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It had been a busy time. Maditah had kept out of the way for the most part, though she had made sure she was there when the new hunting party had left for their trip and had lingered when everyone had relocated to talk about it and keep each other company. The nervousness lingered just below the surface of the pride, as almost everyone held concern for the Mkhulu party members. Maditah herself didn't really know any of the hunting party personaly, though she had met one of the Cinga, Ilanga, and knew of a couple of others by name and face. She had spoken to several lionesses after the hunters had set off, but eventually the group had started to break up as the pride resumed normal habits. Now, she was once again on the perifery of a group of lionesses currently napping. Their gossip earlier had all been focused on the hunt, but finally they had run settled down to rest. Maditah however couldn't sleep, thought her thoughts were slow and broad. She had finally been settling into this new land, forging the start of a relationship with her pride-sisters. But during quiet times, like now, her mind wandered to a land far away from here.