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Pip's Singles/Plots Thread!

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Sparkly Genius

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 28, 2016 6:55 pm

Hello! Welcome to my singles/plot thread! This is where I will obviously be putting my singles and such. It's the biggest rage right now so I figured I'd join in with the fun. <3

I'm all for roleplaying, but I can be at times super slow with it. My muse will be on fire for a couple of days and then just die completely off. So I'm perfectly fine with backplotting and such as well. So be prepared for a bit of slowness on my end. Especially if you're wanting to do stuff with a Soq that's not part of my Adelle/Neva plot line that I've been working on for like yeaaaaars. Which I promise the main parts of it I'm trying to get wrapped up by the end of this year. I have a goal! Anyways!

If you have had a plot planned with me in the past, a breeding, etc. most of those offers I am considering null and void. There are many plots that I'd been thinking about for some of my ponies but with my crazy schedule, changing computers multiple times, etc. things have been forgotten and lost. If there was something you'd still like to do, please bring it up to me and I'll probably still consider it.

Ways to contact me are by posting here in this thread, pming me, or catching me on Aim or Skype, my username to both: pippi18848
Just please let me know who you are when you contact me. smile
PostPosted: Thu Jan 28, 2016 6:56 pm

Single Mares:

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Name: Neva
Personality: Well, she's a skinwalker that is hellbent on destroying her family. While she's a skinwalker, she's not bloodthirsty. She has no problems killing things to eat, but just to kill to kill, it's to messy for her. What she does is she messes with their heads, causes them doubt, and pain. She'll attack and cause some physical injuries after she's messed with their thoughts, but for her knowing that they'll forever be haunted by her in their dreams gives her great satisfaction.


She's one that I'm shooting for eldership with. So if you have any plots that require a skinwalker, I'm down for it, especially if it could help me with her eldership path.

- War against her family's herd, the Silver Willow Bell herd.
- Kidnapping a basket, and raising the foal to become her own personal minion.
- Encounters with old family


-Fling Only, very picky since she's my main plot baby.

1. Megapi- Done
2. Volkajin[sp? One of Draco's troll stallions]- Done
3. Available
4. Available
5. Available


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Name: Lavanya
Personality: Lavanya is a Lady Knight. She trained with Claude in Knighthood so she could better able protect her family from her sister Neva. Devoting most of her life to protecting her family has left little time for socializing outside of the family, much to her mother's dismay.


-Skinwalker Attack!: She's attacked by a skinwalker when out gathering things for the herd.
-Friends?: What is the meaning of this friend concept? I'd like for someone that tries to become friends with her. While I'd like for them to stick it out until they do, it's possible that they get fed up with her obsession of hunting down her skinwalker sister and protecting her family.


Lifemate only, unless you have a really good fling plot

1. Available
2. Available
3. Available
4. Available

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Personality: Nirmala is well, a very fascinating flutter. One of her favorite activites to do is well, stab others. Usually when she's shrunk down in size, and just stabs someone with her knife. Which is usually just a pin p***k when she's that small though, but it's enough to usually annoy someone. She'll have some sort of reasoning behind it which is usually off the wall, like they nudged the leaf she was resting on or breathed on the flower she was hiding in.


Nothing really in the works. Got any ideas, send 'em my way.


Fling or Lifemate

1. Eidan- Done
2. Available
3. Available
4. Available

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Name: Shikoba
Personality: Shikoba is part of the Flock, and as an older member, she very much follows the traditions and customs of the Flock. She doesn't much care for the idea of a male being equal to her and looks down on those sisters that do.


Nothing really, but Plots that are Flock based feel free to hit me up on. <3


1. Gaurda[sp?]- Done
2. Available
3. Available
4. Available

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Personality: In the works


None, feel free to suggest some


Fling or Lifemate

1. Available
2. Available
3. Available
4. Available

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Personality: Skylark is one who enjoys life, or at least she tries to. She's one of her mother's guardians though so she doesn't always get to enjoy life the way she wants to, but she loves her mother dearly, despite the fact her mother has gotten them in some pretty sticky situations.


Not anything yet.


Most likely lifemate, since she's to busy taking care of her mother to raise children on her own.

1. Available
2. Available
3. Available
4. Available

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Sparkly Genius

12,615 Points
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Sparkly Genius

12,615 Points
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 28, 2016 6:57 pm


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PostPosted: Thu Jan 28, 2016 6:58 pm

Lifemated but Need plots

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Sparkly Genius

12,615 Points
  • Tycoon 200
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Sparkly Genius

12,615 Points
  • Tycoon 200
  • Wall Street 200
  • Money Never Sleeps 200
PostPosted: Thu Jan 28, 2016 6:59 pm

PostPosted: Thu Jan 28, 2016 7:01 pm



Sparkly Genius

12,615 Points
  • Tycoon 200
  • Wall Street 200
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