Meinfoo had settled into pack life well. He was happy to say that he was happy and was doing well. This pack was perfect for him. He got to live in and amongst others but at the same time he got the luxury of moving around seeing the world. Better yet he was able to get out and see the world.

Recently Meinfoo had gotten a partner. Rei was a new dog in the pack and a fellow liaison. Meinfoo liked having someone to go out to the packs and prides that they visited. Plus Rei had an amazing little bell that jingled as they walked and Meinfoo loved hearing the jingle of the bell, it was musical. Today though Meinfoo was on his own, something that didn't happen often with a new partner and a twin brother that were always around.

Neoni was exhausted. She had found out some interesting information about her friend Kumo and she wasn't sure what to do about the information that he had given her. She shook her head as she tried the clear her thoughts, though her mind still wandered as she took to a well worn path. Sometimes the brightly colored female followed the same paths as the Shields as they patrolled and sometimes marked her own paths. Today she walked the borders, humming softly to herself. Perhaps she could go find Kumo... or perhaps something would find her first.

Meinfoo was light on his toes as her approached Saba'Nyumba. The purple accented wild dog was excited to be approaching the pack he had been sent out to visit. Aera had come out this way a few times and Meinfoo always had a great time there.

When he spotted a bright wild dog ahead he knew he had reached the pack's borders. He looked over the female wild dog. He had never met her before he pasted a smile on his face, Meinfoo liked meeting new souls, making friends was his thing and just one of the reasons he was a liaison for his pack.

Neo'ni ' s ears were perked forward, she wasn't quite sure what she was look for today, but something would be better than nothing. The pack was rather small still, so she wasn't quite sure what to do about that, and all the pups were grown. She gave a huff, tossing her head to look around. The patrol had probably already passed this area! When she had tossed her head, something brightly colored caught her eyes. She wasn't an artisan but she liked shiny or pretty things. She, of course, did not expect it to be another dog! Especially one she did not recognize.

Meinfoo kept his ears perked and his tail high. He was making it clear that he was a friend, not only to the female wild dog he was approaching but also the pack he knew was behind her. Saba was a pack that Meinfoo liked to visit, it had a different structure than most have several houses all based on different elements.

"I come in peace and friendship." he called to the bright female, his tone was light and his smile large. No one could ever mistake Meinfoo as a threat, he was far to chipper. "My name is Meinfoo." he told her as he finally made it to her sitting neatly on the ground coiling his tail around himself.

Neoni perked up, and she smiled. "Hello, I am Neo'ni." She was somewhat of a recluse, really, often staying in her den when visiters came through. Most of the time they disrupted her.

Elly was working on making her less shy though, so this was a perfect opportunity. "What brings you here?" She asked. The other dog's chipper disposition was a bit contagious, Neoni found, as she gave him a smile as sat down herself.

Pleased that the female wild dog seemed to be relax a little. It was the one part of his job that Meinfoo hated the most. Sometimes when he visited other prides and pack he put them on edge. It was never a good feeling to be treated as though you mistrustful.

"I came from Aerastouvios, we are a nomad pack." he told her with a smile. "We pass through her sometimes and stay awhile. Though I must admit I have never seen you before. Are you new to the pack?" Meinfoo asked. He wanted to know more about the female wild dog and since she seemed willing to talk Meinfoo thought he should take this opportunity while it lasted.

Neo'ni wagged her tail - she had heard of the pack, quite recently in fact! The Aerastouvios was the pack that Kumo had belonged to, when he was a pup. She felt a bit of a draw to it, but not enough to leave her own pack. Still, she was interested.

"I've heard of your pack," She told the purple male. "I'm not new though," she said shyly. "I don't really come out much..."

Meinfoo cocked his head to the side. He didn't understand why the strike wild dog would hide herself away. "You are fair to pretty to stay inside all the time." he told her in all honesty. It wasn't meant as a pick up line but as truth.

"What do you say you lead me into te pack. I am going to wait here until my pack catchs up. I'd love to get to know you better in that time?" he asked. The female who apparently hid herself away had peaked Meinfoo's interest, knowing that she didn't get out much made him want to know that much more about her. "What do you say?" he asked offering her a charming smile.

The pink dog flushed, covering her face a bit with her paw. She didn't think she was any prettier than the next dog. "Ah, I suppose I could," She said, still shy. She was uncertain, though, of his intentions. She'd never been so flustered in her life!

"Ah, this way..." she spoke again, leading him deeper into the pack lands, flustered, but cheerful. Perhaps today would be a more interesting day than she thought....!