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Shauku was taking time to recover. Time that didn't truly seem like hers to take, but had she returned to the pride weak and blubbering that would be no good. So she allowed herself the moment to become mentally and physically stable again, blossoming into her former glory right before her newest companions eyes.

"Good morning." She casually purred to the regal male lion that had spotted her and likely saved her life. "How did you sleep?" The words were smooth and almost carried a caress to the cheek of the one she spoke to. Soon as the words were free she began slowly lifting her body, stretching, yawning and moving to her paws. Her tongue stuck to her mouth out of the shear dryness of the roguelands. A dryness she had grown unfortunatley accustomed to until recently.

As she slipped away from her companion she quickly shot out a.. " are you coming with me for a drink?" But that was it, no waiting, no holding herself away from the desires she felt, a thirst for water. Her gut wanted nothing more than the smooth, refreshing, chilly feeling of a cold sip.

As he laid there watching her like a hawk he noticed how she was finally awakening. She had slept for a good while, which was good in his eyes. She needed the rest. And there was still plenty of meat left if she wanted to eat anymore. She looked a whole lot better and this pleased him a great deal. He was glad he had found her when he had, or else who knows.

"Good morning." He said back with a warm smile and he chuckled when she asked how he slept. "Oh, I didn't really sleep much at all. I wanted to make sure you were alright so I stood watch." He said with a nod of his head. He'd gone without sleep before and this was nothing different to him. His God blood probably helped a lot with that.

As he watched her stretch he noticed that she seemed to have much better reaction time. Not that he was an expert at medical details or anything. As she slipped away and turned back to him he gave a chuckle and stood up and followed behind her. "why of course." He followed her towards where some water was located. It really wasn't too far way.

"Did you sleep well? I thought you were dead at one point you were so exhausted." He said with a raised brow. He spotted the water and knew she was probably going to want to start gulping it down. "Do remember to take it slow, we don't want you to get sick from drinking to fast." He said warmly.

A watchful eye, caring heart and many other small things sprouted a tingly feeling throughout her body. If she hadn't known better she'd say that she was feeling something for the lion that had saved her. It wouldn't be entirely out of the ordinary to produce feelings towards another in this scenario and so she allowed herself to like the feeling. "I'll be slow, promise." Her laps at the refreshing drink almost stalled with how slow she was taking it. His reminder was necessary, as she recalled her first attempt at drinking which resulted in heaving. Shaking the memory from her mind she paused long enough to breath and continue their conversation.

"I slept very well, sorry to startle you, I was extraordinarily tired." Soon as Shauku spoke she realized how much she had been stating the obvious, but the words were free to float about between the two and all she could do was give a small smile and return to her drink. Shortly after another deep gulp she dropped her rump and simply began to enjoy breathing, her surroundings and her company. But in the back of her mind, all she could think of was her home.

He smiled when she gave her promise and then her joined her to drink from the cool waters. It felt nourishing and he felt himself relax. He hadn't realized how tense he had been feeling, really it was just worry because he had been worried about this lioness. He hadn't been sure she would make it through the night, but she did and this relieved him a great deal.

"I'm very pleased that you slept well, your body needed it. And no need to apologize, you have been through a rough ordeal." He said to her with kindness in his eyes and voice. He watched her as she drank some more and then took a seat. He laid down beside her and just allowed the silence to surround them for a couple of moments. It was nice, though he was sure her silence wasn't to enjoy the scenery. "I'm sure they're going to be okay." He said looking at her reassuringly.

His voice seemed to startle her out of her small trance-like state. The words brought a smile to her suddenly sad looking face and she blinked away tears that threatened the brims. "I'm sure you're right. I have a bad habit of worrying for nothing." A smile broke, replacing the sad features, and she nearly let loose a giggle at her own silliness.

"I just miss the sound of a drum beating, the rhythmic stomp of paw steps and the chanting." Her eyes lit up as she spoke to the memories. Ones she knew she'd relive again, but it was a matter of when. Her return would be important - this she knew - her thoughts went to their Malenga and how she had felt prior to the flood, prior to the problems that occurred. It was something Shauku knew she'd have to correct rather quickly.

He watched her carefully and let out a soft sigh. "I'm sure your worries aren't for nothing. You have been through a great ordeal." He said to her reaching out a paw to touch her leg gently in a comforting sort of way.He listened as she spoke of missing things about her pride and he watched how it brought life to her as she did. "It sounds like a lovely place." He said to her as he imagined it in his mind. "Perhaps I can travel with you? Help you find them?" He offered to her. He really had nothing to do and he felt a strong need to make sure she got to where she was going. Or at least near where she was going before heading off on his own again.

Suddenly she decided to stand, a pacing was definitely in her near future. Her thoughts were teaming with the millions of things that might be going on at home. She was depending on so many sources to keep the pride together, to keep Nantale together. Her paws stretched, opening her toes and claws came out for a brief time.

"You would come with me? It's not to far out of your way?"

A thought had occurred to her, perhaps he had to be somewhere? Had he mentioned anything? A home, a mate, anything? Embarrassed by the thought she only glanced at him when she asked the question then right back to the water her eyes went. She ought to have been ashamed of herself for how selfish she was being.

He watched as she stood and up and he hoped she was alright. "I would come with you, if you wanted me to." He said with a firm nod as he stood up and looked down at her. "It's not too far out of my way, I promise." He said to her with a warm smile. He watched her for a little bit more and then looked back from the direction they had came. "Did you want to eat any more of what I brought before heading on our way?" He suggested as he took another drink of water.

"The company would be an honor." Her smile was broad now and happiness glowed brightly in her eyes. A companion through all this would be a great treat.

At the offer of food her stomach gave a great growl. "Food." Her one word said it all, though the growl from her stomach likely would have been enough. She starving! Not nearly as much as she had been prior to her companions arrival, but hungry enough. "A meal, then we leave."

"The honor is all mine." He said to her with a bow. He was pleased that she was starting to get more life in her and this made him feel very pleased because she was gaining her spirit back. He heard her stomach growl in response to his mention of food and he chuckled lightly. "Yes, let's get us some food and then we can be off." He said as he escorted her back to where they had met.
