups. But what if she couldn't carry any? What if her womb was barren. Her mother wasn't able to produce pups after her. She was an only child, and her mother had gone into a fit of depression, and it scared her. But, her mother also didn't have Kumo. The speckled dog moved forward, humming softly. He nuzzled his mate again, frowning in concern. "We'll be fine," he said, the same confidence in his voice as there was earlier.

He was so sure, so confident...

The seadog found herself aching to believe him. It was hard not to, after all. There was a reason he was a guard and not a hunter. She gave a small bubbling laugh. "Alright. We'll try for pups," She said, suddenly giddly. She felt a soft touch of disbelief that this would actually happen! That one day soon she would be a mother! She lurched forward, pressing herself into her mate as they toppled over into the grass.

The pair laughed, the sound chiming threough the clearing like a bell. They were happy!

The morning started off normal, but here in the sunshine, the thoughts of new life and new family moved a pair forward - together.