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[PRIDE I/T] Garemaru Teikoku - Open!

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Eos Galvus

Shadowy Celebrant

PostPosted: Sat Dec 19, 2015 9:09 am
Garemaru Teikoku

Victory for the Empire!!
PostPosted: Sat Dec 19, 2015 9:11 am

The Garemaru Teikoku were not at first an emoire whom seized prides in the past, nor were they densely populated. Originally they were something, somewhere else; a republic, a small band of starving rogues, legend and myth obscured these facts. The common tale taught to the cubs of the pride was of a pride of lions led by a corrupt council of cruel lions whom forsoke the Twelve and the Crystal Mother to keep power and prestige only to themselves and their kin. During this time the pride was sparsely occupied, many members starved in the drylands, and they Council grew fat off their labor. It was a young Van, a proud general whom saw the suffering of his weaker pridemates and took action. In one move, with those loyal below him, he swept in and killed the councillions and claimed their families as the irst Aan, the slaves to originate the rank for the Garemeru.

The response of the pride was a mixed one, naturally. Some responded in glee, some in fear, and others in rage. The Van fought, enemies pouring for him seeking to slay traitors, lions seeking an end to the brewing civil war, and conflict between the loyal and the disloyal raged until the Van and his loyal seized the lions whom tried to kill them, and, after claiming them into the pride, the Van gave himself a new title, rebirthing the Garemaru as the Garemaru Ieikoku - Zos.As the Garemaru Teikoku grew in size, recovering in their drylands, they slowly began to eye other lands, and in the time of the first Zos, the pride began to seize land from smaller prides, absorbing what fit their beleifs, and eliminating what they could of the rest. The conquered could be absorbed if but by service or skill; cubs were offered more opportunity. The pride and land grew, until the death of the Zos, and his heir took the throne.

Expansion slowed as the pride began to seize what they would and then even more slowly fr generations, seeming to all but disappear.

A modern Zos grew old, however, in a time after his only heir disappeared in a great battle, a popular, kind, well loved lion with great strength and courage under his fur. The pride began searching ravenously for the lost prince, and in this time, began to consider rising to seize land yet again, that this never occur again.  

Eos Galvus

Shadowy Celebrant

Eos Galvus

Shadowy Celebrant

PostPosted: Sat Dec 19, 2015 9:12 am
Day to day Pride Life

During day to day life in-pride, most pride members gather in the central region known as the Forum; wherein all classes high and low gather to organize, trade good or services, or even seek out sellpaws for jobs. Education for cubs occurs in this location andmost public announcements will be made in this location by the Zos or Van, or other community leaders.

Outlying the Forum are the public areas used by ban and cen alike for crafting and the preperation of kills or the collecting of cubs. Sunbathing and more relaxing activities that are of public fairness - those which do not impose on morality - are commonly practiced, while smaller scaled trades and talks occur. These areas may also sport entertainment, such as dueling Aan, or military training.

The final portion of import to daily life is the family den. Within the den is a small shrine within which is a trinket to represent the twelve gods, and a small quartz or other clear or cloudy stone to represent the mother crystal believed to be source to all life. Commonly the family member in charge of the house is responsible for their cubs, mate, and offerings to the gods in exchange for deeds or help in return - for example offering a sacrifice in exchange for a successful birth if a female is weak, or for pity on a single parent with no family to aide the single mother with a litter of cubs. Family is core to the pride - from Zos to Aan, and a successful family is one filled with a warm den, slaves, and kin.  
PostPosted: Sat Dec 19, 2015 9:14 am
Garemaru Religion

The Garemaru see religion as a source of discussion for philosophy, a good teacher of morality, and limits, and as a practical function.

From formation to present the pride believes that all life stemmed from a single, sapient crystal known as the Mother Crystal. This crystal spontaneously created a world, and twelve gods and goddesses to occupy it, six of each gender. After the twelve, life began to grow in the world, leading to the original prides that became the Garemaru. In this time it is believed other races also emerged, lesser creatures than lions referred to loosely as the Beast Tribes. Most are viewed as having not agreed to peace between the Twelve and the pride, and are instead called cultists, ones whom worship false dieties known as Primals, which are believed to be born of the Aether, an unseen, untouched fifth element that no mortal beyond a seer may see into. The Aether is the food and birthplace of such Primals, and also where the Gods now reside.

Gods, Primals, and the Aether

While the 'Mother Crystal" is believed to be hidden away from mortals on the mortal plane, the majority of spiritual activity is a force known as the Aether. The Aether passes through all things, yet cannot be seen or touched by common means. To the Garemaru, the Aether is little more than the home of the Twelve, and the Primals. The Gods themselves do not manifest or leave the Aether - it is believed they do this for the sake of a mortal, as a mortal whom were to behold a true god would be unable to recognize the dinity they truly are, and instead go mad, while the other portion of the aether, known as Primals, are far more dangerous.

Primals are believed to be the physical manifestation of Aetheric elements born of the beliefs of mortals, and they patron one beast tribe each. Primals may be seen and interacted with, but a primal is considered hazardous to the world long-term, constantly devouring aether to survive. Primals are also the name the pride gives any god not in mortal form whom enters the pride.

The pride firmly believes that the winged gods are not what they claim and must be banished to the aether, unless some means to prevent the disruption of the aether by a god may be found.

In terms of mortal offspring of gods, they are not intolerated, but rather viewed as unfortunate. God-spawn are indeed blessed as they, like all seers, are believed to see into the outer edges of the Aether to foretell danger and treasure in visions granted by the gods, while being the unfortunate child of a primal. Commonly, the mortal parent, if it were a fling, will be punished as opposed to the cubs if the litter is half-Primal, sometimes by being reminded of the threat Primals are felt to pose, or perhaps by becoming a lesser member of a family member's den until the cubs are grown. Regardless, the cubs will be spared and raised as traditional pride members, and warned of mixing with another Primal, lest a similar fate befall them.

Similar to a fear and low tolerance for Primals, Primals may yet still approach the pride. Primals rarely are approached if a pride member suspects they may intend to bind pride members to their worship in order to remain present, a process called tempering; and some may yet remain aside to see what a primal wants. Primals are believed to practice a similar fashion of practicality in mortal dealings - some primals even seek peace provided their interests, believed to be outsiders or children - are treated well in return. Primals the pride yet allies with for any length of time, for a breif time, are welcomed as common lions, if but observed by pride members, and those whom lie with such primals are not seen as weak willed so much as in agreement with the Primal to better the pride.

The Third Eye

The Garemaru believe all members of the pride have a 'third eye' that rests in the center of their forehead on their spirit-bodies that allows them to sense another lion's presence, wether they are moving or not, and that this third eye is also a form of psychic strength outsiders often lack. It is believed to be a focus for pridal power to know how to use the third eye to sense danger or attack and the third eye is credited as a Twelve-given gift that offers an edge in battle, as they believe this third eye may see around corners and into unseen hiding places. While they do not physically have this (nor is it truth), the Garemeru at adulthood or when freeing a slave will supply the new Ban/Cen/ETC with a circlet fashioned with a single round white stone or crystal that lies on their forehead to symbolize this eye. Those exempt at Aan, and lions with a forehead-only marking. These marking-bearing lions are seen as already exhibiting their third eye, and often are given high ranks more easily as they are seen as gifted.

The Echo
The Echo is what seers are believed to use to see into the edges of the Aether. As such they bear their own rank and operate as pride priests or representatives to the Primals, as the Echo is believed to protect them from aetheric danger. Even mortal god-offspring are in fact considered to be gifted, even if pitied, with the Echo. The Echo, Seervisions, are believed to come from the Mother Crystal herself, and that the visions are a sign of her chosen.


In the Garemaru Teikoku the act of slavery is alive and practiced, although it is not as other prides practice it.

In the Garemaru, the slave rank is Aan, held by any lion taken by pride members as slaved during scouting missions, travels for trade or hunting, and other adventure. Slaves may also be prisoners of war, or a conquered pride member. However, once a slave does not mean always a slave, and not all taken as slaves are are slaves. Those found with extraordinary talen, forehead markings remniscent of a third-eye circlet, or whom serve the military are often seen as Ban and no higher, except perhaps as Cen or in many cases, becoming Quo or Oen.

Aan are held by an individual family, not an individual unless one lives alone, and the royal and highest ranked families of good standing have the most slaves, while lower families progressively keep less, with Ban having the leat if any. Slaves may be traded for goods or services as needed, and are often kept within pridal land.

Aan are not abused by force of strength - while often urged along with swats or words, mortal injury is forbidden - killing another's Aan is criminal. While the family owning an Aan may choose to kill an Aan, this is a tired practice and no longer in use as Aan are usually more useful alive.

Aan also have two unique fits of luck; an Aan may be set free for some great service, becoming a low ranked member of the community, and cubs born to Aan may be adopted by an Aan's owner as their own heirs or heiresses, thus becoming pride proper instead of ASan. Aan are also commonly kept for mating porpuses - some high ranked Van may even keep a mate and several Aan as a polyamorous group to spread their lineage and improve the survival of their family - in these cases, cubs between Aan and Garemaru lions, including the rare hybrid, are always Garemeru, just as a cub with a marking on the forehead is.  

Eos Galvus

Shadowy Celebrant

Eos Galvus

Shadowy Celebrant

PostPosted: Sat Dec 19, 2015 9:18 am
Holidays and Festivities

The Garemaru Teikoku do not have a large swath of set dates for holidays so much as seasons and events called by the Zos. Festivals are impromptu, wild, and generally filled with a good amount of debauchery and hedonism (because who doesn't love hedonism?) moixed with worship of the Twelve and Mother Crystal. Some events however, are often held predictably, based on events.

Zos Coronation

When a Zos is coronate from a Yae, the day is a day all pride members are expected to show their face if able. Cen may dance or play music or both to celebrate the assing of the crown and the pride slaves are employed with the Ban to retrieve as many kills and fruit as possible, while others dig holes for water or to ferment fruit in in advance. A feast is served, and pride members will eat and celebrate, as gifts are left to the Twelve and Mother Crystal to ensure a prosperous, good reign is given the pride by the Zos. Outsiders, such as wild dogs or hyenas may be sacrificed to the Twelve as well for this practice. This is also such a time infidelity is not observed - and many high ranking pride members will sleep with anything that moves.

Coming of Age

When Garemeru cubs are born, they are either low ranked Ban or Yae and given little to no right to anything and must do as told. However, when a litter or many litters is ready to come of age, then the aspiring adolescents journey into the rogue lands to seek their first task for a chosen profession - Cenand Ban must find and create a treasure, a Yae or Quo or Tol must seize any strange rogues as a sign they have succeeded in a battle and return with the new Aan, and so forth. When the adolescent returns, they recieve the title and middle name of their chosen rank - or in the case of the Yae, they affirm their place in line for the throne when the Zos passes off the crown. At this point the nely recognized adult is provided a circlet of thread with a singe round white stone or crystal symbolizing a third eye, and they are celebrated as adult.

Welcoming a new Astral/Umbral Era

The Garemaru Teikoku have practiced a beleif in two eras within the pride's history - the Astral Era, which are times of great benefit, progress, and growth for the pride and the lands around them, and Umbral Eras, a recessive, dark time when the pride focuses on survival and maintaining integrity in the face of great danger. When a new era comes to pass it is often greeted with either great celebration, or great fear.

The Astral Era celebration historically is celebrated with significant feasting, and all pride members and slaves are welcome to attend. It is a week long celebration of emerging from a dark period into the light of the Mother Crystal's blessings and prosperity. Young pride members may go into the rogue lands to bring more Aan than usual, or perhaps many Aan are set free to fully enjoy the full benefit of the coming Era. In whole, the Astral Era is to be celebrated and the pride will do so for one week by any means sought.

Umbral Eras, however, are to be feared - when it is declared an Umbral Era, the pride will retreat into the den, bar the Quo, Tol and Van, to protect themselves from misfortune. The military will protect the pride from both strangers and errant slavbes - speech is hushed and fearful and many offer their food to the Twelve daily to ensure the Era is breif or less difficult. Those whom emerge not of military are not formally punished, but may be ostracized from their peers or even their own family for daring to anger the Twelve.

Trial of the Primals

Sometimes - very very rarely, a god whom allies with the Garemeru (provided they accept being considered 'Primals') may initiate a ritual known as a Trial of Might. This Trial may be initiated in the interests of that god's cubs, or friends, or just because they want to test the pride's loyalty. To the Garemeru, it is a serious event meant to prove willingness to work alongside any allied species/gods. In the Trial of Might, the members and Aan of the pride may challenge the god whom initiates the trial to a one on one fight to first blood, as this is meant to be non-lethal. Those whom succeed are recognized as Eir, a rather rare rank indicating one whom is of high class.  
PostPosted: Sat Dec 19, 2015 9:22 am
Physiology and Breeding habits

Common Body type and colouring

A purebred Garemaru or one of a long enough line to be 'pure' is a very large lion, rivalling the Firekin in size, Their fur is shorter, with shorter manes on males and short to no hair tufts on females, with strong, muscular bodies and strong limbs and jaws.

Eye colors are often lighter, but not always, while pelts may be quite dark or quite pale. Their pelts favor warmer tones, blacks, and whites - red, maroons, browns, and ever dark red-purples, while the lighter end favors whites and yellows and creams. Many pure lines became diluted with the integration of conquered prides there are, more often than admitted, other colors now common, leaving the pride a virtual prism with no prejudice against pelt; however, it is noted older blood sometimes does get testy.


Breeding is both a taboo topic of discussion and one often on adult minds - discussing breeding in front of one whom has not passed their adulthood ceremony is forbidden - those whom do will be punished as if the innocent present were harmed in any other way; whereas two adults, away from young ears, may easily discuss it. As such, these topics are only discussed in the dens away from cubs.

Mating does occur to combine goods between families, but many males and females may mate, and keep lovers on the side - or get drunk at a party and months later have a litter emerge. It is not, however, unexpected to find polyamorous groups or homosexual pairs, or any other group or couple - infertile pairs are in fact expected to adopt orphaned cubs or may seek surrogates; and surrogacy in-pride by any female is in fact viewed very favorably for both high ranking Yae to the lowest slave - many lion slaves are even released into the pride for such a noble service.

Forcing a partner into any act they do not wish of this nature, however, is forbidden - although one must obey a high-ranked pride member in this case, the act of defiling and the act of consent are different - no is ALWAYS to be respected, lest you risk exile, or, more commonly, death.


The Garemaru recognize lion hybrids as normal pride members. The pride long ago when beginning conquest recognized the number of hybrid litters as non-lion lands were claimed; and quickly determined these often infertile hybrids could often have strengths pure bred lions lack. While an imperfect system, there is no stigma against hybrids - some Garemeru will offer unwanted cubs to a hybrid couple seeking their own children, while others may find the pair a surrogate for the infertile parent. Should a hybrid be fertile, a lion mate is encouraged, but not forced -- in fact, lion hybrids have full, equal rights to a lion purebreed. Non-lion Leotahs, however, do not share this benefit. While non-lions may be kept as Aan, they are never freed as full pride members, and are viewed as lesser. This does not prevent them from being used for cubs - but they are viewed as Primal worshippers, and in that extent, are far lessd welcome than lions.

Naming and Joining

All lions born within the Garemaru have three names - a given name, their rank, and their mother's name, if known. For example, one such name for a Tol may be Nero Tol Scaeva, breaking down to Nero, the given name, Tol, their rank, and Scaeva, the mother's name. Rogues whom join freely are not held to this name trend - and are not required to change names, however if they changhe rank, they will be expected to use a Garemaru proper name in the middle to high ranks. In these cases if the mother is not known, the name of the Zos in power may be used - for example, Caligula Van Remus, were the Zos' given name Remus. Tracing the name of the mother prevents inbreeding before third-generation cousins; as a result, rogues of high rank may iin fact be prevented from mating nobility, unless the Zos convinces a Van to share their given name.

While outsider names may often be of any origin, many Garemaru will insist on adopting names of the pride, thus the common naming pool is rooted in Latin, Greek, the Mediterranean, and even Italian.  

Eos Galvus

Shadowy Celebrant

Eos Galvus

Shadowy Celebrant

PostPosted: Sat Dec 19, 2015 9:26 am

The Garemeru offer a class system, coupled with slavery - this caste hierarchy ranges from Royalty, to High Class, Medium Class, Commoners, and Slaves, or Aan.

Lions born as free in the pride may actually achieve any rank by marriage or performance, however higher ranked parents mean more opportunity for high ranks for cubs. Becoming royalty is only achieved by mating within the Royal Family - by becoming mate to the Zos or a Yae

Ranking also impacts names - a lion in the Garemeru may change their name many times throughout their lives. This is based on how the Garemeru name their children.


The Zos is the Emperor, the pride ruler and the one considered to be most in-power. What the Zos says, goes, and it is his line that rules the pride. Usually, the Zos does not die in power, instead stepping down when ready, but murder can and has occured.

Yae are any royal-blooded lion whom has claim to the throne - specifically, as the Zos is male, so to is the Yaes of the pride. Usually, the Zos will select his successor from this pool, but if not, it falls upon a younger brother f he is childless, his eldest son, or eldest nephew.

Any member of the royal family with no claim to the throne - this usually includes female children, mates of those females, and wives, but may include males if the Zos chooses.

High Ranks

The leader of a group of Quo. The Van are proven skilled soldiers, the best in-pride. They may be any rank, and any moral fiber, provided they possess skill, however the morality of a lion may be viewed as critical by some Zos.


While the Tol is not a Van, the Tol is either a Van's right paw, or, in many cases, a jack of all trades with many skills, including those on par with a Magistrate. Tol can operate without a Van and most are considered highly respectable. It is a rle one is born to many times, or adopted to, and the Tol are as dangerous and fearsome as a Van in their own right.

The Nan is another, full fledged jack of all trades, hjowever he focuses his skills in the arts and diplomacy as opposed to the military. The Nan is held accountable for all acts of the Cen in the pride, and there is only one Nan at a given time. The Nan is expected to abandon all of their present goals for the pride at any moment, including crafting wraps for winter or finding and preparing crocodile pelts for use in protection.

The Mid-Ranks

The Master Healers of the pride. There are many mal, as the Mal need only be an expert in healing, and medicine to tend to the pride. Mal are responsible for small groups of lower medics, and when a healing goes wrong, the failure is on them. It is a very high-pressure rank, but a critical one.


The Het are the Priests and Seers of the pride and considered blessed by the Mother Crystal, be it directly or by the kind servitude of a primal. The Het manage pridal religion, using visions to aid the Empire and to maintain the pride festivals and structure. They are held to the religious peak of the pride and many superstitious pride members seek them for advice. All Het are, however, seers, and any cub found to be Het and not born of a primal are taken to be trained immediately.

Oen are the captains of the military, answering to the Tol or Van, and commanding the Quo. Oen are not common but usually are lions whom show exceptional skill and talent for a job in the Military, be it fighting or tactics, and may in fact be called upon by other lions in-pride as such. Oen are very creative, and hard workers - usually, the Oen are the ones counted on to keep the Quo in line.

The medics whom train the Jen. Lux are talented, but not so much experts as capable of a cool head and mobile on their paws, instead of home trying to collaborate large groups. Lux train Jen for healing others, usually in groups of 5-10, and work with the sick and infirm especially, often using herbs determined as safe.



The common soldier. Any military-minded lion may become a Quo, and Quo are held to learn battle, serve in battle, and obey their Van's orders. Surprisingly, many Garemaru believe Quo to be a highly respectable rank, and treat them more middle-class than common. Many Quo are known to keep enemy soldiers as slaves.


Common medics, learning or of average skill. Jen are as hard working as Quo, but avoiding the battlefield fronts and hanging behind to treat the ill often sees them as viewed as cowards. Still, many Jen change that by risking life and limb for the wounded, and many Jen may even get away with scolding higher ranks for injuries otherwise avoided - a rare feat indeed.

Master artisans, bards, merchants, and anyone whom takes up a trade or craft. Cen are the skilled masters of this, and the most sought after for wares and goods. A particularly skilled Cen may supply a Nan or become the Nan themselves and as such argument has been made to treat Cen far better, as they are a large catch-all.

Ban are normal day to day pride members. From cubs to adults, these are the commoners, the normal crafters movers and shakers. Ban hunt, proviide, and keep families and are the heart of the Garemaru's Empire, and attacking a Ban, even a freed slave one, is equal to inviting capture and enslavement or death.

Low Class

Slaves. Slaves are any lion taken prisoner, or leopards and cheetahs foolish enough to draw too close. Aan do what they are told, and while protected, are treated as goods by many, and living beings by others. Criminals may also become Aan, regardless of rank. Seriously - Aan still have it rough, but do enjoy better treatment than outsiders whom don't join at all.  
PostPosted: Sat Dec 19, 2015 9:31 am
Joining the Garemaru Teikoku

The Garemaru Teikoku is always open for joining! At this point the pride is recovering, and has welcomed a massive rogue influx while searching for the lost heir, whom is to ascend to Zos when the pride becomes official formally. The Garemaru naming trend is NOT required, while if you'd like to use it you may for ay SoA you'd like for long-term members.

If you would like to use the new Zos for a full Garlean name, and do not have a mother for your SoA, feel free to use a female Roman name, or Greek (EG: Rhea or Arachne for example). Otherwise don't worry!

Old Members
[b]I'm an old Garemaru member. Long live the Empire![/b][/size][/color]
[b]SoA Name:[/b]
[b]Rank:[/b] (Aan - Van. Remember, Leopards, Cheetahs, and Leotahs are all Aan only, but lion hybrids and lions may use any rank up to Van!)

New Members
[color=darkred][size=12][b]I'm new! Hail the Garemaru![/b][/size][/color]
[b]SoA Name:[/b]
[b]Desired Rank:[/b] (Up to Van. Leopards, Cheetahs, and Leotahs are Aan-only!

[b]I am an allied Primal![/b][/size][/color]
[b]God Name:[/b]
[b]Rank:[/b] Primal
[b]Joining reason:[/b]

Eos Galvus

Shadowy Celebrant

Eos Galvus

Shadowy Celebrant

PostPosted: Mon Dec 21, 2015 9:58 am
PostPosted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 9:21 am
THIS IS STILL A THING. RL just beat my a** with a trout.  

Eos Galvus

Shadowy Celebrant

Eos Galvus

Shadowy Celebrant

PostPosted: Fri Jan 15, 2016 9:59 am
Beep beep  
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