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Moose: There was a chill in the air by the time Asta felt ready to travel. The setting sun acted as a guide for the darker lion, leading him further north in his quest to find himself. Vaguely he thought of home and family, something he had abandoned in a rush. The sunset reminded him of his families pelt patterns, with layers of color stacked on top of one another. It was charming, but brought a pang of loneliness to him. Shaking it off, Asta continued forward, keeping an eye out for vigilante rogues. He didn't trust them, not a damn one, and didn't want to be caught off guard while musing of home.

nessiaing: Torolf shook out his mane. He missed the cliffs of home but at the same time he was loving this new found freedom. He fit in well with the Reaving group he had joined. They were mostly all young, his captain only a bit older than he was.

Right now Torolf had wondered off on his own a little, it was his first time out in the rogue lands as such he was pretty curious, the others had been out before and didn't care to explore the way he wanted to. The setting sun cast a new glow on everything and Torolf was amazed by it.

Moose: His pale gaze took in the variety of pigments in the sky above him, before looking down to the watering hole. He had come across it a few moments ago; a welcome relief, in so many ways. Prey beasts lurked near fresh water so both his hunger and thirst could be sated all in one evening. If he was lucky enough, of course.

Asta dipped his head to lap up some water, eyes drifting up before catching a dark shape. Almost instantly he scowled. Rogues. Of course they would be near by. He'd already had more than enough run ins with them in the past, and wasn't about to let a stray take over his spot.

So he stood up, slowly observing the stranger. If he was lucky the other would leave.

nessiaing: Torolf froze for a moment when he saw the other male down by the water. By nature Torolf was large like many of those born in the Stormborn. Since he had been in the lands Torolf had learned that rogues were no where near as unfriendly as his brothers and sisters atback home.

"I mean no harm." Torolf called out before continuing towards the other male. Perhaps he should leave him alone, based on the scowl pressed on the other's lips the other male didn't want company. Torolf couldn't hellp himself though, he wanted to learn more about the outside world and the only way he could do that was too talk to the rogues he found out here.

Moose: Even by most pridal standards Asta was a big male, with broad shoulders and a thick jawline. He tilted his head, giving the other a good once over. If things got rough he might have a challenge on his hands, but Asta would never back down.

Still, he didn't seem aggressive, but rather naive. If Asta had set a trap this male would be walking straight into it. In truth Asta would have preferred if the other male just walked away. At this point he wasn't worried about a threat so much as he was concerned he would have to make small talk. "Can't say the same thing about me if you get too close."

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nessiaing: Torolf stopped in his tracks a frown passing over his lips. This was the first confintational rogue he had come across. "Well then." he said pausing for a moment. Despite being a good fighter Torolf got little to no pleasure from actually fighting. Nor did he really feel like fighting this particular male.

"Well the problem is you are inbetween me and the water." Torolf finally said, realizing that perhaps a chat with this particular male wasn't going to be the one that Torolf would be able to learn all the secrets of the rogue lands from.

Moose: "It's a big watering hole, you can go around." Asta replied coolly. While he wasn't intentionally trying to sound rude, his surly attitude clenched it. His papa had taught him to treat every new instance with a calm, collected attitude. Now that he was sure this wasn't hostile that's what he tried to embody. If things got interesting, he would lighten up, or if they go rough he wouldn't be caught off guard.

So really, the only problem here wasn't his guarding of the water so much as the other's perception of his attitude. Not that Asta realized, oh no.

nessiaing: Torolf huffed, unable to hide his fustration in this situation. Rumblings of a desire to fight seemed to be rising within him, he had been spending too much time with the Reavers. "You are being unreasonable. I am going to walk past you and get my drink of water." Torolf declared boldly before stepping towards the other male and the water.

He stayed to the strangers right hand side. He wasn't going to fight the male he was going to get his drink of water than move on. It was the only mature thing to do. So much for learning more about the rogue lands. he thought to himself.

Moose: "I'm being unreasonable? When I was the first one here, and it's obviously large enough for you to simply walk to a different spot?" Asta snorted. Naturally the other male would choose to get as close as possible to him, likely just to prove his point. The nerve of some rogues. Whatever kind of lawless land they lived in he wanted no part in it. There had to be some kind of order to be found out here, but it certainly didn't reside in this male.

Asta dipped his head for another drink, keeping an eye on the male through his peripheral vision.

nessiaing: Torolf didn't bother to respond to the other male again. He simply dipped his head to drink. He took his time and made sure he had gotten his fill before her lifted his again. Licking the remaining liquid from his lips he turned back around paying no attention the the male he had been speaking too only moments ago.

He began the walk back to his Reaving group, no doubt they would be moving along soon. It was always easier to raid others during the dark of night. Clearly today wasn't the day he would learn anymore about the rogue lands than he already knew.