Hello! Welcome to my singles/plot thread! This is where I will obviously be putting my singles and such. It's the biggest rage right now so I figured I'd join in with the fun. <3
I'm all for roleplaying, but I can be at times super slow with it. My muse will be on fire for a couple of days and then just die completely off. So I'm perfectly fine with backplotting and such as well. So be prepared for a bit of slowness on my end. Especially if you're wanting to do stuff with a Soq that's not part of my Adelle/Neva plot line that I've been working on for like yeaaaaars. Which I promise the main parts of it I'm trying to get wrapped up by the end of this year. I have a goal! Anyways!
If you have had a plot planned with me in the past, a breeding, etc. most of those offers I am considering null and void. There are many plots that I'd been thinking about for some of my ponies but with my crazy schedule, changing computers multiple times, etc. things have been forgotten and lost. If there was something you'd still like to do, please bring it up to me and I'll probably still consider it.
Ways to contact me are by posting here in this thread, pming me, or catching me on Aim or Skype, my username to both: pippi18848
Just please let me know who you are when you contact me. smile
I'm all for roleplaying, but I can be at times super slow with it. My muse will be on fire for a couple of days and then just die completely off. So I'm perfectly fine with backplotting and such as well. So be prepared for a bit of slowness on my end. Especially if you're wanting to do stuff with a Soq that's not part of my Adelle/Neva plot line that I've been working on for like yeaaaaars. Which I promise the main parts of it I'm trying to get wrapped up by the end of this year. I have a goal! Anyways!
If you have had a plot planned with me in the past, a breeding, etc. most of those offers I am considering null and void. There are many plots that I'd been thinking about for some of my ponies but with my crazy schedule, changing computers multiple times, etc. things have been forgotten and lost. If there was something you'd still like to do, please bring it up to me and I'll probably still consider it.
Ways to contact me are by posting here in this thread, pming me, or catching me on Aim or Skype, my username to both: pippi18848
Just please let me know who you are when you contact me. smile