So this is going to be one short and simple post - I have some Ela, and they have no mates! Below are the Ela, what they're looking for, and some restrictions that might apply to them!

-Whoops, remembered something for Kubwa, ROFL-

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Luyu's been around the pride for some time - She and her brother and sisters were the first litter born in the Mantis Clan after its reformation! So she's looking for a male that's somewhat close in age. He can be a bit older, or a bit younger, she doesn't mind either way. She's just starting to get impatient with the whole Love Game.

She has some of the same restrictions as two others in this post - She's related to a fair chunk of lions! Her prospective mate can't trace back to the following lions: Mufasa, Sarabi, Asi'kari, Mng'ariza(The first Mng'ariza in the shop), Miira/Whatever her name is now, or Nyekundu(The first - He's hard to miss, for those unfamiliar, it's where her pinks tripe comes from)

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Ani is a quiet lion despite his youth, and despite the bravado of at least two of his brothers. He's also feeling something his father once felt - A tad engulfed by his family! He's looking for a lioness that is preferably in another clan. He has no age preferences, though, or preference on looks.

His restrictions are the same as his sister, Luyu

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Aiyana finds some irony in that her brother, the clan nvwati, is a seer, as she herself is. She's looking for a guy that's preferably NOT a seer, since she's not sure if the ability will pass or not. She's quite afraid it will. She doesn't mind age gaps between herself and a potential mate, but she actually has a visual preference - Somebody more naturally colored(Unlike her father's mother's side, which... Obviously runs a bit colorful)! She'd also prefer he be a born member of the pride!

Her restrictions are mostly the same as her great-aunt and great-uncle, with some added bonus of lions to look out for in the tree: Amagada Atadiusti(In fact I think she has a brother in another clan!), Ona'raha Subiani, um... I brainfarted on Rehema's parents' names, but them, too! (Not many around still, on the plus?)

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Tiponi... Is actually not entirely sure what she wants! Well, personality-wise or age-wise, at least. She does know she's looking for a guy who is preferably earthy in colors! It feels more appropriate, given the position she's taking on - The Earth Clan's alu'nadi! While she would prefer he come from a new family, too, as she's also from a new family(In fact, she, her brothers, and her sisters are the first generation of the Ayatidoli family born into the pride), she wouldn't be above her mate being from an old family! So long as he's okay moving clans, of course!

Her restrictions are fairly narrow on what to avoid, meaning most of the pride is free to apply if they can - Nobody who traces back to Bodaway, Miira, or is a first cousin on her mother's side! Which is very unlikely to happen, since she still has relatively few cousins and her six second-cousins on her mother's side are all cubs!