Being a new found Sage really didn't make Falair feel all that different. Sure she could, for the most part, control bugs and beasts better. And there was that neat camouflage trick that she was still getting the hang of. But other than that nothing in her daily life had really changed.

Perhaps her interest had changed. What she studied had changed. Most certainly going from a bumbling Alchemist to Sage that was planning on becoming a Beast Tamer was a complete one eighty. But when Falair put her all into something she threw her entire being into it. It wouldn't be long until she would begin to venture out from the tower in her search for the beasts she had highlighted in her books.

But for now she was hanging out in the Oasis beneath her favorite tree that grew near the edge of one of the larger springs. A rather large scarab beetle scurried about in the grass nearby. The present her older sister had given her, Falair had been training it. Its black shell painted with golden henna markings and jewels attached to it that it obviously wasn't born with. For the most part is just milled about, not straying too far from the mare as she watched it with little interest.

hanging gallow