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Torolf was getting use to being outside of the pride. It was strange to not be surrounded by the rocky cliffs, or hearing the ocean crashing constantly against the cliffs. Now Torolf was surrounded by long lush grass and trees. Sure there was the odd tree but nothing like the ones he saw out in the rogue lands. Torolf walked around with what he thought must look like stars in his eyes. He was just so curious about everything out here.

The grey and blue male had wandered away from the viking group he was in just to get out there and see more. Most of the group he was with had been out on a viking trip before. Torolf felt like the newbie, he tried to keep telling himself that he had proved his worth in the competition that had taken place in the pride. After all that was what had drawn Svana to him and what resulted in him getting out here.

Taime had left the beautiful pride he had been visiting, and the equally beautiful female that he had spent a couple of nights with behind. Now the black and green male was one the prowl again. Taime felt like he was making some progress in his travels. He wasn’t always sure where he was heading but he made sure to always move with confidence, his head held high. He thought if nothing else it made him look like he knew what he was doing with his life, and maybe even dissuade predators from trying to attack him. Taime wasn’t a small lion, but he also wasn’t a fighter so he would like to keep the fights to a minimum.

Taime moved towards a large lush tree and settled himself in the shade beneath it. One would think that Taime would be able to handle to handle the heat better than he did. He didn’t get a lot of sun in the swamps where he was born, and although the sun shone bright in the mountains he had called home briefly but the climate was cooler so he had actually enjoyed the sun coming down and warming him. Yawning Taime placed his head on his paws and watched his surrounds sleepily.

As he wondered Torolf noticed a tree larger than any of the others he had seen. He moved before it walking in circles around it his head turned up looking into the deep green of the leaves that seemed to go on and on forever. Unfortunately he wasn’t watching where he was going and suddenly he hit something solid and felt himself doing a somersault before he was facedown in the ground. He quickly rose to his feet taking a quick look around he needed to make sure that no one else from his viking group had seen him, he would never been able to live that down.

Finally he turned to see what he had tripped over and it was there he saw the black and green lion. A green that was so bright Torolf wasn’t sure how he could have missed him even just with his peripheral vision. He was pretty sure that the green would have been visible even in the dark.

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“Uff” Taime grunted as the other lion ran into his side. He must have dozed off, and hadn’t even seen him coming, he must have dozed off. He turned and looked towards where the other male was now splayed out on his stomach his face down. He stiffled any laughs that may have risen in his throat. The lion that had run into him was a large one, larger than Taime anyways.

“I am fine” Torolf grumbled as he rose to his feet and tried to dust the dirt out of his fur. He was happy to see that no one from his group was out here. “Uh I am srry about that.” he muttered. Torolf was pleased that he didn’t seem to have greatly angered the male that lay below him. Even though Torolf had proven to be a good fighter it didn’t mean he wanted to continually fight, unlike other Stormborns he had no thirst for blood.

“I am really sorry about that. I was uh so drawn by the tree and the leaves I wasn’t watching where I was going. My name is Torolf, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” Torolf said finally taking a seat beside the other male. “Are you from around here?”

Taime smiled, it sucked that he had been run into but it look like it had sucked worse for the other male, he was the one that had ended up with a face full of dirt.

“My name is Taime, it’s a pleasure.” he said with a nod. “I guess you could say that I am from around here… or that I am from nowhere at all. I am a true rouge now I travel all over the place.” Taime said with a grin he loved getting out and about meeting new souls and seeing as much of the world as possible.

Torolf smiled, he had heard of those who chose to live as rogues out in the wild. It was an odd idea for Torolf, he did like seeing more of the world now but he couldn’t imagine not having a home to go to, a protected place his children could grow up in, somewhere he knew his mate was safe. “Sounds like an adventure.” Torolf said simply. As they were speaking Torolf noticed members of his viking group getting up and moving around. “Ooops looks like I’ve got to run.” Torolf said, “Sorry again for the run in.” Torolf said quickly before he moved away only looking over his shoulder once at the tree again. He made the decision then that he would need to climb a tree, one big and lush like that one so he could lose himself in all the green.

“No worries, See ya.” Taime said watching the other male move away, he lowered back into a laying down position and placed his head on his paws, he was determined to get finish that nap he had started.