She couldn't handle the fact that he was becoming squishy. It was his other mother that made them this way. Already the other sons were going in to training and her son wanted to go in to medicine. Not a flat chance. At the sight of his lack of rich hues mane, she pulled his nose out of a potion making class.

"Time to train." She barked.

"Huh- But- MAAA~~~" He whined, and her face became stern. He looked back at her gingerly as he lowered his head and followed after her. Didn't he get enough fighting from his mother. Enough rumble and tumble action, he guessed that his mother wouldn't even hear it now. When she pushed him along through one of the deeper, unmined caves- she pointed at the dead end with a look of pure judgement. "You will be mining today."

He shook his head. "Aren't there miners for this kinda job~" He asked. She growled in response and he went in. Pathetic at first with how he pushed in to one of the harder parts of the ground.

"Com'on~! Get in there!" She barked.

As he went in to a dive again for more dirt. This lasted well over two hours of her barking at him. Looking over his shoulder, she couldn't believe how small the hole was. "You will dig this all night. Your brother will get another." Turning around and leaving him to his devices. For this, she won't tell Hadeth as this, was something he needed to do, for his training and she would stand by that.

Seve wasn't completely optimistic. His rambunctious play was enough, but medicines were also cool! He sighed as he continued to dig like his mother had told him. Wait... when did he ever really do what his mother had told him?

Ears flickered one way, then the next.

They could just SWITCH places, or even better. Help each other with the tunnels, or an even BETTER idea, would be to go off and do their own thing. All viable options.

What he hadn't anticipated, was her mother being more near than he hoped to believe. It wasn't a good option, but he did it.